
Health Care

Medicaid Expansion Helps Foil Plans To Quickly Repeal Obamacare

WASHINGTON – The Republican promise to repeal and replace Obamacare leaves New York State with two choices, neither of them easy: Either stand by and watch as 1.9 people lose their their health insurance or ask state taxpayers to pay another $3.7 billion a year. Thirty other states face a ...
Business & Economics

Beyond The New Normal – Part 2: Accounting For Government

Does More Government Spending Boost the Economy? New PRI Study Finds Overspending Doesn’t Create Jobs, Takes Away Investment in Private-Sector Also published in Utah Standard News Challenging the status quo thinking that more government spending boosts the economy, a new report released today by the Pacific Research Institute found that ...

With Trump’s Election, America Rejects Job-Killing Climate Change Agenda

While the rest of the country indicated by electing Donald Trump that it has moved on from the ideology of global warming alarmism, California won’t budge. Though Gov. Jerry Brown appeared to strike a cooperative tone with the new president, he also said only days after the election that the ...

Brown’s State Of The State Strong On Rage, Light On Solutions To State’s Problems

What is the state of the state in California? Apparently it’s under siege. Gov. Jerry Brown’s annual address sounded more like a commander rallying his troops to resist an occupying force than an informative report from the state government’s chief executive. “The recent election and inauguration of a new president ...

Latest California Climate Change Plan Doubles Down on Job-Killing Policies

Sacramento’s response to President Trump’s Inauguration Day was to release the latest version of its heavy-handed plan to stop global warming. The state’s updated approach to environmental policy will be about as effective in stopping climate change as another anti-Trump riot and far more economically damaging. The 2017 Climate Change ...

PRI Files Amicus Brief In Federal Lawsuit To Protect Constitutional Freedoms And Privacy Rights Of Anonymous Donors

SAN FRANCISCO –California-based free-market think tank Pacific Research Institute today joined the Cato Institute and the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) in filing an amicus brief before the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals supporting the constitutional and privacy rights of donors to public charities to contribute anonymously. Click here to ...
Business & Economics

How To Create A High-Growth Economy

Click here to read part 1 of “Beyond the New Normal” by Wayne Winegarden and Niles Chura For more than a decade federal policy has re-shaped the economy through a variety of activist policies. Taxes have risen, spending has increased, and the regulatory state has been empowered. The Federal Reserve, ...

A Choice For Kids With No Options Left

January 22nd to 28th will mark National School Choice Week, which promotes efforts to empower parents to choose the best education option for their children. There is probably no better example of why children need choices in education than Life Learning Academy (LLA) public charter school. Opponents of charter schools, ...
Common Core

Capital Ideas: Lots Of Reasons To Celebrate National School Choice Week

Download the Brief This week marks National School Choice Week (NSCW) and efforts to empower parents to choose the best public or private education option for their children. NSCW comes at perfect time given recent news about student performance and politics in the classroom. In December, scores for the 2015 ...
Business & Economics

Liberal Critics Should Take A Closer Look

President Trump’s extraordinary Inaugural Address was at once familiar and surprising, combining echoes from a forgotten past with notes that are entirely new. The echoes were to a president who was viewed with as much alarm by the official Washington of his day as Mr. Trump is by today’s Washington. ...
Health Care

Medicaid Expansion Helps Foil Plans To Quickly Repeal Obamacare

WASHINGTON – The Republican promise to repeal and replace Obamacare leaves New York State with two choices, neither of them easy: Either stand by and watch as 1.9 people lose their their health insurance or ask state taxpayers to pay another $3.7 billion a year. Thirty other states face a ...
Business & Economics

Beyond The New Normal – Part 2: Accounting For Government

Does More Government Spending Boost the Economy? New PRI Study Finds Overspending Doesn’t Create Jobs, Takes Away Investment in Private-Sector Also published in Utah Standard News Challenging the status quo thinking that more government spending boosts the economy, a new report released today by the Pacific Research Institute found that ...

With Trump’s Election, America Rejects Job-Killing Climate Change Agenda

While the rest of the country indicated by electing Donald Trump that it has moved on from the ideology of global warming alarmism, California won’t budge. Though Gov. Jerry Brown appeared to strike a cooperative tone with the new president, he also said only days after the election that the ...

Brown’s State Of The State Strong On Rage, Light On Solutions To State’s Problems

What is the state of the state in California? Apparently it’s under siege. Gov. Jerry Brown’s annual address sounded more like a commander rallying his troops to resist an occupying force than an informative report from the state government’s chief executive. “The recent election and inauguration of a new president ...

Latest California Climate Change Plan Doubles Down on Job-Killing Policies

Sacramento’s response to President Trump’s Inauguration Day was to release the latest version of its heavy-handed plan to stop global warming. The state’s updated approach to environmental policy will be about as effective in stopping climate change as another anti-Trump riot and far more economically damaging. The 2017 Climate Change ...

PRI Files Amicus Brief In Federal Lawsuit To Protect Constitutional Freedoms And Privacy Rights Of Anonymous Donors

SAN FRANCISCO –California-based free-market think tank Pacific Research Institute today joined the Cato Institute and the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) in filing an amicus brief before the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals supporting the constitutional and privacy rights of donors to public charities to contribute anonymously. Click here to ...
Business & Economics

How To Create A High-Growth Economy

Click here to read part 1 of “Beyond the New Normal” by Wayne Winegarden and Niles Chura For more than a decade federal policy has re-shaped the economy through a variety of activist policies. Taxes have risen, spending has increased, and the regulatory state has been empowered. The Federal Reserve, ...

A Choice For Kids With No Options Left

January 22nd to 28th will mark National School Choice Week, which promotes efforts to empower parents to choose the best education option for their children. There is probably no better example of why children need choices in education than Life Learning Academy (LLA) public charter school. Opponents of charter schools, ...
Common Core

Capital Ideas: Lots Of Reasons To Celebrate National School Choice Week

Download the Brief This week marks National School Choice Week (NSCW) and efforts to empower parents to choose the best public or private education option for their children. NSCW comes at perfect time given recent news about student performance and politics in the classroom. In December, scores for the 2015 ...
Business & Economics

Liberal Critics Should Take A Closer Look

President Trump’s extraordinary Inaugural Address was at once familiar and surprising, combining echoes from a forgotten past with notes that are entirely new. The echoes were to a president who was viewed with as much alarm by the official Washington of his day as Mr. Trump is by today’s Washington. ...
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