
Health Care

Election 2008: An Unhealthy Outcome

The federal outcome of the 2008 election bodes ill for Americans’ ability to regain control of their health care dollars. Before the election, PRI compared the candidates’ health plans and concluded that Senator McCain’s proposal was generally superior. Senator Obama’s plan was ambitious and weakly defined, but with strong Democratic ...
Business & Economics

Government intervention, not market failure, explains crisis

Jason Clemens and Robert Murphy are the authors of this guest commentary. Jason Clemens is the director of research and Robert Murphy, Ph.D., is a senior fellow at the Pacific Research Institute ( A financial crisis is gripping the nation and the global economy. This crisis, according to a growing ...
Business & Economics

Getting California on track

As President-elect Obama assembles his team, back here in California, the new legislature prepares to convene in less than 30 days and the governor stews about a several-billion-dollar deficit only a few weeks after the state’s supposedly balanced budget was approved. Recently, Gov. Schwarzenegger announced the formation of a task ...

Does Climate Regulation Help the Economy?

Sacramento Union, November 6, 2008 A new study, Energy Efficiency, Innovation, and Job Creation in California, claims that California’s energy-efficiency policies created nearly 1.5 million jobs from 1977 to 2007. The Oct. 20 study, which examined only household spending, comes as the regulatory regime has gained momentum. At the same ...
Business & Economics

Use Special Session to Liberate California Economy

California Republic, November 7, 2008 Inland Valley Daily Bulletin (Ontario, CA), November 13, 2008 SACRAMENTO – Today, one day after a national election, a special California legislative session, called for by Governor Schwarzenegger, begins to deal with this fiscal year’s budget deficit, as high as $10 billion by some estimates. ...

Too Little, Too Late? Business’ Big Guns Attack Healthy San Francisco

The Golden Gate Restaurant Association, the lone battler in the struggle against “Healthy San Francisco”, has found a couple of bigger friends to fight back against the City & County of San Francisco’s bullies. The National Business Group on Health (NBGH) and the ERISA Industry Committee (ERIC) have just announced ...
Business & Economics

Gov. Schwarzenegger’s veto traps California in obsolete medical research

Eureka Reporter, November 4, 2008 Sacramento Union, November 12, 2008 SACRAMENTO – Last month Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger proclaimed September 25 “Stem Cell Awareness Day.” That news got by many Californians, who remain unaware of how California is locked into paying for obsolete research, certain to consume billions of dollars but ...
Business & Economics

Governor Arnold’s Regendering Plan

It’s not on today’s ballot, but let me cast a vote on a regendering plan tendered by California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger at a recent women’s conference in Long Beach. “My goal is to do everything we can to also create more women in the legislature,” the governor said. “Because we ...

State off course on ‘personal genomics’

California officials recently ordered two “personal genomics” firms to cease and desist operations within the state. The companies eventually were allowed to continue operations – with a few more regulatory conditions – but why did the state demand that they shut down in the first place? The Silicon Valley startups, ...

California Governor Plans to Wield Veto Pen

Health Care News (Heartland Institute), November 1, 2008 California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger (R) is expected to veto several bills passed by the state legislature, even though the measures are similar to a sweeping health care plan he proposed but failed to get through the General Assembly earlier this year (“California ...
Health Care

Election 2008: An Unhealthy Outcome

The federal outcome of the 2008 election bodes ill for Americans’ ability to regain control of their health care dollars. Before the election, PRI compared the candidates’ health plans and concluded that Senator McCain’s proposal was generally superior. Senator Obama’s plan was ambitious and weakly defined, but with strong Democratic ...
Business & Economics

Government intervention, not market failure, explains crisis

Jason Clemens and Robert Murphy are the authors of this guest commentary. Jason Clemens is the director of research and Robert Murphy, Ph.D., is a senior fellow at the Pacific Research Institute ( A financial crisis is gripping the nation and the global economy. This crisis, according to a growing ...
Business & Economics

Getting California on track

As President-elect Obama assembles his team, back here in California, the new legislature prepares to convene in less than 30 days and the governor stews about a several-billion-dollar deficit only a few weeks after the state’s supposedly balanced budget was approved. Recently, Gov. Schwarzenegger announced the formation of a task ...

Does Climate Regulation Help the Economy?

Sacramento Union, November 6, 2008 A new study, Energy Efficiency, Innovation, and Job Creation in California, claims that California’s energy-efficiency policies created nearly 1.5 million jobs from 1977 to 2007. The Oct. 20 study, which examined only household spending, comes as the regulatory regime has gained momentum. At the same ...
Business & Economics

Use Special Session to Liberate California Economy

California Republic, November 7, 2008 Inland Valley Daily Bulletin (Ontario, CA), November 13, 2008 SACRAMENTO – Today, one day after a national election, a special California legislative session, called for by Governor Schwarzenegger, begins to deal with this fiscal year’s budget deficit, as high as $10 billion by some estimates. ...

Too Little, Too Late? Business’ Big Guns Attack Healthy San Francisco

The Golden Gate Restaurant Association, the lone battler in the struggle against “Healthy San Francisco”, has found a couple of bigger friends to fight back against the City & County of San Francisco’s bullies. The National Business Group on Health (NBGH) and the ERISA Industry Committee (ERIC) have just announced ...
Business & Economics

Gov. Schwarzenegger’s veto traps California in obsolete medical research

Eureka Reporter, November 4, 2008 Sacramento Union, November 12, 2008 SACRAMENTO – Last month Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger proclaimed September 25 “Stem Cell Awareness Day.” That news got by many Californians, who remain unaware of how California is locked into paying for obsolete research, certain to consume billions of dollars but ...
Business & Economics

Governor Arnold’s Regendering Plan

It’s not on today’s ballot, but let me cast a vote on a regendering plan tendered by California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger at a recent women’s conference in Long Beach. “My goal is to do everything we can to also create more women in the legislature,” the governor said. “Because we ...

State off course on ‘personal genomics’

California officials recently ordered two “personal genomics” firms to cease and desist operations within the state. The companies eventually were allowed to continue operations – with a few more regulatory conditions – but why did the state demand that they shut down in the first place? The Silicon Valley startups, ...

California Governor Plans to Wield Veto Pen

Health Care News (Heartland Institute), November 1, 2008 California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger (R) is expected to veto several bills passed by the state legislature, even though the measures are similar to a sweeping health care plan he proposed but failed to get through the General Assembly earlier this year (“California ...
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