
Business & Economics

The Golden State’s Golden Tax Opportunity

Next month, California legislators may have the opportunity for a long-term solution to the Golden State’s notorious boom-bust cycle, currently in its “bust” stage. A state commission launched by Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger may recommend a flat tax on income, which would stabilize revenue and help launch a recovery. If so, ...
Business & Economics

How California Can Avoid a Sequel of the Budget Crisis

At long last Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has signed the budget, but Californians may want to hold off on any celebration. The blockbuster $84.6 billion deal is packed with accounting tricks that virtually guarantee a sequel of the crisis. A long-term solution could be at hand, but only if legislators come ...

What Do School Tests Measure?

The New York Times, August 4, 2009 According to a New York Times analysis, New York City students have steadily improved their performance on statewide tests since Mayor Michael Bloomberg took control of the public schools seven years ago. While statewide passing rates on the tests have risen in every ...

A Closer Look at the Stanford University Study

Charter School Newsletter, August 1, 2009 Stanford University has released a nationwide charter school analysis comparing charter and traditional public school student performance. The study matches charter students to public school “twins” by all measures possible. Comparisons of 15 states and the District of Columbia over a course of three ...

Kennedy Unveils Government-Run Health Care Bill

Health Care News (Heartland Institute), August 1, 2009 Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-MA) and the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions have unveiled the first of what is expected to be a series of health care reform bills released this year. The Affordable Health Choices Act establishes federal and ...

Obamacare’s Error

The New York Post, July 31, 2009 DON’T be distracted by the inside-the-beltway haggling over arcane details — ponder the big picture and apply common sense to the claims of our would-be health reformers. This week’s so-called breakthroughs on both the House and Senate sides illustrate how our politicians are ...

Schumer Demands ‘Public Option’

Health Care News (Heartland Institute), September 1, 2009 Right Side News, August 1, 2009 Senior Senate Finance Committee member Charles Schumer (D-NY) has vowed to “ignore” all health care overhaul legislation that does not include plans to create a government-run health insurance plan, or “public option,” and have it compete ...

Slimming Down the Waste-Watchers Way: A Radical New Diet Plan for California

Today, California formalizes the budget deal struck Monday night between the governor and California lawmakers to close the state’s $26.3 billion budget deficit without raising taxes. The Governator has also launched a new Waste Watchers website, where he urges visitors to “report wasteful practices in state government.” As yet, there ...

A Baucus-sized blunder on health care reform

Senate Finance Committee chair Max Baucus, D-Mont., has taken center stage in Washington with the release of his highly anticipated health care reform plan. His proposal will likely serve as the foundation of whatever legislation emerges from Congress. Sen. Baucus had promised to be bipartisan. This summer, he convened the ...

San Francisco Style Health Care May Be Coming

San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom recently wrote a column for the Huffington Post promoting his Healthy San Francisco plan as a model for the federal “public option” touted by President Obama. Healthy San Francisco could be a model, but not in the way Mayor Newsom imagines. Currently under negotiation between ...
Business & Economics

The Golden State’s Golden Tax Opportunity

Next month, California legislators may have the opportunity for a long-term solution to the Golden State’s notorious boom-bust cycle, currently in its “bust” stage. A state commission launched by Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger may recommend a flat tax on income, which would stabilize revenue and help launch a recovery. If so, ...
Business & Economics

How California Can Avoid a Sequel of the Budget Crisis

At long last Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has signed the budget, but Californians may want to hold off on any celebration. The blockbuster $84.6 billion deal is packed with accounting tricks that virtually guarantee a sequel of the crisis. A long-term solution could be at hand, but only if legislators come ...

What Do School Tests Measure?

The New York Times, August 4, 2009 According to a New York Times analysis, New York City students have steadily improved their performance on statewide tests since Mayor Michael Bloomberg took control of the public schools seven years ago. While statewide passing rates on the tests have risen in every ...

A Closer Look at the Stanford University Study

Charter School Newsletter, August 1, 2009 Stanford University has released a nationwide charter school analysis comparing charter and traditional public school student performance. The study matches charter students to public school “twins” by all measures possible. Comparisons of 15 states and the District of Columbia over a course of three ...

Kennedy Unveils Government-Run Health Care Bill

Health Care News (Heartland Institute), August 1, 2009 Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-MA) and the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions have unveiled the first of what is expected to be a series of health care reform bills released this year. The Affordable Health Choices Act establishes federal and ...

Obamacare’s Error

The New York Post, July 31, 2009 DON’T be distracted by the inside-the-beltway haggling over arcane details — ponder the big picture and apply common sense to the claims of our would-be health reformers. This week’s so-called breakthroughs on both the House and Senate sides illustrate how our politicians are ...

Schumer Demands ‘Public Option’

Health Care News (Heartland Institute), September 1, 2009 Right Side News, August 1, 2009 Senior Senate Finance Committee member Charles Schumer (D-NY) has vowed to “ignore” all health care overhaul legislation that does not include plans to create a government-run health insurance plan, or “public option,” and have it compete ...

Slimming Down the Waste-Watchers Way: A Radical New Diet Plan for California

Today, California formalizes the budget deal struck Monday night between the governor and California lawmakers to close the state’s $26.3 billion budget deficit without raising taxes. The Governator has also launched a new Waste Watchers website, where he urges visitors to “report wasteful practices in state government.” As yet, there ...

A Baucus-sized blunder on health care reform

Senate Finance Committee chair Max Baucus, D-Mont., has taken center stage in Washington with the release of his highly anticipated health care reform plan. His proposal will likely serve as the foundation of whatever legislation emerges from Congress. Sen. Baucus had promised to be bipartisan. This summer, he convened the ...

San Francisco Style Health Care May Be Coming

San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom recently wrote a column for the Huffington Post promoting his Healthy San Francisco plan as a model for the federal “public option” touted by President Obama. Healthy San Francisco could be a model, but not in the way Mayor Newsom imagines. Currently under negotiation between ...
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