

Feel the Momentum

National Review, April 8, 2009 At yesterday’s White House–sponsored Regional Health Forum in Los Angeles, everyone from California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger to celebrity doctor Mehmet Oz called for immediate action on health-care reform. President Obama’s Domestic Policy Council director, Melody Barnes, said that she could “feel the momentum” for health ...

Rush Job

Doctors and students unite against socialized medicine. An NRO Q&A Tonight in New York City, the Benjamin Rush Society will host its inaugural event: a debate on health care before a gathering of medical students and doctors. Under the leadership of Sally C. Pipes, president and CEO of the Pacific ...

The ‘credit crunch’: another Great Depression?

In the first part of his essay on the 1930s and today, Sean Collins puts the case for going beyond Keynesianism and monetarism and the obsession with finance to look at the deeper structural problems of capitalism. Last month Christina Romer, chair of the Obama administration’s Council of Economic Advisers, ...
Business & Economics

Why Legislators Target California’s High-Tech Innovators

The California Assembly will soon consider proposals to “protect” residents from two of Silicon Valley’s most successful innovators. Google and Facebook help form the backbone of the state’s high-tech economy, but some lawmakers see them as a threat to privacy and security. AB 255 would censor Google’s popular online mapping ...
Business & Economics

Putting Women’s History Month to Good Use

It’s Women’s History Month, so let’s take another look at the greatest woman of our time. We recently considered “There is No Alternative,” a book about Margaret Thatcher by Claire Berlinski, who did not know her. In the interest of gender fairness, we turn to Margaret Thatcher: A Portrait of ...

Cap and Trade in the Western States

In a review of the claims made by the Western Climate Initiative, the Beacon Hill Institute at Suffolk University in Boston identified several flaws made by the seven-state consortium, calling into question claimed cost savings ranging between $11.4 billion and $23.5 billion. These flaws render WCI’s projections useless in determining ...

Los Angeles’ Martin Luther King, Jr. – Harbor Hospital Shows the Cost of Government Monopoly Health Care

Earlier this month, state and local officials announced an agreement to re-open the Martin Luther King, Jr.-Harbor Hospital in the Watts neighborhood of Los Angeles in 2012. For four decades, Los Angeles’ most vulnerable, low-income patients suffered terribly because of the county’s management of this failed hospital, which finally closed ...

State-run health care advocates try again

Orange County Register (CA), March 16, 2009 Porterville Recorder (Porterville, CA), March 16, 2009 Desert Dispatch (Barstow, CA), March 16, 2009 Appeal-Democrat (Marysville, CA) March 16, 2009 Arnold rightly vetoed similar plan last year. This year, who knows? Last year, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s veto is all that saved Californians from ...

How California Can Be a K-12 Leader Again

SACRAMENTO—Heavy hitters in education reform convened here Monday for mayor Kevin Johnson’s Education Summit. The event was a microcosm of changes afoot nationwide and packed a powerful message for California. The summit had three overarching goals: 1) offering real-world innovative reform ideas that increase school options for parents, improve accountability ...

Entitlement Mentality? California Pharmacies Block 5% Medicaid Cut

I think that health-care providers who want to survive and thrive in the days to come need a new, self-imposed, guideline for their businesses: “If government revenue is so important to you that a 5% cut drives you into court to recover it, you are too dependent on government revenue.”

Feel the Momentum

National Review, April 8, 2009 At yesterday’s White House–sponsored Regional Health Forum in Los Angeles, everyone from California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger to celebrity doctor Mehmet Oz called for immediate action on health-care reform. President Obama’s Domestic Policy Council director, Melody Barnes, said that she could “feel the momentum” for health ...

Rush Job

Doctors and students unite against socialized medicine. An NRO Q&A Tonight in New York City, the Benjamin Rush Society will host its inaugural event: a debate on health care before a gathering of medical students and doctors. Under the leadership of Sally C. Pipes, president and CEO of the Pacific ...

The ‘credit crunch’: another Great Depression?

In the first part of his essay on the 1930s and today, Sean Collins puts the case for going beyond Keynesianism and monetarism and the obsession with finance to look at the deeper structural problems of capitalism. Last month Christina Romer, chair of the Obama administration’s Council of Economic Advisers, ...
Business & Economics

Why Legislators Target California’s High-Tech Innovators

The California Assembly will soon consider proposals to “protect” residents from two of Silicon Valley’s most successful innovators. Google and Facebook help form the backbone of the state’s high-tech economy, but some lawmakers see them as a threat to privacy and security. AB 255 would censor Google’s popular online mapping ...
Business & Economics

Putting Women’s History Month to Good Use

It’s Women’s History Month, so let’s take another look at the greatest woman of our time. We recently considered “There is No Alternative,” a book about Margaret Thatcher by Claire Berlinski, who did not know her. In the interest of gender fairness, we turn to Margaret Thatcher: A Portrait of ...

Cap and Trade in the Western States

In a review of the claims made by the Western Climate Initiative, the Beacon Hill Institute at Suffolk University in Boston identified several flaws made by the seven-state consortium, calling into question claimed cost savings ranging between $11.4 billion and $23.5 billion. These flaws render WCI’s projections useless in determining ...

Los Angeles’ Martin Luther King, Jr. – Harbor Hospital Shows the Cost of Government Monopoly Health Care

Earlier this month, state and local officials announced an agreement to re-open the Martin Luther King, Jr.-Harbor Hospital in the Watts neighborhood of Los Angeles in 2012. For four decades, Los Angeles’ most vulnerable, low-income patients suffered terribly because of the county’s management of this failed hospital, which finally closed ...

State-run health care advocates try again

Orange County Register (CA), March 16, 2009 Porterville Recorder (Porterville, CA), March 16, 2009 Desert Dispatch (Barstow, CA), March 16, 2009 Appeal-Democrat (Marysville, CA) March 16, 2009 Arnold rightly vetoed similar plan last year. This year, who knows? Last year, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s veto is all that saved Californians from ...

How California Can Be a K-12 Leader Again

SACRAMENTO—Heavy hitters in education reform convened here Monday for mayor Kevin Johnson’s Education Summit. The event was a microcosm of changes afoot nationwide and packed a powerful message for California. The summit had three overarching goals: 1) offering real-world innovative reform ideas that increase school options for parents, improve accountability ...

Entitlement Mentality? California Pharmacies Block 5% Medicaid Cut

I think that health-care providers who want to survive and thrive in the days to come need a new, self-imposed, guideline for their businesses: “If government revenue is so important to you that a 5% cut drives you into court to recover it, you are too dependent on government revenue.”
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