

The Recall Heard ‘Round the Country

It was William F. Buckley who defined a conservative as someone who stands athwart history, yelling Stop! But earlier this month, San Francisco residents — a city where Democrats number nearly two-thirds of the voters — decided that it was their turn to yell, Enough! Residents of the City by ...

What Do Project Price Hikes Say About How Federal Infrastructure Dollars Will Be Spent?

The price tags for two major California transportation infrastructure projects are going up again. A few weeks back, the California High-Speed Rail Authority released its updated business plan, projecting that costs have gone up another $5 billion.  It will now cost $105 billion to finish construction of the rail project ...

Mainstream Media Fuels False Narrative that SFPD Engages in Bad Conduct

Recently the San Francisco Chronicle again took aim at the SF Police Department accusing them of a litany of inaction, slow response times, and failure to investigate crimes concluding in a recent article: “What is the Police Department doing?  Too often, the answer is not much”. Some answers to their ...

Michael Shellenberger – San Fransicko

Our guest on this podcast is national bestselling author, Michael Shellenberger.  He recently spoke to PRI supporters at a luncheon in San Francisco on his new book: San Fransicko: Why Progressives Ruin Cities. Michael has witnessed San Francisco’s decline over the past 30 years as it struggles with lawlessness, homelessness, ...

Stalled in D.C., the Single-Payer Fantasy Makes Its Way to Blue States

Despite the best efforts of progressives such as Senator Bernie Sanders (D., Vt.) and Representative Pramila Jayapal (D., Wash.), Medicare for All is off the table in Congress — for now, at least. But that doesn’t mean single-payer health care is dead. Like a zombie, the idea is being revived ...

The Train That Doesn’t Track And Never Should

Don’t like the new projected cost of the California high-speed rail? Or miss the reports of the latest estimate? Don’t worry, another one will be along soon. They’re a lot like buses. They just keep on coming. The draft of the California High Speed Rail Authority’s most recent biennial business ...
Business & Economics

NEW STUDY: Rejecting Push to Restrict Gig Entrepreneurship Key to Driving Innovation, Economic Growth, Higher Incomes

Amid a renewed push in Congress and states to enact new gig economy restrictions following California’s controversial AB 5, a new study released today by the nonpartisan Pacific Research Institute finds that enacting these harmful laws would hinder innovation and restrict people’s ability to become entrepreneurs and provide for their ...

Californians Are Growing Increasingly Concerned About Crime. What’s Behind the Change in Attitude?

Anecdotes of rising incidents of crime across California are too numerous to mention these days. While California had a regimen of tough-on-crime public safety laws on the books as late as a decade ago, the past decade has ushered in a dramatic shift in criminal justice policy that led to ...

Will 2028 Olympic Games Be a Good Deal for Los Angeles?

While Americans are celebrating the recent gold medal victories of celebrated U.S. athletes like Nathan Chen and Chloe Kim, interest in the Olympics has dropped significantly. According to the Washington Post, “the TV ratings for the Winter Olympics in Beijing aren’t just bad – they’re historically terrible.”  In a recent ...

Steve Smith – California’s Increasing Crime

In this podcast, our guest is Steve Smith, senior fellow in Urban Studies.  Steve is a recognized leader in education, training, law enforcement, and peacekeeping operations, with over 20 years of experience in domestic and international policing and investigations. He discusses the growing crime in California and other major cities ...

The Recall Heard ‘Round the Country

It was William F. Buckley who defined a conservative as someone who stands athwart history, yelling Stop! But earlier this month, San Francisco residents — a city where Democrats number nearly two-thirds of the voters — decided that it was their turn to yell, Enough! Residents of the City by ...

What Do Project Price Hikes Say About How Federal Infrastructure Dollars Will Be Spent?

The price tags for two major California transportation infrastructure projects are going up again. A few weeks back, the California High-Speed Rail Authority released its updated business plan, projecting that costs have gone up another $5 billion.  It will now cost $105 billion to finish construction of the rail project ...

Mainstream Media Fuels False Narrative that SFPD Engages in Bad Conduct

Recently the San Francisco Chronicle again took aim at the SF Police Department accusing them of a litany of inaction, slow response times, and failure to investigate crimes concluding in a recent article: “What is the Police Department doing?  Too often, the answer is not much”. Some answers to their ...

Michael Shellenberger – San Fransicko

Our guest on this podcast is national bestselling author, Michael Shellenberger.  He recently spoke to PRI supporters at a luncheon in San Francisco on his new book: San Fransicko: Why Progressives Ruin Cities. Michael has witnessed San Francisco’s decline over the past 30 years as it struggles with lawlessness, homelessness, ...

Stalled in D.C., the Single-Payer Fantasy Makes Its Way to Blue States

Despite the best efforts of progressives such as Senator Bernie Sanders (D., Vt.) and Representative Pramila Jayapal (D., Wash.), Medicare for All is off the table in Congress — for now, at least. But that doesn’t mean single-payer health care is dead. Like a zombie, the idea is being revived ...

The Train That Doesn’t Track And Never Should

Don’t like the new projected cost of the California high-speed rail? Or miss the reports of the latest estimate? Don’t worry, another one will be along soon. They’re a lot like buses. They just keep on coming. The draft of the California High Speed Rail Authority’s most recent biennial business ...
Business & Economics

NEW STUDY: Rejecting Push to Restrict Gig Entrepreneurship Key to Driving Innovation, Economic Growth, Higher Incomes

Amid a renewed push in Congress and states to enact new gig economy restrictions following California’s controversial AB 5, a new study released today by the nonpartisan Pacific Research Institute finds that enacting these harmful laws would hinder innovation and restrict people’s ability to become entrepreneurs and provide for their ...

Californians Are Growing Increasingly Concerned About Crime. What’s Behind the Change in Attitude?

Anecdotes of rising incidents of crime across California are too numerous to mention these days. While California had a regimen of tough-on-crime public safety laws on the books as late as a decade ago, the past decade has ushered in a dramatic shift in criminal justice policy that led to ...

Will 2028 Olympic Games Be a Good Deal for Los Angeles?

While Americans are celebrating the recent gold medal victories of celebrated U.S. athletes like Nathan Chen and Chloe Kim, interest in the Olympics has dropped significantly. According to the Washington Post, “the TV ratings for the Winter Olympics in Beijing aren’t just bad – they’re historically terrible.”  In a recent ...

Steve Smith – California’s Increasing Crime

In this podcast, our guest is Steve Smith, senior fellow in Urban Studies.  Steve is a recognized leader in education, training, law enforcement, and peacekeeping operations, with over 20 years of experience in domestic and international policing and investigations. He discusses the growing crime in California and other major cities ...
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