

ACA Medicaid expansion drives up health care costs

Emergency room usage has spiked sharply in recent years. That’s the depressing finding from a new survey by the American College of Emergency Physicians – and it’s putting those who need emergency care at grave risk. The survey concluded that three in four emergency room doctors have experienced a surge ...

The Supreme Court Curbs Regulatory Excesses

Since his infamous declaration that “I have a pen, and I have a phone”, President Obama has been attempting to circumvent the Congress and implement his policy agenda through regulatory fiat. In a 5-4 decision, Michigan v. EPA released on Monday June 29th, the U.S. Supreme Court has sent the ...

EV mandates giving Californians déjà vu all over again

Twenty years ago, I had my first op-ed published in a major newspaper, the Los Angeles Times. The title was “Pull the Plug on the Electric Car Mandate.” In that column, I pointed out that battery-powered (non-hybrid) electric vehicles were not ready for wide-scale adoption for a variety of reasons, ...

What ACA ruling means for Covered California

It is usually not a good idea to take the risk of predicting what politicians and bureaucrats will do, but here’s a shot: California will decide to wind down the failing Covered California Obamacare exchange and transfer its operations to, the federal exchange. That won’t solve any of the ...

California doesn’t need to be selling health insurance

It’s taken longer than it should have, but Covered California, California’s Obamacare health insurance exchange, is finally being exposed as a billion-dollar boondoggle. In 2013, as news about the glitches and scandals in other Obamacare exchanges became impossible to avoid, the New York Times’ Paul Krugman, former Princeton professor and ...

Ordinary consumers are paying for Obamacare’s ‘savings’

Federal programs rarely come in under budget. Consider Medicare, which will soon celebrate its 50th anniversary. In 1967, lawmakers projected annual spending in the program would reach $12 billion in 1990. The actual tab that year? A cool $110 billion. A new report from the Congressional Budget Office says that ...

PRI’s California Prosperity Agenda

California is the pioneering state of a pioneer nation. It has long led the world in innovation and technology, in entertainment and aerospace, and other fields. It does, however, face serious challenges: the poor performance of our schools, the deterioration of our public services, the unsustainability of public pensions, the ...

Pris California Prosperity Agenda

California is the pioneering state of a pioneer nation. It has long led the world in innovation and technology, in entertainment and aerospace, and other fields. It does, however, face serious challenges: the poor performance of our schools, the deterioration of our public services, the unsustainability of public pensions, the ...

Prop. 65 listing for BPA is unjustifiable

Anti-chemical activists continue to advocate to ban Bisphenol A (more commonly known as BPA), despite both BPA’s value and scientific evidence. In its latest manifestation, advocates are using scare tactics to justify the designation of BPA as a dangerous chemical that is registered on California’s Proposition 65 list. Under Prop. ...

GOP is ready for Obamacare’s downfall

This week, House Republicans released their proposed budget, which would repeal Obamacare “in its entirety.” This time, though, they have a plan for replacing it. Reps. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.), John Kline (R-Minn.), and Fred Upton (R-Mich.) recently offered a proposal that will move the United States away from Obamacare toward ...

ACA Medicaid expansion drives up health care costs

Emergency room usage has spiked sharply in recent years. That’s the depressing finding from a new survey by the American College of Emergency Physicians – and it’s putting those who need emergency care at grave risk. The survey concluded that three in four emergency room doctors have experienced a surge ...

The Supreme Court Curbs Regulatory Excesses

Since his infamous declaration that “I have a pen, and I have a phone”, President Obama has been attempting to circumvent the Congress and implement his policy agenda through regulatory fiat. In a 5-4 decision, Michigan v. EPA released on Monday June 29th, the U.S. Supreme Court has sent the ...

EV mandates giving Californians déjà vu all over again

Twenty years ago, I had my first op-ed published in a major newspaper, the Los Angeles Times. The title was “Pull the Plug on the Electric Car Mandate.” In that column, I pointed out that battery-powered (non-hybrid) electric vehicles were not ready for wide-scale adoption for a variety of reasons, ...

What ACA ruling means for Covered California

It is usually not a good idea to take the risk of predicting what politicians and bureaucrats will do, but here’s a shot: California will decide to wind down the failing Covered California Obamacare exchange and transfer its operations to, the federal exchange. That won’t solve any of the ...

California doesn’t need to be selling health insurance

It’s taken longer than it should have, but Covered California, California’s Obamacare health insurance exchange, is finally being exposed as a billion-dollar boondoggle. In 2013, as news about the glitches and scandals in other Obamacare exchanges became impossible to avoid, the New York Times’ Paul Krugman, former Princeton professor and ...

Ordinary consumers are paying for Obamacare’s ‘savings’

Federal programs rarely come in under budget. Consider Medicare, which will soon celebrate its 50th anniversary. In 1967, lawmakers projected annual spending in the program would reach $12 billion in 1990. The actual tab that year? A cool $110 billion. A new report from the Congressional Budget Office says that ...

PRI’s California Prosperity Agenda

California is the pioneering state of a pioneer nation. It has long led the world in innovation and technology, in entertainment and aerospace, and other fields. It does, however, face serious challenges: the poor performance of our schools, the deterioration of our public services, the unsustainability of public pensions, the ...

Pris California Prosperity Agenda

California is the pioneering state of a pioneer nation. It has long led the world in innovation and technology, in entertainment and aerospace, and other fields. It does, however, face serious challenges: the poor performance of our schools, the deterioration of our public services, the unsustainability of public pensions, the ...

Prop. 65 listing for BPA is unjustifiable

Anti-chemical activists continue to advocate to ban Bisphenol A (more commonly known as BPA), despite both BPA’s value and scientific evidence. In its latest manifestation, advocates are using scare tactics to justify the designation of BPA as a dangerous chemical that is registered on California’s Proposition 65 list. Under Prop. ...

GOP is ready for Obamacare’s downfall

This week, House Republicans released their proposed budget, which would repeal Obamacare “in its entirety.” This time, though, they have a plan for replacing it. Reps. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.), John Kline (R-Minn.), and Fred Upton (R-Mich.) recently offered a proposal that will move the United States away from Obamacare toward ...
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