

Governor Schwarzenegger Creates the California Complete Count Committee

Sacramento, California – Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger today announced the creation of the California Complete Count Committee (Committee) to ensure a complete count for the 2010 Census. “Every Californian counts,” Governor Schwarzenegger said. “The Census determines how the distribution of more than $300 billion in federal funds goes to local, state ...

Global warming plan is pie in sky

Whenever you hear a politician start a sentence with, “If we can put a man on the moon… ,” grab your wallet. For years, Democrats, enthralled by the cargo cult of the Kennedy presidency, have used the moon landing as proof that no big government ambition is beyond our reach. ...
Business & Economics

California’s Textbook Case

Governor Schwarzenegger last month announced a first-in-the-nation plan to offer free digital math and science textbooks for high school students. Facing a $24 billion budget deficit, the governor touts the need for “such innovative ways to save money and improve services.” Shifting the curriculum online might help reduce the state’s ...

Health-Care Bill Is the Ball Game

You might suppose that President Obama has his hands full running two wars, administering General Motors, “rescuing” the banking system, attempting to empower unions over management, hushing up whispers about hypocrisy regarding Guantanamo detainees, managing the mortgage crisis, imposing “clean energy” on the nation, handling nuclear North Korea and nearly ...
Business & Economics

California’s Economy: Boxer And Krugman Get It Wrong

New York Times columnist Paul Krugman argued in a May 25th column that California’s economic problems are rooted in a dysfunctional government that finds it “extremely hard to raise taxes, even in emergencies.” On May 28, California’s junior Senator, Barbara Boxer made a similar argument on MSNBC’s Morning Joe. Both ...
Business & Economics

Brown does a better job than Obama at the 65th anniversary of D-Day

In case anyone thinks that I only ever post negative comments about Gordon Brown (not so, as you can see HERE ), I do agree with today’s positive assessment of his D-Day performance by Clark Judge, a former Reagan speechwriter: ‘Today, British Prime Minister Gordon Brown was by far the ...
Business & Economics

Make California an Enterprise Zone

Jack Kemp, who passed away last month at 73, is associated with football, New York state, and Washington DC. He was actually a native Californian and right now the Golden State could use some of his ideas. The former AFL quarterback proved that the Washington establishment makes a poor teammate ...

Popular Ranking Unfairly Misrepresents the U.S. Health Care System

The media and political community have made a big deal out of the fact that the U.S. ranks 37 out of 191 countries on the World Health Organization’s Health Care Ranking System. Is this tool a credible way to compare quality health care delivered in the U.S. vs the rest ...
Business & Economics

Things could be worse – we could be California

As bad as the deficit woes of Arizona are – and they are very, very bad – we still have the comfort of knowing that things could always be worse. We could be California. On Tuesday, California voters overwhelmingly rejected five ballot propositions intended to shore up the state’s $15.4 ...
Business & Economics

An Agenda For California’s Fiscal Reform

The California state budget for years has been “balanced” with heavy borrowing, various kinds of raids on localities and special funds, and transfers from the future to the present. More generally, spending profligacy, high tax rates and onerous regulations have worked their magic: The gap between the ability of the ...

Governor Schwarzenegger Creates the California Complete Count Committee

Sacramento, California – Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger today announced the creation of the California Complete Count Committee (Committee) to ensure a complete count for the 2010 Census. “Every Californian counts,” Governor Schwarzenegger said. “The Census determines how the distribution of more than $300 billion in federal funds goes to local, state ...

Global warming plan is pie in sky

Whenever you hear a politician start a sentence with, “If we can put a man on the moon… ,” grab your wallet. For years, Democrats, enthralled by the cargo cult of the Kennedy presidency, have used the moon landing as proof that no big government ambition is beyond our reach. ...
Business & Economics

California’s Textbook Case

Governor Schwarzenegger last month announced a first-in-the-nation plan to offer free digital math and science textbooks for high school students. Facing a $24 billion budget deficit, the governor touts the need for “such innovative ways to save money and improve services.” Shifting the curriculum online might help reduce the state’s ...

Health-Care Bill Is the Ball Game

You might suppose that President Obama has his hands full running two wars, administering General Motors, “rescuing” the banking system, attempting to empower unions over management, hushing up whispers about hypocrisy regarding Guantanamo detainees, managing the mortgage crisis, imposing “clean energy” on the nation, handling nuclear North Korea and nearly ...
Business & Economics

California’s Economy: Boxer And Krugman Get It Wrong

New York Times columnist Paul Krugman argued in a May 25th column that California’s economic problems are rooted in a dysfunctional government that finds it “extremely hard to raise taxes, even in emergencies.” On May 28, California’s junior Senator, Barbara Boxer made a similar argument on MSNBC’s Morning Joe. Both ...
Business & Economics

Brown does a better job than Obama at the 65th anniversary of D-Day

In case anyone thinks that I only ever post negative comments about Gordon Brown (not so, as you can see HERE ), I do agree with today’s positive assessment of his D-Day performance by Clark Judge, a former Reagan speechwriter: ‘Today, British Prime Minister Gordon Brown was by far the ...
Business & Economics

Make California an Enterprise Zone

Jack Kemp, who passed away last month at 73, is associated with football, New York state, and Washington DC. He was actually a native Californian and right now the Golden State could use some of his ideas. The former AFL quarterback proved that the Washington establishment makes a poor teammate ...

Popular Ranking Unfairly Misrepresents the U.S. Health Care System

The media and political community have made a big deal out of the fact that the U.S. ranks 37 out of 191 countries on the World Health Organization’s Health Care Ranking System. Is this tool a credible way to compare quality health care delivered in the U.S. vs the rest ...
Business & Economics

Things could be worse – we could be California

As bad as the deficit woes of Arizona are – and they are very, very bad – we still have the comfort of knowing that things could always be worse. We could be California. On Tuesday, California voters overwhelmingly rejected five ballot propositions intended to shore up the state’s $15.4 ...
Business & Economics

An Agenda For California’s Fiscal Reform

The California state budget for years has been “balanced” with heavy borrowing, various kinds of raids on localities and special funds, and transfers from the future to the present. More generally, spending profligacy, high tax rates and onerous regulations have worked their magic: The gap between the ability of the ...
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