
Business & Economics

NEW STUDY: Bad Policy Choices Zap Californians with $1450 Average Electricity Bills

Californians are being zapped with higher electricity bills – averaging $1450 per year – thanks to state government energy regulations, taxes, and subsidies, finds a new report released today by the nonpartisan Pacific Research Institute.   Repealing or reforming these costly policies could save the average household $517 per year, ...

What Crime Reports and Rates Don’t Tell Us

Last week the San Francisco Police Department issued its crime statistics report for 2021 also known as COMPSTAT.  Modeled on the FBI’s Uniform Crime Report (UCR) and divided into two parts graded by seriousness they give us a picture of reported crime in the City of San Francisco.  Unlike the ...

Proposed Law Would Hurt, Not Help, Fast Food Workers

Legislation in Sacramento that falls neatly into the “only in California” category is a bill that would make the state the sole arbiter of “​​industry-wide standards on wages and working conditions in the fast food industry.” The private sector seems to be losing ground nearly every day in this bluest ...

Railroad cargo theft boom result of politicians not doing their jobs

Walking with a trash bag, a ball cap fixed on his head, and a T-shirt more likely to be from Neiman Marcus than T.J. Maxx, Gov. Gavin Newsom made the most of a photo op intended to show his seriousness in stopping the great train raids of Los Angeles. While ...

Is This Any Way to Pass Sweeping Changes to People’s Health Care?

On Monday, lawmakers will vote on a sweeping change to the state’s health care system, which could dramatically change how every Californian receives health care, and for the worse. According to estimates, the bill would cost at least $356.5 billion per year to implement and would impose a $163 billion ...

What Naomi Schaefer Riley Would Do as California’s Child Welfare Czar

Each year, more than 800,000 children are abused or neglected by their caretakers and 440,000 children are removed from their families and placed into foster care.  President Biden in his failed “Build Back Better” legislation and Gov. Newsom in his proposed 2022-23 budget are attempting to address the failures of ...

Forcing California To Open Its Hidden Finances

California often operates on a different plane than the rest of the states. For instance, it has long set its own automobile emissions standards, which are stricter than the regulations Washington has assigned to the remainder of the country. California is also the lone holdout regarding transparency of government spending. ...

A Better California Doesn’t Require A Big-Government Budget

For most, “budget” means a set amount of money they’re able to spend over a defined period of time, such as the funds available in a household account. To California lawmakers, “budget” holds a different meaning. In their world, it typically defines an opportunity to freely spend a massive harvest ...

Crime Victims Not Persuaded All’s Well in San Francisco

In a recent article – “We fact checked the most common claims about San Francisco crime”, the San Francisco Chronicle outrageously attempted to defend the state of crime in San Francisco as well as the recall facing District Attorney Chesa Boudin.   The Chronicle may feel that while crime is up, ...

Obamacare Enrollment Blitz a Bad Sign for Future of US Healthcare

Open enrollment on most of Obamacare’s insurance exchanges ended this past Saturday. Sign-ups have hit all-time highs across the country. The Biden administration has been quick to pat themselves on the back for record-breaking exchange enrollment. But the main reason Americans have flocked to the exchanges is that the federal ...
Business & Economics

NEW STUDY: Bad Policy Choices Zap Californians with $1450 Average Electricity Bills

Californians are being zapped with higher electricity bills – averaging $1450 per year – thanks to state government energy regulations, taxes, and subsidies, finds a new report released today by the nonpartisan Pacific Research Institute.   Repealing or reforming these costly policies could save the average household $517 per year, ...

What Crime Reports and Rates Don’t Tell Us

Last week the San Francisco Police Department issued its crime statistics report for 2021 also known as COMPSTAT.  Modeled on the FBI’s Uniform Crime Report (UCR) and divided into two parts graded by seriousness they give us a picture of reported crime in the City of San Francisco.  Unlike the ...

Proposed Law Would Hurt, Not Help, Fast Food Workers

Legislation in Sacramento that falls neatly into the “only in California” category is a bill that would make the state the sole arbiter of “​​industry-wide standards on wages and working conditions in the fast food industry.” The private sector seems to be losing ground nearly every day in this bluest ...

Railroad cargo theft boom result of politicians not doing their jobs

Walking with a trash bag, a ball cap fixed on his head, and a T-shirt more likely to be from Neiman Marcus than T.J. Maxx, Gov. Gavin Newsom made the most of a photo op intended to show his seriousness in stopping the great train raids of Los Angeles. While ...

Is This Any Way to Pass Sweeping Changes to People’s Health Care?

On Monday, lawmakers will vote on a sweeping change to the state’s health care system, which could dramatically change how every Californian receives health care, and for the worse. According to estimates, the bill would cost at least $356.5 billion per year to implement and would impose a $163 billion ...

What Naomi Schaefer Riley Would Do as California’s Child Welfare Czar

Each year, more than 800,000 children are abused or neglected by their caretakers and 440,000 children are removed from their families and placed into foster care.  President Biden in his failed “Build Back Better” legislation and Gov. Newsom in his proposed 2022-23 budget are attempting to address the failures of ...

Forcing California To Open Its Hidden Finances

California often operates on a different plane than the rest of the states. For instance, it has long set its own automobile emissions standards, which are stricter than the regulations Washington has assigned to the remainder of the country. California is also the lone holdout regarding transparency of government spending. ...

A Better California Doesn’t Require A Big-Government Budget

For most, “budget” means a set amount of money they’re able to spend over a defined period of time, such as the funds available in a household account. To California lawmakers, “budget” holds a different meaning. In their world, it typically defines an opportunity to freely spend a massive harvest ...

Crime Victims Not Persuaded All’s Well in San Francisco

In a recent article – “We fact checked the most common claims about San Francisco crime”, the San Francisco Chronicle outrageously attempted to defend the state of crime in San Francisco as well as the recall facing District Attorney Chesa Boudin.   The Chronicle may feel that while crime is up, ...

Obamacare Enrollment Blitz a Bad Sign for Future of US Healthcare

Open enrollment on most of Obamacare’s insurance exchanges ended this past Saturday. Sign-ups have hit all-time highs across the country. The Biden administration has been quick to pat themselves on the back for record-breaking exchange enrollment. But the main reason Americans have flocked to the exchanges is that the federal ...
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