Lee Ohanian – Why Californians Are Fleeing the State
Our guest this week is Hoover Institution senior fellow and UCLA professor Dr. Lee Ohanian.
Pacific Research Institute
May 29, 2023
Read latest from Free Cities Center
Coercion-free planning can lead to glorious results
Central planning, no matter if the target is an economy or a community, has generally had historically disastrous results. When the government plots and schemes the future, people are ultimately doomed to lower living standards at best, and misery, all too often. Yet central planning can work – but only ...
Kerry Jackson
May 25, 2023
Read latest from Free Cities Center
San Diego offers pragmatic model to restore downtown life
According to Neighborhood Scout, a data-driven organization that provides detailed insights into local crime rates at a far more granular level than national statistics, San Diego has 4 violent crimes and 19.3 property crimes per 1,000 residents. In contrast, Los Angeles has 8.4 violent crimes and 24.6 property crimes per ...
Kenneth Schrupp
May 24, 2023
New PRI Book Release
State Planners Focus Too Much on Social Engineering Rather Than Transportation Engineering
NEW PRI BOOK RELEASE PUTTING CUSTOMERS FIRST Re-Envisioning Our Approach to Transportation Planning Steven Greenhut State Planners Focus Too Much on Social Engineering Rather Than Transportation Engineering Focus Should Be Easing Gridlock, Not Prodding People Out of Cars State and local transportation officials are planning transportation projects around social engineering, ...
Pacific Research Institute
May 24, 2023
California's Outmigration Problem is Growing Worse
More Are Fleeing California Due to Progressive Policies
In 2018-19, California lost not quite $10 billion in gross adjusted income to other states, a bit less than New York. The following year, New York still had the largest loss of adjusted gross income, nearly $20 billion, with California close behind. By 2020-21, California had taken the “lead,” tripling ...
Kerry Jackson
May 23, 2023
Watch PRI webinar
Watch: How Do We Stop California’s Outmigration Problem with Dr. Lee Ohanian
Watch Hoover Institution senior fellow and UCLA professor Dr. Lee Ohanian discuss California’s growing outmigration problem with Dr. Wayne Winegarden, PRI senior fellow in business and economics. They discuss cost of living problems worsened by poor state public policies that are increasing housing costs across the state and worsening quality ...
Pacific Research Institute
May 22, 2023
Read latest on CARE Courts
AB 1708 and Care Courts – A Step in the Right Direction
In the mid 1980s, I lived in Traverse City, Michigan, where I was a student at Great Lakes Maritime Academy. In the downtown, there was a diner eponymously named for its proprietor, head waitress, hostess, and friend to everyone, Stacy. Like a thousand diners in a thousand small towns, ...
Steve Smith
May 22, 2023
Newsom wisely channels Jerry Brown on state budget
Gov. Gavin Newsom’s just released “May Revise” budget plan is generating criticism from a surprising source — legislative progressives. The Newsom administration projects that the shortfall has grown by $9.3 billion to $31.5 billion. Adding to the problem, California can’t count on a federal bailout and the national economy is ...
Wayne Winegarden
May 19, 2023
Has Criminal Justice Reform Gone Too Far?
Why is California experiencing more crime victimization?
The latest California crime trends in California are not encouraging. In 2022, Los Angeles had a sobering 2,106 more aggravated assaults compared to 2021, 41 percent of which were committed with weapons – for a total crime increase of over 11 percent. Police in the San Francisco Bay Area’s 15 most ...
Steve Smith
May 16, 2023
Rea Hederman, Jr. – How Much More Will You Pay for Electricity Under Revived Clean Power Plan?
Buckeye Institute Vice President of Policy Rea Hederman Jr. joins us.
Pacific Research Institute
May 15, 2023
Lee Ohanian – Why Californians Are Fleeing the State
Our guest this week is Hoover Institution senior fellow and UCLA professor Dr. Lee Ohanian.
Read latest from Free Cities Center
Coercion-free planning can lead to glorious results
Central planning, no matter if the target is an economy or a community, has generally had historically disastrous results. When the government plots and schemes the future, people are ultimately doomed to lower living standards at best, and misery, all too often. Yet central planning can work – but only ...
Read latest from Free Cities Center
San Diego offers pragmatic model to restore downtown life
According to Neighborhood Scout, a data-driven organization that provides detailed insights into local crime rates at a far more granular level than national statistics, San Diego has 4 violent crimes and 19.3 property crimes per 1,000 residents. In contrast, Los Angeles has 8.4 violent crimes and 24.6 property crimes per ...
New PRI Book Release
State Planners Focus Too Much on Social Engineering Rather Than Transportation Engineering
NEW PRI BOOK RELEASE PUTTING CUSTOMERS FIRST Re-Envisioning Our Approach to Transportation Planning Steven Greenhut State Planners Focus Too Much on Social Engineering Rather Than Transportation Engineering Focus Should Be Easing Gridlock, Not Prodding People Out of Cars State and local transportation officials are planning transportation projects around social engineering, ...
California's Outmigration Problem is Growing Worse
More Are Fleeing California Due to Progressive Policies
In 2018-19, California lost not quite $10 billion in gross adjusted income to other states, a bit less than New York. The following year, New York still had the largest loss of adjusted gross income, nearly $20 billion, with California close behind. By 2020-21, California had taken the “lead,” tripling ...
Watch PRI webinar
Watch: How Do We Stop California’s Outmigration Problem with Dr. Lee Ohanian
Watch Hoover Institution senior fellow and UCLA professor Dr. Lee Ohanian discuss California’s growing outmigration problem with Dr. Wayne Winegarden, PRI senior fellow in business and economics. They discuss cost of living problems worsened by poor state public policies that are increasing housing costs across the state and worsening quality ...
Read latest on CARE Courts
AB 1708 and Care Courts – A Step in the Right Direction
In the mid 1980s, I lived in Traverse City, Michigan, where I was a student at Great Lakes Maritime Academy. In the downtown, there was a diner eponymously named for its proprietor, head waitress, hostess, and friend to everyone, Stacy. Like a thousand diners in a thousand small towns, ...
Newsom wisely channels Jerry Brown on state budget
Gov. Gavin Newsom’s just released “May Revise” budget plan is generating criticism from a surprising source — legislative progressives. The Newsom administration projects that the shortfall has grown by $9.3 billion to $31.5 billion. Adding to the problem, California can’t count on a federal bailout and the national economy is ...
Has Criminal Justice Reform Gone Too Far?
Why is California experiencing more crime victimization?
The latest California crime trends in California are not encouraging. In 2022, Los Angeles had a sobering 2,106 more aggravated assaults compared to 2021, 41 percent of which were committed with weapons – for a total crime increase of over 11 percent. Police in the San Francisco Bay Area’s 15 most ...
Rea Hederman, Jr. – How Much More Will You Pay for Electricity Under Revived Clean Power Plan?
Buckeye Institute Vice President of Policy Rea Hederman Jr. joins us.