Gallup Survey: Americans Push Back on Government Activism
It was 35 years ago when Ronald Reagan said at a press conference, “The most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government and I’m here to help.” And for most of the last three decades, a majority of Americans agreed with the Gipper. Last year marked only ...
Rowena Itchon
October 19, 2021
Wayne Winegarden and Kerry Jackson – California Migrating
Our guests in this podcast are Wayne Winegarden, PRI senior fellow in business and economics and Kerry Jackson, PRI fellow on California Reform. Wayne and Kerry co-authored PRI’s new study “California Migrating,” which reveals the root causes of the outmigration by California residents and businesses. The state’s detrimental policies have ...
Pacific Research Institute
October 18, 2021
Gas-Powered Lawn Equipment Ban Another Major Burden on Minority Entrepreneurs
Not surprisingly, Gov. Newsom signed controversial legislation (Assembly Bill 1346) to ban the sale of gas-powered lawn equipment. The new law will be another costly burden on the estimated nearly 8,300 landscaping businesses in the state, many of whom are minority entrepreneurs. It’s the latest in a series of taxes, ...
Tim Anaya
October 18, 2021
Democrats Have Built a Healthcare Agenda Around an Imaginary Crisis
Is America in the midst of a health insurance crisis? That’s the picture Democrats in Washington are painting. According to their narrative, health coverage is out of reach for a number of Americans. Only an aggressive — and exorbitantly expensive — effort to expand the number of people covered by taxpayer-funded insurance ...
Sally C. Pipes
October 15, 2021
The Untold Story of the Unspent Covid Dollars
It was recently uncovered that back in July, Sen. Joe Manchin outlined his views on the $3.5 trillion social spending package in a memo to Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer. In that document, Manchin specified that no funds should be distributed until after all the money from the $1.9 trillion ...
Rowena Itchon
October 14, 2021
KFBK Interviews Wayne Winegarden on CA Migrating Study
Pacific Research Institute senior fellow and economist Dr. Wayne Winegarden joined the KFBK Morning News to talk about Tesla’s latest announcement that it’s moving its HQ to Texas and the findings in PRI’s most recent study “California Migrating.” Winegarden and hosts Sam Shane and Cristina Mendonsa talk about reasons for ...
Pacific Research Institute
October 13, 2021
Two Steps in the Right Direction for Free-Market Policy Ideas
2021 can best be described as another year of progressive advancement in the once-Golden State. However, there were some notable free market policy achievements that are worth applauding, specifically two bills signed by Gov. Newsom in recent days. While neither of these bills could truly be described as true policy ...
Tim Anaya
October 12, 2021
Bears, Vetoes, and Recalls
What do a man in a bear suit, a recall, and California Governor Gavin Newsom have in common? They are all part of a stranger than fiction story about the latest bill to fall victim to the Governor’s veto pen. This week, Governor Newsom vetoed California Senate Bill 660. Don’t ...
Evan Harris
October 11, 2021
Sunday Morning Newsmakers Features Saving California
Steven Greenhut, editor of the new PRI book “Saving California,” joined Larry Marino on KRLA’s Sunday Morning Newsmakers to talk about the California recall, wildfires, and the many public policy woes facing the state. Greenhut gives a detailed breakdown of the controversy around the Newsom administration’s misstated wildfire prevention efforts ...
Pacific Research Institute
October 8, 2021
Two Years After Voters Said No, Special Interests Try Again to Pass Split Roll
Not quite a year ago, California voters rejected a ballot measure that would have partially unwound Proposition 13, the landmark initiative that set off an “entrepreneurial and commercial explosion” and “a second California gold rush.” Supporters of the “split roll,” a tax regime in which residential properties retain their Prop. ...
Kerry Jackson
October 8, 2021
Gallup Survey: Americans Push Back on Government Activism
It was 35 years ago when Ronald Reagan said at a press conference, “The most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government and I’m here to help.” And for most of the last three decades, a majority of Americans agreed with the Gipper. Last year marked only ...
Wayne Winegarden and Kerry Jackson – California Migrating
Our guests in this podcast are Wayne Winegarden, PRI senior fellow in business and economics and Kerry Jackson, PRI fellow on California Reform. Wayne and Kerry co-authored PRI’s new study “California Migrating,” which reveals the root causes of the outmigration by California residents and businesses. The state’s detrimental policies have ...
Gas-Powered Lawn Equipment Ban Another Major Burden on Minority Entrepreneurs
Not surprisingly, Gov. Newsom signed controversial legislation (Assembly Bill 1346) to ban the sale of gas-powered lawn equipment. The new law will be another costly burden on the estimated nearly 8,300 landscaping businesses in the state, many of whom are minority entrepreneurs. It’s the latest in a series of taxes, ...
Democrats Have Built a Healthcare Agenda Around an Imaginary Crisis
Is America in the midst of a health insurance crisis? That’s the picture Democrats in Washington are painting. According to their narrative, health coverage is out of reach for a number of Americans. Only an aggressive — and exorbitantly expensive — effort to expand the number of people covered by taxpayer-funded insurance ...
The Untold Story of the Unspent Covid Dollars
It was recently uncovered that back in July, Sen. Joe Manchin outlined his views on the $3.5 trillion social spending package in a memo to Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer. In that document, Manchin specified that no funds should be distributed until after all the money from the $1.9 trillion ...
KFBK Interviews Wayne Winegarden on CA Migrating Study
Pacific Research Institute senior fellow and economist Dr. Wayne Winegarden joined the KFBK Morning News to talk about Tesla’s latest announcement that it’s moving its HQ to Texas and the findings in PRI’s most recent study “California Migrating.” Winegarden and hosts Sam Shane and Cristina Mendonsa talk about reasons for ...
Two Steps in the Right Direction for Free-Market Policy Ideas
2021 can best be described as another year of progressive advancement in the once-Golden State. However, there were some notable free market policy achievements that are worth applauding, specifically two bills signed by Gov. Newsom in recent days. While neither of these bills could truly be described as true policy ...
Bears, Vetoes, and Recalls
What do a man in a bear suit, a recall, and California Governor Gavin Newsom have in common? They are all part of a stranger than fiction story about the latest bill to fall victim to the Governor’s veto pen. This week, Governor Newsom vetoed California Senate Bill 660. Don’t ...
Sunday Morning Newsmakers Features Saving California
Steven Greenhut, editor of the new PRI book “Saving California,” joined Larry Marino on KRLA’s Sunday Morning Newsmakers to talk about the California recall, wildfires, and the many public policy woes facing the state. Greenhut gives a detailed breakdown of the controversy around the Newsom administration’s misstated wildfire prevention efforts ...
Two Years After Voters Said No, Special Interests Try Again to Pass Split Roll
Not quite a year ago, California voters rejected a ballot measure that would have partially unwound Proposition 13, the landmark initiative that set off an “entrepreneurial and commercial explosion” and “a second California gold rush.” Supporters of the “split roll,” a tax regime in which residential properties retain their Prop. ...