
Business & Economics

GREENHUT: Will financial mess offer some hope for California?

Americans have a deep-seated sense that things have gone awry in our Republic, and they’re struggling to give voice to their frustrations. The victory of Scott Brown —- an unabashed Republican in the liberal Democratic bastion of Massachusetts —- might not be the equivalent of the “second shot heard round ...
Business & Economics

Steven Greenhut: Public roused and testy

Americans have a deep-seated, inchoate idea that things have gone awry in our Republic, and they’re struggling to give voice to their frustrations. The Senate victory of Scott Brown – an unabashed Republican in the liberal Democratic bastion of Massachusetts – might not be the equivalent of the “second shot ...
Business & Economics

What’s keeping state in sorry shape

SACRAMENTO – Technically speaking, it’s not hard to figure out how to solve California’s permanent fiscal crisis – if you just ignore the political mountains that would have to be moved to implement the fixes. A few good starting points: imposing a strict spending limit on legislators, reducing pension benefits ...
Business & Economics

Union critic assesses governor’s race

San Francisco Chronicle, January 17, 2009 Steven Greenhut was a constant thorn in the side of California’s public employee unions as a columnist and editorial board member of the Orange County Register. Now he’s moved to Sacramento to serve as director of the journalism center for the Pacific Research Institute. ...
Business & Economics

Now You Should Be Really Fiscally Afraid in California

If you really want to be scared, you need to listen to the types of people who are now sounding the alarm bells. I’m a libertarian, and it’s not a surprise to hear me warn about the ill effects of government spending. But listen to what former California Assembly Speaker ...
Business & Economics

Golden Stem Cells: Agency Triples the Salary of Former Democratic Party Boss Torres

The Flash Report, January 13, 2010 Torres, former legislator and now vice-chair of the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM), which in December tripled his salary from $75,000 to $225,000. California taxpayers will find Mr. Torres’ golden windfall educational in many ways. At $150,000, the raise itself is more than ...
Business & Economics

Policies Should Promote Wealth Creation

What causes poverty? That’s what North Carolina’s “Poverty Reduction and Economic Recovery Commission” — which met again last week — claims to be investigating. Specifically, the law that created the commission declares “an understanding of the causes and effects of poverty are critical in the reduction of poverty and economic ...
Business & Economics

Califailure: Steven Greenhut on the governor

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s final State of the State Address, delivered Wednesday in the Capitol, was a microcosm of his entire failed administration. It was a reminder that those who govern the nation’s most populous state have no clue how to solve the fiscal mess they have created, are drunk on ...

The March of the Senate Democrats

As one early morning report put it, the Senate was “marching” to passage on Christmas Eve of its version of health overhaul. What does this Democrats-only bill do? What are the consequences? As it stands today, the health overhaul bill is a hoax. We all may know some part of ...

California State News and Investigative Reporting Website

— to Report on Government Waste, Fraud and Abuse— Sacramento—The Pacific Research Institute’s Journalism Center has launched a new California state news and investigative reporting website CalWatchdog provides investigative coverage of state government and enterprising news reports that often are overlooked by other media—especially in a time of cutbacks ...
Business & Economics

GREENHUT: Will financial mess offer some hope for California?

Americans have a deep-seated sense that things have gone awry in our Republic, and they’re struggling to give voice to their frustrations. The victory of Scott Brown —- an unabashed Republican in the liberal Democratic bastion of Massachusetts —- might not be the equivalent of the “second shot heard round ...
Business & Economics

Steven Greenhut: Public roused and testy

Americans have a deep-seated, inchoate idea that things have gone awry in our Republic, and they’re struggling to give voice to their frustrations. The Senate victory of Scott Brown – an unabashed Republican in the liberal Democratic bastion of Massachusetts – might not be the equivalent of the “second shot ...
Business & Economics

What’s keeping state in sorry shape

SACRAMENTO – Technically speaking, it’s not hard to figure out how to solve California’s permanent fiscal crisis – if you just ignore the political mountains that would have to be moved to implement the fixes. A few good starting points: imposing a strict spending limit on legislators, reducing pension benefits ...
Business & Economics

Union critic assesses governor’s race

San Francisco Chronicle, January 17, 2009 Steven Greenhut was a constant thorn in the side of California’s public employee unions as a columnist and editorial board member of the Orange County Register. Now he’s moved to Sacramento to serve as director of the journalism center for the Pacific Research Institute. ...
Business & Economics

Now You Should Be Really Fiscally Afraid in California

If you really want to be scared, you need to listen to the types of people who are now sounding the alarm bells. I’m a libertarian, and it’s not a surprise to hear me warn about the ill effects of government spending. But listen to what former California Assembly Speaker ...
Business & Economics

Golden Stem Cells: Agency Triples the Salary of Former Democratic Party Boss Torres

The Flash Report, January 13, 2010 Torres, former legislator and now vice-chair of the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM), which in December tripled his salary from $75,000 to $225,000. California taxpayers will find Mr. Torres’ golden windfall educational in many ways. At $150,000, the raise itself is more than ...
Business & Economics

Policies Should Promote Wealth Creation

What causes poverty? That’s what North Carolina’s “Poverty Reduction and Economic Recovery Commission” — which met again last week — claims to be investigating. Specifically, the law that created the commission declares “an understanding of the causes and effects of poverty are critical in the reduction of poverty and economic ...
Business & Economics

Califailure: Steven Greenhut on the governor

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s final State of the State Address, delivered Wednesday in the Capitol, was a microcosm of his entire failed administration. It was a reminder that those who govern the nation’s most populous state have no clue how to solve the fiscal mess they have created, are drunk on ...

The March of the Senate Democrats

As one early morning report put it, the Senate was “marching” to passage on Christmas Eve of its version of health overhaul. What does this Democrats-only bill do? What are the consequences? As it stands today, the health overhaul bill is a hoax. We all may know some part of ...

California State News and Investigative Reporting Website

— to Report on Government Waste, Fraud and Abuse— Sacramento—The Pacific Research Institute’s Journalism Center has launched a new California state news and investigative reporting website CalWatchdog provides investigative coverage of state government and enterprising news reports that often are overlooked by other media—especially in a time of cutbacks ...
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