Business & Economics
The Sizzle of Economic Freedom: How Economic Freedom Helps You and Why You Should Demand More
The Sizzle of Economic Freedom: How Economic Freedom Helps You and Why You Should Demand More, highlights the best scholarly studies measuring the benefits of economic freedom. In producing the study, the authors chose the most recent and academically rigorous peer-reviewed studies in top academic journals. “The price of limiting ...
Lawrence J. McQuillan
January 7, 2009
Hawaii Seeking More Money for Health Plan
Health Care News (Heartland Institute), January 1, 2009 A 9 percent jump in enrollment is forcing Hawaii’s state government to consider ways to increase funding for its taxpayer-funded health coverage program. Officials from Hawaii’s Department of Human Services say the enrollment spike in Med-Quest, the state’s Medicaid managed care program, ...
Aricka Flowers
January 1, 2009
Unhealthy ballot measures feed the “Blob”
As California teeters on insolvency, Republican state legislators have proposed a budget that transfers $5 billion from two health care programs that are in surplus. The funds in question are for mental health and early childhood development. They are in “silos” because they were approved via propositions. To “break the ...
John R. Graham
December 26, 2008
Unhealthy Ballot Initiatives Feed the “Blob”
As California teeters on insolvency, Republican state legislators have proposed a budget that transfers $5 billion from two health care programs that are in surplus. The funds in question are for mental health and early childhood development. They are in “silos” because they were approved via propositions. To “break the ...
John R. Graham
December 23, 2008
California Republican Legislators Find Some Health Dollars
As California continues to teeter on insolvency, Republican legislators have proposed a budget amendment that transfers some funds from two health-care programs that are in surplus! Surplus? How the heck did that happen? The funds in question are for mental health and early childhood development (health and education). They are ...
John R. Graham
December 19, 2008
Business & Economics
Growth is the only solution to state’s crisis
Most of the proposed solutions for California’s budget problems – spending cuts, tax increases, infrastructure spending – attempt to patch a Band-Aid on a festering wound but do not address the underlying causes of the infection – an economy weakened by improper nutrition and the wrong medications. We cannot cut, ...
MargaretA. Bengs
December 17, 2008
Medicaid’s Poverty Trap: Learning the Right Lesson
The Annals of Internal Medicine has an original article demonstrating that patients who had interrupted access to Medicaid in California (Medi-Cal) were more likely to be hospitalized than those who were constantly enrolled during a five year period. The New York Times concludes that the culprit is California’s requirement that ...
John R. Graham
December 17, 2008
Families of 80% of Uninsured California Kids Reject State Coverage
The UCLA Center for Health Policy Research has published its annual update on health insurance in the Golden State. I’m a big consumer of the Center’s research. It conducts the outstanding California Health Interview Survey (CHIS), which was a source for much of my criticism of last year’s Schwarzenegger-Nuñez Health ...
John R. Graham
December 16, 2008
Follow the Foster-Care Leader
SACRAMENTO—With approximately 80,000 children, California has the nation’s largest foster-care population, according to the state’s Blue Ribbon Commission on Children in Foster Care. Californians should keep a close watch on Arizona, where the fate of the country’s first K-12 scholarship program for foster-care students is now in the hands of ...
Vicki E. Murray
December 10, 2008
Counting the Cost of the War on Global Warming
Last month, California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger held an international climate summit to show local governments in other countries that greenhouse gas emissions can be cut, to the degree he wants, without harming the economy. This comes as the financial meltdown has prompted a global movement to scale back draconian measures ...
Thomas Tanton
December 10, 2008
The Sizzle of Economic Freedom: How Economic Freedom Helps You and Why You Should Demand More
The Sizzle of Economic Freedom: How Economic Freedom Helps You and Why You Should Demand More, highlights the best scholarly studies measuring the benefits of economic freedom. In producing the study, the authors chose the most recent and academically rigorous peer-reviewed studies in top academic journals. “The price of limiting ...
Hawaii Seeking More Money for Health Plan
Health Care News (Heartland Institute), January 1, 2009 A 9 percent jump in enrollment is forcing Hawaii’s state government to consider ways to increase funding for its taxpayer-funded health coverage program. Officials from Hawaii’s Department of Human Services say the enrollment spike in Med-Quest, the state’s Medicaid managed care program, ...
Unhealthy ballot measures feed the “Blob”
As California teeters on insolvency, Republican state legislators have proposed a budget that transfers $5 billion from two health care programs that are in surplus. The funds in question are for mental health and early childhood development. They are in “silos” because they were approved via propositions. To “break the ...
Unhealthy Ballot Initiatives Feed the “Blob”
As California teeters on insolvency, Republican state legislators have proposed a budget that transfers $5 billion from two health care programs that are in surplus. The funds in question are for mental health and early childhood development. They are in “silos” because they were approved via propositions. To “break the ...
California Republican Legislators Find Some Health Dollars
As California continues to teeter on insolvency, Republican legislators have proposed a budget amendment that transfers some funds from two health-care programs that are in surplus! Surplus? How the heck did that happen? The funds in question are for mental health and early childhood development (health and education). They are ...
Growth is the only solution to state’s crisis
Most of the proposed solutions for California’s budget problems – spending cuts, tax increases, infrastructure spending – attempt to patch a Band-Aid on a festering wound but do not address the underlying causes of the infection – an economy weakened by improper nutrition and the wrong medications. We cannot cut, ...
Medicaid’s Poverty Trap: Learning the Right Lesson
The Annals of Internal Medicine has an original article demonstrating that patients who had interrupted access to Medicaid in California (Medi-Cal) were more likely to be hospitalized than those who were constantly enrolled during a five year period. The New York Times concludes that the culprit is California’s requirement that ...
Families of 80% of Uninsured California Kids Reject State Coverage
The UCLA Center for Health Policy Research has published its annual update on health insurance in the Golden State. I’m a big consumer of the Center’s research. It conducts the outstanding California Health Interview Survey (CHIS), which was a source for much of my criticism of last year’s Schwarzenegger-Nuñez Health ...
Follow the Foster-Care Leader
SACRAMENTO—With approximately 80,000 children, California has the nation’s largest foster-care population, according to the state’s Blue Ribbon Commission on Children in Foster Care. Californians should keep a close watch on Arizona, where the fate of the country’s first K-12 scholarship program for foster-care students is now in the hands of ...
Counting the Cost of the War on Global Warming
Last month, California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger held an international climate summit to show local governments in other countries that greenhouse gas emissions can be cut, to the degree he wants, without harming the economy. This comes as the financial meltdown has prompted a global movement to scale back draconian measures ...