

A Rare California Victory for Cutting Government Regulations

While criticizing California’s blue state agenda from a limited-government perspective requires little effort, it can be a wearying exercise. So it’s particularly refreshing when the legislature passes, and the governor signs, a bill that eases up on the bureaucracy. Even when the new law doesn’t do much. Because it creates ...

Despite Record Rainfall, California’s Politician-Created Drought Persists

Like most Sacramentans on Sunday, I was out in the pouring rain raking leaves out of the street gutters, trying to keep water from coming into the house during our record day of rainfall. Every year during moderate to heavy storms, I like to joke that I live on “Lake ...
Business & Economics

Jon Miltimore – The Push for Socialism and Economic Restrictions in the Name of the Pandemic

Enjoy this recent conversation between Jon Miltimore of the Foundation for Economic Education and PRI’s Evan Harris for our Young Leaders Circle Speaker Series.  They discuss socialism, progressive politics, economic news, and the latest pandemic restrictions.

In California, The Prohibitions Just Keep On Comin’

Much has become verboten in some form or fashion in California. Consumer-friendly items such as single-use plastic bags that had been customarily given to grocery store customers, plastic straws (unless asked for by patrons), and plastic water bottles and foam food containers in some locales are the featured trophies on ...

Local Government COVID-19 Relief Funds Bonuses for Government Workers

Earlier this year, Congress enacted $350 billion in “state and local government aid” as part of the so-called American Rescue Plan.  This is in addition to receiving $150 billion in relief in the first federal Coronavirus Relief Fund enacted in March 2020, and which according to a recent estimate, state ...

Gallup Survey: Americans Push Back on Government Activism

It was 35 years ago when Ronald Reagan said at a press conference, “The most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government and I’m here to help.”  And for most of the last three decades, a majority of Americans agreed with the Gipper.  Last year marked only ...

Wayne Winegarden and Kerry Jackson – California Migrating

Our guests in this podcast are Wayne Winegarden, PRI senior fellow in business and economics and Kerry Jackson, PRI fellow on California Reform.  Wayne and Kerry co-authored PRI’s new study “California Migrating,” which reveals the root causes of the outmigration by California residents and businesses. The state’s detrimental policies have ...

Gas-Powered Lawn Equipment Ban Another Major Burden on Minority Entrepreneurs

Not surprisingly, Gov. Newsom signed controversial legislation (Assembly Bill 1346) to ban the sale of gas-powered lawn equipment. The new law will be another costly burden on the estimated nearly 8,300 landscaping businesses in the state, many of whom are minority entrepreneurs.  It’s the latest in a series of taxes, ...

Democrats Have Built a Healthcare Agenda Around an Imaginary Crisis

Is America in the midst of a health insurance crisis? That’s the picture Democrats in Washington are painting. According to their narrative, health coverage is out of reach for a number of Americans. Only an aggressive — and exorbitantly expensive — effort to expand the number of people covered by taxpayer-funded insurance ...

The Untold Story of the Unspent Covid Dollars

It was recently uncovered that back in July, Sen. Joe Manchin outlined his views on the $3.5 trillion social spending package in a memo to Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer.  In that document, Manchin specified that no funds should be distributed until after all the money from the $1.9 trillion ...

A Rare California Victory for Cutting Government Regulations

While criticizing California’s blue state agenda from a limited-government perspective requires little effort, it can be a wearying exercise. So it’s particularly refreshing when the legislature passes, and the governor signs, a bill that eases up on the bureaucracy. Even when the new law doesn’t do much. Because it creates ...

Despite Record Rainfall, California’s Politician-Created Drought Persists

Like most Sacramentans on Sunday, I was out in the pouring rain raking leaves out of the street gutters, trying to keep water from coming into the house during our record day of rainfall. Every year during moderate to heavy storms, I like to joke that I live on “Lake ...
Business & Economics

Jon Miltimore – The Push for Socialism and Economic Restrictions in the Name of the Pandemic

Enjoy this recent conversation between Jon Miltimore of the Foundation for Economic Education and PRI’s Evan Harris for our Young Leaders Circle Speaker Series.  They discuss socialism, progressive politics, economic news, and the latest pandemic restrictions.

In California, The Prohibitions Just Keep On Comin’

Much has become verboten in some form or fashion in California. Consumer-friendly items such as single-use plastic bags that had been customarily given to grocery store customers, plastic straws (unless asked for by patrons), and plastic water bottles and foam food containers in some locales are the featured trophies on ...

Local Government COVID-19 Relief Funds Bonuses for Government Workers

Earlier this year, Congress enacted $350 billion in “state and local government aid” as part of the so-called American Rescue Plan.  This is in addition to receiving $150 billion in relief in the first federal Coronavirus Relief Fund enacted in March 2020, and which according to a recent estimate, state ...

Gallup Survey: Americans Push Back on Government Activism

It was 35 years ago when Ronald Reagan said at a press conference, “The most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government and I’m here to help.”  And for most of the last three decades, a majority of Americans agreed with the Gipper.  Last year marked only ...

Wayne Winegarden and Kerry Jackson – California Migrating

Our guests in this podcast are Wayne Winegarden, PRI senior fellow in business and economics and Kerry Jackson, PRI fellow on California Reform.  Wayne and Kerry co-authored PRI’s new study “California Migrating,” which reveals the root causes of the outmigration by California residents and businesses. The state’s detrimental policies have ...

Gas-Powered Lawn Equipment Ban Another Major Burden on Minority Entrepreneurs

Not surprisingly, Gov. Newsom signed controversial legislation (Assembly Bill 1346) to ban the sale of gas-powered lawn equipment. The new law will be another costly burden on the estimated nearly 8,300 landscaping businesses in the state, many of whom are minority entrepreneurs.  It’s the latest in a series of taxes, ...

Democrats Have Built a Healthcare Agenda Around an Imaginary Crisis

Is America in the midst of a health insurance crisis? That’s the picture Democrats in Washington are painting. According to their narrative, health coverage is out of reach for a number of Americans. Only an aggressive — and exorbitantly expensive — effort to expand the number of people covered by taxpayer-funded insurance ...

The Untold Story of the Unspent Covid Dollars

It was recently uncovered that back in July, Sen. Joe Manchin outlined his views on the $3.5 trillion social spending package in a memo to Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer.  In that document, Manchin specified that no funds should be distributed until after all the money from the $1.9 trillion ...
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