

California Legislature About to Jack Up Rates on Individual Health Insurance

The California Assembly health committee has just voted thumbs-up to two bills that will increase the cost of individually purchased health insurance in the Golden State. Probably the least harmful is AB 2459, which prevents a health plan from rescinding an individual health policy six months after enrolling an individual, ...

Governor has good plans for uninsured

In the wake of the Massachusetts health reform and California’s recent attempt at an overhaul, more states are jumping on the bandwagon to “cover the uninsured.” That can be a tricky matter, like health reform in general. Gov. Charlie Crist’s 2008-09 budget includes a few costly reforms including expanded coverage ...

The Uninsured Are Not Causing the ER “Crisis”

When it comes to arguments for “universal” health care in America, the hardest myth to kill seems to be the one that goes like this: “Uninsured people do not have access to primary care physicians. Therefore, they wait until their symptoms are severe, then go to the ER, and don’t ...

Bay State model bodes ill for the nation

Sunday Republican (Springfield, MA), April 6, 2008 Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are creating quite a spectacle as they joust over the minutia of their respective health care plans in their attempts to secure the Democratic vote. To witness the real action in health care politics and policy – and ...

Californication – It’s a Sin

People frequently argue that California should be the model for the nation’s energy use, because it has managed to keep per capita energy consumption flat over the past couple of decades. Not so fast, says Tom Tanton of the Pacific Research Institute and the Institute for Energy Research. In a ...

Families USA’s Death Train Chugs Into California

I wish that I had the PR skills of Families USA. When I released the U.S. Index of Health Ownership, comparing government interference in health care across the land, I only did it once. Families USA has figured out that if it releases the same analysis for each state on ...
Business & Economics

The Beginning of the Longevity Revolution

At last week’s Aging in America conference in Washington, attendees were greeted with multiple displays of technology aiming to help older people live better. A technological divide exists between the “oldest old” and the “recently old” baby boomers, but technologies developed for both groups may also be able to help ...

San Francisco Surcharge Covers Health Care

There’s a new line item on many restaurant bills in San Francisco: the “surcharge,” ranging from a flat per-person fee to a percentage of the bill. Why? To cover the cost of universal health care for employees. Stacey Delo reports. John R. Graham appeared in this video on the Wall ...

Unbalanced Medical Billing in California

Imagine if you bought an airline ticket to fly from San Francisco to Chicago and, after the flight, you received another, extra, bill from the co-pilot for what he claims is a fair price for his services flying the plane. He is unsatisfied with the airline’s pay, and would like ...

California Likely to Reject Federal Options to Reform Failing Schools

With California facing a cash-strapped state budget, some choice advocates are calling for Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger (R) to follow his tough reform talk by expanding parental options in education. In his January 2008 State of the State speech, Schwarzenegger touted his intention to be the first governor to use “powers ...

California Legislature About to Jack Up Rates on Individual Health Insurance

The California Assembly health committee has just voted thumbs-up to two bills that will increase the cost of individually purchased health insurance in the Golden State. Probably the least harmful is AB 2459, which prevents a health plan from rescinding an individual health policy six months after enrolling an individual, ...

Governor has good plans for uninsured

In the wake of the Massachusetts health reform and California’s recent attempt at an overhaul, more states are jumping on the bandwagon to “cover the uninsured.” That can be a tricky matter, like health reform in general. Gov. Charlie Crist’s 2008-09 budget includes a few costly reforms including expanded coverage ...

The Uninsured Are Not Causing the ER “Crisis”

When it comes to arguments for “universal” health care in America, the hardest myth to kill seems to be the one that goes like this: “Uninsured people do not have access to primary care physicians. Therefore, they wait until their symptoms are severe, then go to the ER, and don’t ...

Bay State model bodes ill for the nation

Sunday Republican (Springfield, MA), April 6, 2008 Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are creating quite a spectacle as they joust over the minutia of their respective health care plans in their attempts to secure the Democratic vote. To witness the real action in health care politics and policy – and ...

Californication – It’s a Sin

People frequently argue that California should be the model for the nation’s energy use, because it has managed to keep per capita energy consumption flat over the past couple of decades. Not so fast, says Tom Tanton of the Pacific Research Institute and the Institute for Energy Research. In a ...

Families USA’s Death Train Chugs Into California

I wish that I had the PR skills of Families USA. When I released the U.S. Index of Health Ownership, comparing government interference in health care across the land, I only did it once. Families USA has figured out that if it releases the same analysis for each state on ...
Business & Economics

The Beginning of the Longevity Revolution

At last week’s Aging in America conference in Washington, attendees were greeted with multiple displays of technology aiming to help older people live better. A technological divide exists between the “oldest old” and the “recently old” baby boomers, but technologies developed for both groups may also be able to help ...

San Francisco Surcharge Covers Health Care

There’s a new line item on many restaurant bills in San Francisco: the “surcharge,” ranging from a flat per-person fee to a percentage of the bill. Why? To cover the cost of universal health care for employees. Stacey Delo reports. John R. Graham appeared in this video on the Wall ...

Unbalanced Medical Billing in California

Imagine if you bought an airline ticket to fly from San Francisco to Chicago and, after the flight, you received another, extra, bill from the co-pilot for what he claims is a fair price for his services flying the plane. He is unsatisfied with the airline’s pay, and would like ...

California Likely to Reject Federal Options to Reform Failing Schools

With California facing a cash-strapped state budget, some choice advocates are calling for Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger (R) to follow his tough reform talk by expanding parental options in education. In his January 2008 State of the State speech, Schwarzenegger touted his intention to be the first governor to use “powers ...
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