

New Report Provides Recommendations to Improve CA’s Agriculture Industry

San Francisco – The Pacific Research Institute, a free-market think tank based in San Francisco, released a new report today that reviews the state of California’s agriculture production, examines the barriers that are impeding California’s agricultural economy, and provides recommendations for policy reforms that will spur additional growth. Growing California’s ...

Medicare cliff looms: Status quo isn’t sustainable

President Obama just named protecting Medicare for future generations as one of his chief goals in the negotiations over the federal deficit and national debt. Unfortunately, by championing Medicare’s structural status quo, the president is putting current seniors’ care at risk — and may still leave the entitlement program short ...

Obamacare’s Insurance Exchanges Are Already Turning Into A Disaster

Devoted users of Internet radio apps like Pandora may soon hear unexpected sound bites on their favorite music channels — ads touting ObamaCare. That’s right. In an attempt to drum up support for the law’s health insurance exchanges, some states are planning advertising campaigns that could include everything from pro-ObamaCare ...

Educational Impact of the Khan Academy and Provides Recommendations for Greater Adoption in California

The Pacific Research Institute, a free-market think tank based in San Francisco, released a new report today highlighting the successes of the Khan Academy, including improved learning and significant cost savings. The report also discusses the bureaucratic obstacles that hold back its expansion in California and makes recommendations for removing ...
Business & Economics

High taxes push people out of California

On Election Day, California’s voters approved Prop. 30 by a margin of more than 700,000 votes. Championed by Gov. Jerry Brown, this ballot initiative will ratchet up income and sales tax rates over the next few years. It’s expected to pull in some $6 billion in new funding for public ...
Business & Economics

Report: Costly state energy policies to raise California power costs by 33 percent

California has been a leader in Renewable Energy production, in part due to federal and state level policies that provide incentives for producers of renewable power. However, a new report found that California’s Energy policies will raise state power rates and associated costs by nearly 33 percent. The report by ...
Business & Economics

California’s 33% Renewable Portfolio Standard Will Raise Power Rates by 13 Percent

San Francisco – The Pacific Research Institute, a free-market think tank based in San Francisco, released a new report today that finds that California’s 33 percent renewable portfolio standard (RPS) will impose upon the state in 2020 an aggregate marginal economic cost of about $5 billion in year 2011 dollars. ...

What’s the Matter with California’s Sick Health Insurance Market?

Health insurers across the country have begun warning of major premium increases as Obamacare kicks into high gear this year and next. Consumers in multiple states will see rate increases of 20 percent or more, and some could see their premiums double. Government health officials are outraged — and nowhere ...

Getting to Vegas, baby

Yahoo Travel ranks the Las Vegas Strip as the nation’s second most popular tourist attraction, trailing only Times Square in New York City. Southern California residents can easily reach Las Vegas. They can pile the kids in the car for a weekend jaunt and be there in from 4 to ...

Employer mandate a recipe for unemployment

Walmart just announced that it will not offer health insurance to new employees who work less than 30 hours a week. It’s reserved the right to do the same for existing workers. For these new policies, Walmart’s employees can thank Obamacare. The federal health reform law’s “employer mandate” requires companies ...

New Report Provides Recommendations to Improve CA’s Agriculture Industry

San Francisco – The Pacific Research Institute, a free-market think tank based in San Francisco, released a new report today that reviews the state of California’s agriculture production, examines the barriers that are impeding California’s agricultural economy, and provides recommendations for policy reforms that will spur additional growth. Growing California’s ...

Medicare cliff looms: Status quo isn’t sustainable

President Obama just named protecting Medicare for future generations as one of his chief goals in the negotiations over the federal deficit and national debt. Unfortunately, by championing Medicare’s structural status quo, the president is putting current seniors’ care at risk — and may still leave the entitlement program short ...

Obamacare’s Insurance Exchanges Are Already Turning Into A Disaster

Devoted users of Internet radio apps like Pandora may soon hear unexpected sound bites on their favorite music channels — ads touting ObamaCare. That’s right. In an attempt to drum up support for the law’s health insurance exchanges, some states are planning advertising campaigns that could include everything from pro-ObamaCare ...

Educational Impact of the Khan Academy and Provides Recommendations for Greater Adoption in California

The Pacific Research Institute, a free-market think tank based in San Francisco, released a new report today highlighting the successes of the Khan Academy, including improved learning and significant cost savings. The report also discusses the bureaucratic obstacles that hold back its expansion in California and makes recommendations for removing ...
Business & Economics

High taxes push people out of California

On Election Day, California’s voters approved Prop. 30 by a margin of more than 700,000 votes. Championed by Gov. Jerry Brown, this ballot initiative will ratchet up income and sales tax rates over the next few years. It’s expected to pull in some $6 billion in new funding for public ...
Business & Economics

Report: Costly state energy policies to raise California power costs by 33 percent

California has been a leader in Renewable Energy production, in part due to federal and state level policies that provide incentives for producers of renewable power. However, a new report found that California’s Energy policies will raise state power rates and associated costs by nearly 33 percent. The report by ...
Business & Economics

California’s 33% Renewable Portfolio Standard Will Raise Power Rates by 13 Percent

San Francisco – The Pacific Research Institute, a free-market think tank based in San Francisco, released a new report today that finds that California’s 33 percent renewable portfolio standard (RPS) will impose upon the state in 2020 an aggregate marginal economic cost of about $5 billion in year 2011 dollars. ...

What’s the Matter with California’s Sick Health Insurance Market?

Health insurers across the country have begun warning of major premium increases as Obamacare kicks into high gear this year and next. Consumers in multiple states will see rate increases of 20 percent or more, and some could see their premiums double. Government health officials are outraged — and nowhere ...

Getting to Vegas, baby

Yahoo Travel ranks the Las Vegas Strip as the nation’s second most popular tourist attraction, trailing only Times Square in New York City. Southern California residents can easily reach Las Vegas. They can pile the kids in the car for a weekend jaunt and be there in from 4 to ...

Employer mandate a recipe for unemployment

Walmart just announced that it will not offer health insurance to new employees who work less than 30 hours a week. It’s reserved the right to do the same for existing workers. For these new policies, Walmart’s employees can thank Obamacare. The federal health reform law’s “employer mandate” requires companies ...
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