The Train That Doesn’t Track And Never Should
Don’t like the new projected cost of the California high-speed rail? Or miss the reports of the latest estimate? Don’t worry, another one will be along soon. They’re a lot like buses. They just keep on coming. The draft of the California High Speed Rail Authority’s most recent biennial business ...
Kerry Jackson
February 18, 2022
Business & Economics
NEW STUDY: Rejecting Push to Restrict Gig Entrepreneurship Key to Driving Innovation, Economic Growth, Higher Incomes
Amid a renewed push in Congress and states to enact new gig economy restrictions following California’s controversial AB 5, a new study released today by the nonpartisan Pacific Research Institute finds that enacting these harmful laws would hinder innovation and restrict people’s ability to become entrepreneurs and provide for their ...
Wayne H Winegarden
February 17, 2022
Californians Are Growing Increasingly Concerned About Crime. What’s Behind the Change in Attitude?
Anecdotes of rising incidents of crime across California are too numerous to mention these days. While California had a regimen of tough-on-crime public safety laws on the books as late as a decade ago, the past decade has ushered in a dramatic shift in criminal justice policy that led to ...
Tim Anaya
February 16, 2022
Will 2028 Olympic Games Be a Good Deal for Los Angeles?
While Americans are celebrating the recent gold medal victories of celebrated U.S. athletes like Nathan Chen and Chloe Kim, interest in the Olympics has dropped significantly. According to the Washington Post, “the TV ratings for the Winter Olympics in Beijing aren’t just bad – they’re historically terrible.” In a recent ...
Tim Anaya
February 15, 2022
Steve Smith – California’s Increasing Crime
In this podcast, our guest is Steve Smith, senior fellow in Urban Studies. Steve is a recognized leader in education, training, law enforcement, and peacekeeping operations, with over 20 years of experience in domestic and international policing and investigations. He discusses the growing crime in California and other major cities ...
Pacific Research Institute
February 14, 2022
Watch Kerry Jackson on “California Insider” – California Bans Everything
Watch Kerry Jackson, fellow with PRI’s Center for California Reform, discuss the move by state lawmakers to ban things ranging from gas-powered cars to ketchup packets at fast food restaurants on the “California Insider” show.
Pacific Research Institute
February 14, 2022
California Single-Payer Has Gone Up In Flames – For Now. Will Progressives Escape The Firestorm?
On January 31, the campaign for single-payer health care in California suffered its latest defeat. Progressive Democrats in the Assembly were unable to line up enough support for AB 1400, which would’ve launched a state takeover of private health insurance, Medicare, and Medi-Cal. So Assemblyman Ash Kalra, D-San Jose, the bill’s ...
Sally C. Pipes
February 14, 2022
Can Newsom’s Project Homekey End Homelessness?
In 2001 due to a job change, I moved from Baltimore to San Francisco. It was the Boom, and like everyone else who was moving to the City by the Bay, I was desperately hunting for an apartment. Back then, it was common for two dozen people to be ...
Rowena Itchon
February 14, 2022
Transparency as a Political Principle
In the Declaration of Independence, sandwiched between the bold announcement of regime-change and an affirmation of natural rights, Thomas Jefferson penned an often-overlooked phrase, “a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.” To justify separation from England, ...
McKenzie Richards
February 11, 2022
Gavin Newsom’s License to Misinform on Covid
Last summer, while trying to survive a recall effort, California governor Gavin Newsom claimed that Texas middle-class families “pay more taxes than middle-class families in California” and challenged doubters to “look that up.” A few months later, he swore that “violent crime and property crime” is “higher in Texas than ...
Kerry Jackson
February 10, 2022
The Train That Doesn’t Track And Never Should
Don’t like the new projected cost of the California high-speed rail? Or miss the reports of the latest estimate? Don’t worry, another one will be along soon. They’re a lot like buses. They just keep on coming. The draft of the California High Speed Rail Authority’s most recent biennial business ...
NEW STUDY: Rejecting Push to Restrict Gig Entrepreneurship Key to Driving Innovation, Economic Growth, Higher Incomes
Amid a renewed push in Congress and states to enact new gig economy restrictions following California’s controversial AB 5, a new study released today by the nonpartisan Pacific Research Institute finds that enacting these harmful laws would hinder innovation and restrict people’s ability to become entrepreneurs and provide for their ...
Californians Are Growing Increasingly Concerned About Crime. What’s Behind the Change in Attitude?
Anecdotes of rising incidents of crime across California are too numerous to mention these days. While California had a regimen of tough-on-crime public safety laws on the books as late as a decade ago, the past decade has ushered in a dramatic shift in criminal justice policy that led to ...
Will 2028 Olympic Games Be a Good Deal for Los Angeles?
While Americans are celebrating the recent gold medal victories of celebrated U.S. athletes like Nathan Chen and Chloe Kim, interest in the Olympics has dropped significantly. According to the Washington Post, “the TV ratings for the Winter Olympics in Beijing aren’t just bad – they’re historically terrible.” In a recent ...
Steve Smith – California’s Increasing Crime
In this podcast, our guest is Steve Smith, senior fellow in Urban Studies. Steve is a recognized leader in education, training, law enforcement, and peacekeeping operations, with over 20 years of experience in domestic and international policing and investigations. He discusses the growing crime in California and other major cities ...
Watch Kerry Jackson on “California Insider” – California Bans Everything
Watch Kerry Jackson, fellow with PRI’s Center for California Reform, discuss the move by state lawmakers to ban things ranging from gas-powered cars to ketchup packets at fast food restaurants on the “California Insider” show.
California Single-Payer Has Gone Up In Flames – For Now. Will Progressives Escape The Firestorm?
On January 31, the campaign for single-payer health care in California suffered its latest defeat. Progressive Democrats in the Assembly were unable to line up enough support for AB 1400, which would’ve launched a state takeover of private health insurance, Medicare, and Medi-Cal. So Assemblyman Ash Kalra, D-San Jose, the bill’s ...
Can Newsom’s Project Homekey End Homelessness?
In 2001 due to a job change, I moved from Baltimore to San Francisco. It was the Boom, and like everyone else who was moving to the City by the Bay, I was desperately hunting for an apartment. Back then, it was common for two dozen people to be ...
Transparency as a Political Principle
In the Declaration of Independence, sandwiched between the bold announcement of regime-change and an affirmation of natural rights, Thomas Jefferson penned an often-overlooked phrase, “a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.” To justify separation from England, ...
Gavin Newsom’s License to Misinform on Covid
Last summer, while trying to survive a recall effort, California governor Gavin Newsom claimed that Texas middle-class families “pay more taxes than middle-class families in California” and challenged doubters to “look that up.” A few months later, he swore that “violent crime and property crime” is “higher in Texas than ...