

Governor to Impose $Quarter-Billion Tax Hike on California

Renewable energy that is forced on the California market means higher energy costs for everyone. Renewables are simply more expensive—which is why their proponents have to argue for mandates (and not coincidently, the highest levels of direct subsidy.) Ironically, the mandates—excused as ‘helping drive costs down through mass markets’ have ...
Business & Economics

The Best States For Business

The recession hit everywhere, but Virginia is booming compared with the rest of America. The carnage of the economic downturn is everywhere with bankruptcies, foreclosures and unemployment soaring nationwide. None of the 50 states are immune. Only two, Alaska and North Dakota, are expected to see employment gains this year. ...
Business & Economics

Greenhut leaving the O.C. Register

I know what every government worker in Orange County is doing right now, this evening of Sunday, Sept. 20, 2009: Getting plastered on expensive booze, paid by their massive tax-funded salaries. They’ll be so hung over tomorrow don’t even try to do work with them. They’re celebrating because the scourge ...
Business & Economics

I’m heading to Sacramento, but don’t celebrate yet.

The Orange County Register, September 19, 2009 Many readers, especially those who receive large public pensions, will no doubt be thrilled to hear the news. This is the penultimate column I’m writing for the Register as a staff member. I’m heading to the belly of the beast, Sacramento, to start ...

The Weak Spots in the Baucus Bill

The Baucus bill is vulnerable in several immediately apparent ways: It would reduce Americans’ liberty by requiring them to buy health insurance and fining them if they don’t. It would ruin private insurance by requiring insurers to cover all comers at the same premium. In doing so, it would thereby ...
Business & Economics

Poizner says he’ll increase state revenue by cutting California’s tax rates

Despite projections that the next governor will inherit multibillion-dollar deficits, Republican gubernatorial candidate Steve Poizner on Tuesday promised to slash taxes on personal income, corporations and sales. Poizner said that as part of his “Jobs Plan,” he would reduce those rates by one-tenth, as well as cut capital gains taxes ...
Business & Economics

Experts weigh in on Obama economic speech

SAN FRANCISCO (KGO) — On the anniversary of a financial meltdown that brought Wall Street to its knees, President Barack Obama unveiled a plan he says will keep it from happening again. President Obama began by praising his economic team and his $787 billion stimulus package. “While full recovery of ...
Climate Change

‘Environmental Justice’

The Van Jones backstory. So Van Jones now takes his place as the Lani Guinier of the Obama administration, undone by his radical views. Like Guinier, the ousted “green jobs” czar will doubtless employ his political martyrdom to transform himself from a minor celebrity of the left into a major ...

Cochrane Threatens Austrians More Than Krugman Ever Did

This is a very short-sighted view. Just because someone gets in a fight with someone who we can’t stand–and I’ve criticized Krugman enough to have credibility on that score–doesn’t mean we should endorse any old arguments. There was quite a bit in Cochrane’s response that should alarm an Austrian economist, ...

California Republican Legislators Hike Taxes

Republican legislators, usually steadfast against tax hikes, wobbled on this one because the 2.35% tax on health insurers’ gross revenues will replace a 5.5% tax that will expire in October. You would have thought that the fact that 59% to 66% of California’ suninsured kids are already eligible for SCHIP ...

Governor to Impose $Quarter-Billion Tax Hike on California

Renewable energy that is forced on the California market means higher energy costs for everyone. Renewables are simply more expensive—which is why their proponents have to argue for mandates (and not coincidently, the highest levels of direct subsidy.) Ironically, the mandates—excused as ‘helping drive costs down through mass markets’ have ...
Business & Economics

The Best States For Business

The recession hit everywhere, but Virginia is booming compared with the rest of America. The carnage of the economic downturn is everywhere with bankruptcies, foreclosures and unemployment soaring nationwide. None of the 50 states are immune. Only two, Alaska and North Dakota, are expected to see employment gains this year. ...
Business & Economics

Greenhut leaving the O.C. Register

I know what every government worker in Orange County is doing right now, this evening of Sunday, Sept. 20, 2009: Getting plastered on expensive booze, paid by their massive tax-funded salaries. They’ll be so hung over tomorrow don’t even try to do work with them. They’re celebrating because the scourge ...
Business & Economics

I’m heading to Sacramento, but don’t celebrate yet.

The Orange County Register, September 19, 2009 Many readers, especially those who receive large public pensions, will no doubt be thrilled to hear the news. This is the penultimate column I’m writing for the Register as a staff member. I’m heading to the belly of the beast, Sacramento, to start ...

The Weak Spots in the Baucus Bill

The Baucus bill is vulnerable in several immediately apparent ways: It would reduce Americans’ liberty by requiring them to buy health insurance and fining them if they don’t. It would ruin private insurance by requiring insurers to cover all comers at the same premium. In doing so, it would thereby ...
Business & Economics

Poizner says he’ll increase state revenue by cutting California’s tax rates

Despite projections that the next governor will inherit multibillion-dollar deficits, Republican gubernatorial candidate Steve Poizner on Tuesday promised to slash taxes on personal income, corporations and sales. Poizner said that as part of his “Jobs Plan,” he would reduce those rates by one-tenth, as well as cut capital gains taxes ...
Business & Economics

Experts weigh in on Obama economic speech

SAN FRANCISCO (KGO) — On the anniversary of a financial meltdown that brought Wall Street to its knees, President Barack Obama unveiled a plan he says will keep it from happening again. President Obama began by praising his economic team and his $787 billion stimulus package. “While full recovery of ...
Climate Change

‘Environmental Justice’

The Van Jones backstory. So Van Jones now takes his place as the Lani Guinier of the Obama administration, undone by his radical views. Like Guinier, the ousted “green jobs” czar will doubtless employ his political martyrdom to transform himself from a minor celebrity of the left into a major ...

Cochrane Threatens Austrians More Than Krugman Ever Did

This is a very short-sighted view. Just because someone gets in a fight with someone who we can’t stand–and I’ve criticized Krugman enough to have credibility on that score–doesn’t mean we should endorse any old arguments. There was quite a bit in Cochrane’s response that should alarm an Austrian economist, ...

California Republican Legislators Hike Taxes

Republican legislators, usually steadfast against tax hikes, wobbled on this one because the 2.35% tax on health insurers’ gross revenues will replace a 5.5% tax that will expire in October. You would have thought that the fact that 59% to 66% of California’ suninsured kids are already eligible for SCHIP ...
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