
Business & Economics

Think tank pans Connecticut

An enviable performance during the recession notwithstanding, a new study puts Connecticut among the bottom feeders nationally for its economic performance leading up to this year. The data do not include information from 2009 during the worst of the recession, and that fact is reflected in the top-ranked state being ...
Business & Economics

Is San Francisco’s “Open Season” on Data a Model for State Government?

San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom last month launched, a new web site designed to improve transparency by disclosing information about city government. Giving residents unfettered access to data such as crime statistics, restaurant inspection records, and public works projects demonstrates a strong commitment to open government, but will it ...
Business & Economics

How unions took $4 million from cash-strapped UC

Kevin Dayton of the Associated Builders and Contractors of California hunted down the e-mails chronicling the pressure put on University of California President Mark Yudof to provide taxpayer funds for a bogus labor “think tank” after Arnold line-item-vetoed the funding. Here’s part of his account: As the state’s budget crisis ...

Mackinac Center Analysts Refute NRDC Green Energy Claims

The Examiner, September 1, 2009 Reliance on renewable mandates will cost, not create, jobs MIDLAND — The adoption of “green energy” policy recommendations made in a recent report by the National Resources Defense Council would push Michigan’s economy into a freefall, according to Mackinac Center for Public Policy energy analysts ...

Senate Finance Committee Seeks Funds for Health Care Bill

Members of the Senate Finance Committee, which is working on a health care overhaul bill parallel to that proposed by the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee’s Affordable Health Choices Act, have said their draft proposal now bears a total cost of just under $1 trillion. That figure is ...

Schwarzenegger Sets Trap for Obama’s “Race to the Top” Education Initiative

In the 1985 action film, Commando, Arnold Schwarzenegger plays John Matrix, a commando who uses a little humor when taking revenge on the bad guys, “Remember when I said I’d kill you last… I lied!” Though this is a forgettable little line, President Obama should pay attention to it because ...
Business & Economics

UC system shouldn’t have to fund labor institute

Under duress from California labor unions and union-backed politicians, the University of California system is funding a labor institute at the Berkeley and Los Angeles campuses that trains union organizers and produces biased studies to support the union political agenda. The story of why UC is funding this program at ...
Business & Economics

The California Prosperity Project – Assessing California’s economic performance

From Senator George Runner From the start, California has enjoyed unique natural economic advantages over other states, from its regional location and deep sea ports to its temperate weather and year-round fertile agricultural land. Our world class university system, cutting edge research and development centers, and an ample, willing and ...
Business & Economics

What Has President Obama Done for Silicon Valley?

President Obama’s appointments of Silicon Valley outsiders were only the first indications that his administration would be less than friendly to the high-tech industry, despite campaign promises. Since then, it has shown an inclination toward tight regulatory practices and away from transparency. President Obama’s inability to fill even half of ...
Business & Economics

Why the Silver State Mines the Golden State for Business

Nevada is running a rather edgy advertising campaign to lure businesses from the Golden State to the Silver State. This could serve as a wakeup call for California, but the response so far is not encouraging. The $1 million campaign from the Nevada Development Authority puts a porcine spin on ...
Business & Economics

Think tank pans Connecticut

An enviable performance during the recession notwithstanding, a new study puts Connecticut among the bottom feeders nationally for its economic performance leading up to this year. The data do not include information from 2009 during the worst of the recession, and that fact is reflected in the top-ranked state being ...
Business & Economics

Is San Francisco’s “Open Season” on Data a Model for State Government?

San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom last month launched, a new web site designed to improve transparency by disclosing information about city government. Giving residents unfettered access to data such as crime statistics, restaurant inspection records, and public works projects demonstrates a strong commitment to open government, but will it ...
Business & Economics

How unions took $4 million from cash-strapped UC

Kevin Dayton of the Associated Builders and Contractors of California hunted down the e-mails chronicling the pressure put on University of California President Mark Yudof to provide taxpayer funds for a bogus labor “think tank” after Arnold line-item-vetoed the funding. Here’s part of his account: As the state’s budget crisis ...

Mackinac Center Analysts Refute NRDC Green Energy Claims

The Examiner, September 1, 2009 Reliance on renewable mandates will cost, not create, jobs MIDLAND — The adoption of “green energy” policy recommendations made in a recent report by the National Resources Defense Council would push Michigan’s economy into a freefall, according to Mackinac Center for Public Policy energy analysts ...

Senate Finance Committee Seeks Funds for Health Care Bill

Members of the Senate Finance Committee, which is working on a health care overhaul bill parallel to that proposed by the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee’s Affordable Health Choices Act, have said their draft proposal now bears a total cost of just under $1 trillion. That figure is ...

Schwarzenegger Sets Trap for Obama’s “Race to the Top” Education Initiative

In the 1985 action film, Commando, Arnold Schwarzenegger plays John Matrix, a commando who uses a little humor when taking revenge on the bad guys, “Remember when I said I’d kill you last… I lied!” Though this is a forgettable little line, President Obama should pay attention to it because ...
Business & Economics

UC system shouldn’t have to fund labor institute

Under duress from California labor unions and union-backed politicians, the University of California system is funding a labor institute at the Berkeley and Los Angeles campuses that trains union organizers and produces biased studies to support the union political agenda. The story of why UC is funding this program at ...
Business & Economics

The California Prosperity Project – Assessing California’s economic performance

From Senator George Runner From the start, California has enjoyed unique natural economic advantages over other states, from its regional location and deep sea ports to its temperate weather and year-round fertile agricultural land. Our world class university system, cutting edge research and development centers, and an ample, willing and ...
Business & Economics

What Has President Obama Done for Silicon Valley?

President Obama’s appointments of Silicon Valley outsiders were only the first indications that his administration would be less than friendly to the high-tech industry, despite campaign promises. Since then, it has shown an inclination toward tight regulatory practices and away from transparency. President Obama’s inability to fill even half of ...
Business & Economics

Why the Silver State Mines the Golden State for Business

Nevada is running a rather edgy advertising campaign to lure businesses from the Golden State to the Silver State. This could serve as a wakeup call for California, but the response so far is not encouraging. The $1 million campaign from the Nevada Development Authority puts a porcine spin on ...
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