
Business & Economics

The Fed Painted Into a Keynesian Corner

Although one sympathizes with Ben Bernanke—after all, it wasn’t his fault that Greenspan handed him an economy rigged with ticking housing and mortgage bombs—the harsh reality is that the Federal Reserve can’t create prosperity. Strip away all the pomp and glamour of “open market operations” and the like, and we’re ...
Business & Economics

California Lights the Way: Legislature Could Become Global Internet Regulator

Last week Governor Schwarzenegger created a new state agency to help Californians protect their personal information online. With more than one million cases of identity theft reported in California last year, the Office of Information Security and Privacy Protection will serve as a valuable educational resource to help residents stem ...

Healthy San Francisco raises costs for everyone

Two years ago, our family moved from San Francisco to Marin County, motivated partly by high prices in San Francisco restaurants. Now we mostly dine north of the Golden Gate Bridge and for 2008 we were prepared to give up on San Francisco entirely. The reason? San Francisco’s Health Access ...

California’s Public Retiree Health Care Liabilities

Although we have no time for Governor Schwarzenegger’s California Health Deforminator Model ABX1 1, we’re sure glad he struck a commission to get a handle on the state’s public sector retiree health benefits. You know all that talk about how retiree health benefits are sinking the Big 3 Detroit automakers, ...

California’s Affluent Schools Ooze Corruption

UGotNerve, August 14, 2008 Human Events, January 8, 2008 When middle-class parents in California opened their newspapers recently and read that the leviathan Los Angeles Unified School District had overpaid their employees by $53 million, many likely took comfort in the belief that at least the school districts in their ...

Reality Check in Aisle 3: Safeway Has No Place In California’s Health Reform Debate

Perhaps the most hypocritical element of California Health Deforminator Model ABX1 1, the deal forged between Gov. Schwarzenegger and Assembly Speaker Nuñez, is the omnipresence of Safeway CEO Steve Burd at the governor’s side whenever he talks up the so-called “reform”. Mr. Burd has become the governor’s number one corporate ...

Healthy San Francisco Access Plan: Mostly Illegal, Popularity Dwindling

At the end of last year, a federal judge ruled that the San Francisco Health Access Plan’s “pay or play” mandate (that employers provide health benefits or pay a tax of $1.17 to $1.76 per hour per worker) violated ERISA (the Employee Retirement Income Security Act) and tossed it out. ...
Business & Economics

State’s economy at year’s beginning

State lawmakers convening on Monday in Olympia will not have to rely on staff reports to tell them how bad the economy is, the evidence is all around them. A few reports they would be wise to read, however, are four released last year that examine the underbelly of the ...
Business & Economics

The Fed Painted Into a Keynesian Corner

Although one sympathizes with Ben Bernanke—after all, it wasn’t his fault that Greenspan handed him an economy rigged with ticking housing and mortgage bombs—the harsh reality is that the Federal Reserve can’t create prosperity. Strip away all the pomp and glamour of “open market operations” and the like, and we’re ...
Business & Economics

California Lights the Way: Legislature Could Become Global Internet Regulator

Last week Governor Schwarzenegger created a new state agency to help Californians protect their personal information online. With more than one million cases of identity theft reported in California last year, the Office of Information Security and Privacy Protection will serve as a valuable educational resource to help residents stem ...

Healthy San Francisco raises costs for everyone

Two years ago, our family moved from San Francisco to Marin County, motivated partly by high prices in San Francisco restaurants. Now we mostly dine north of the Golden Gate Bridge and for 2008 we were prepared to give up on San Francisco entirely. The reason? San Francisco’s Health Access ...

California’s Public Retiree Health Care Liabilities

Although we have no time for Governor Schwarzenegger’s California Health Deforminator Model ABX1 1, we’re sure glad he struck a commission to get a handle on the state’s public sector retiree health benefits. You know all that talk about how retiree health benefits are sinking the Big 3 Detroit automakers, ...

California’s Affluent Schools Ooze Corruption

UGotNerve, August 14, 2008 Human Events, January 8, 2008 When middle-class parents in California opened their newspapers recently and read that the leviathan Los Angeles Unified School District had overpaid their employees by $53 million, many likely took comfort in the belief that at least the school districts in their ...

Reality Check in Aisle 3: Safeway Has No Place In California’s Health Reform Debate

Perhaps the most hypocritical element of California Health Deforminator Model ABX1 1, the deal forged between Gov. Schwarzenegger and Assembly Speaker Nuñez, is the omnipresence of Safeway CEO Steve Burd at the governor’s side whenever he talks up the so-called “reform”. Mr. Burd has become the governor’s number one corporate ...

Healthy San Francisco Access Plan: Mostly Illegal, Popularity Dwindling

At the end of last year, a federal judge ruled that the San Francisco Health Access Plan’s “pay or play” mandate (that employers provide health benefits or pay a tax of $1.17 to $1.76 per hour per worker) violated ERISA (the Employee Retirement Income Security Act) and tossed it out. ...
Business & Economics

State’s economy at year’s beginning

State lawmakers convening on Monday in Olympia will not have to rely on staff reports to tell them how bad the economy is, the evidence is all around them. A few reports they would be wise to read, however, are four released last year that examine the underbelly of the ...
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