Git along little dogies
The flight from California is not limited to only those who walk upright. Four-legged residents are leaving as well, voting with cloven hooves in protest of public policies that have hurt the beef and dairy industries. Of course the fleeing cattle aren’t choosing to leave on their own. Those ...
Kerry Jackson
October 7, 2022
Crime in California and the Left/Right Divide
Writing for the LA Times recently, columnist Anita Chabria calls Kern, Merced, and Tulare counties “Trump’s California” and describes Kern as first amongst the “the locales where your chance of being murdered is greatest.” Merced and Tulare round out the top three. She then contrasts them and their conservative district ...
Steve Smith
October 7, 2022
America’s Homeless Capital
According to USA by Numbers the center of homelessness in America isn’t New York, or Los Angeles, or even San Francisco. It is relatively small Santa Cruz, California.
Steve Smith
October 5, 2022
Life Is Too Short To Drink Subsidized Wine
Can the quality of California wine taste better than it already does? Apparently there’s a way to grow grapes that will do just that. A farming experiment at Robert Hall Winery in Paso Robles has produced grapes that, the San Francisco Chronicle reports, are “noticeably tastier” than grapes from ...
Kerry Jackson
September 29, 2022
Prop 29 Isn’t Kidney-ing Around
During the pandemic, suddenly everyone became armchair medical experts – much to the chagrin of actual epidemiologists. We soon learned the dangers of politicizing health issues. But on this year’s ballot, California voters will have to become armchair medical experts when they vote on Proposition 29, who will be ...
McKenzie Richards
September 28, 2022
OC Rescue Mission: How a Private Charity is Turning Around Lives More Effectively Than Government
Watch video tour of the Orange County Rescue Mission and interview with president Jim Palmer to learn how the private charity is turning lives around more effectively than traditional government homeless programs.
Pacific Research Institute
September 27, 2022
Union power makes urban reform nearly impossible
It’s well known that private-sector unions imposed higher costs and competitive disadvantages on companies that remained in cities. In a 2010 Cato Journal article, Stephen J. K. Walters explained that unions sparked their transformation “from engines of prosperity into areas afflicted by economic stagnation, chronic poverty, and all the social ...
Steven Greenhut
September 26, 2022
Paul Cho – LifeArk’s Innovative Concept to House the Homeless
Our guest this week is Paul Cho, CFO of LifeArk, an organization that has designed rotationally molded houses for the homeless.
Pacific Research Institute
September 19, 2022
Fast-food Restaurants’ Future Now in the Hands of California Voters
The controversial fast-food labor law, AB 257, was signed into a law just last week by Governor Newsom. AB 257, also known as the Fast Recovery Act, will see a new government-appointed body set industry standards on wages and working hours among other things for fast-food workers in California. However, ...
Pacific Research Institute
September 19, 2022
Gascón Abandons Victims
Marsalee Ann Nichols, a UC Santa Barbara undergrad, was murdered by her ex-boyfriend in 1983. One week after her murder, the suspect, Kerry Michael Conley made bail and confronted Marsy’s mother while she was shopping in a grocery store. Their encounter was not a coincidence but was planned by Conley. ...
Steve Smith
September 16, 2022
Git along little dogies
The flight from California is not limited to only those who walk upright. Four-legged residents are leaving as well, voting with cloven hooves in protest of public policies that have hurt the beef and dairy industries. Of course the fleeing cattle aren’t choosing to leave on their own. Those ...
Crime in California and the Left/Right Divide
Writing for the LA Times recently, columnist Anita Chabria calls Kern, Merced, and Tulare counties “Trump’s California” and describes Kern as first amongst the “the locales where your chance of being murdered is greatest.” Merced and Tulare round out the top three. She then contrasts them and their conservative district ...
America’s Homeless Capital
According to USA by Numbers the center of homelessness in America isn’t New York, or Los Angeles, or even San Francisco. It is relatively small Santa Cruz, California.
Life Is Too Short To Drink Subsidized Wine
Can the quality of California wine taste better than it already does? Apparently there’s a way to grow grapes that will do just that. A farming experiment at Robert Hall Winery in Paso Robles has produced grapes that, the San Francisco Chronicle reports, are “noticeably tastier” than grapes from ...
Prop 29 Isn’t Kidney-ing Around
During the pandemic, suddenly everyone became armchair medical experts – much to the chagrin of actual epidemiologists. We soon learned the dangers of politicizing health issues. But on this year’s ballot, California voters will have to become armchair medical experts when they vote on Proposition 29, who will be ...
OC Rescue Mission: How a Private Charity is Turning Around Lives More Effectively Than Government
Watch video tour of the Orange County Rescue Mission and interview with president Jim Palmer to learn how the private charity is turning lives around more effectively than traditional government homeless programs.
Union power makes urban reform nearly impossible
It’s well known that private-sector unions imposed higher costs and competitive disadvantages on companies that remained in cities. In a 2010 Cato Journal article, Stephen J. K. Walters explained that unions sparked their transformation “from engines of prosperity into areas afflicted by economic stagnation, chronic poverty, and all the social ...
Paul Cho – LifeArk’s Innovative Concept to House the Homeless
Our guest this week is Paul Cho, CFO of LifeArk, an organization that has designed rotationally molded houses for the homeless.
Fast-food Restaurants’ Future Now in the Hands of California Voters
The controversial fast-food labor law, AB 257, was signed into a law just last week by Governor Newsom. AB 257, also known as the Fast Recovery Act, will see a new government-appointed body set industry standards on wages and working hours among other things for fast-food workers in California. However, ...
Gascón Abandons Victims
Marsalee Ann Nichols, a UC Santa Barbara undergrad, was murdered by her ex-boyfriend in 1983. One week after her murder, the suspect, Kerry Michael Conley made bail and confronted Marsy’s mother while she was shopping in a grocery store. Their encounter was not a coincidence but was planned by Conley. ...