
Business & Economics

Policymakers Ignore Long-Term Consequences Of California Minimum Wage Hike

They were warned and they knew better but they did it nonetheless. It’s become the California Way. Continually legislate, never bother to contemplate. In 1992, economists David Card and Alan B. Krueger published a National Bureau of Economic Research paper that claimed, “Relative to stores in Pennsylvania, fast food restaurants ...
Business & Economics

New PRI Issue Brief Finds Government Policies Have Strangled State’s Housing Market, Made Housing Unaffordable

Big government policies and political constraints are the primary causes for rising California home prices and lack of supply, according to the findings of a new “California Ideas in Action” issue brief released today by the non-partisan Pacific Research Institute. Reforms to open California’s housing market are recommended as the ...
Business & Economics

The Best Way To Help Patients Afford Health Care Is To Make Health Care More Affordable

Cultures from biblical times to the ancient Chinese have all expressed some form of the wisdom that the best form of charity is to prevent poverty in the first place. This wisdom is lacking today, particularly with respect to the U.S. health care sector. A recent analysis by investment research ...

School Curriculum Whitewashes Communism’s History

When the state Assembly passed Assemblyman Rob Bonta’s bill that would have repealed state provisions that make membership in the Communist Party a fireable offense for state employment, a firestorm of criticism ensued. The backlash forced Bonta to withdraw the bill, but any rejoicing should be tempered by the knowledge ...

State-Level Single-Payer Healthcare Faces Death By Sticker-Shock

Californians and New Yorkers could soon discover just how expensive “free” healthcare really is. On June 1, California’s Senate passed the Healthy California Act by a vote of 23-14. If it passes the State Assembly, the bill will create a single-payer healthcare system that charges no premiums, co-pays, or deductibles. ...

Would Single Payer Violate The Gann Limit?

The California Senate voted late on June 1 to create a single-payer health-care system that will cover every resident in the state with no money out of their pockets. But this “free” health care would be anything but. Its costs are going to be steep, painful, probably deadly – and ...

California’s ‘Free’ Health Care Won’t Come Cheap

(Note: After the column went to print, SB 562 passed the State Senate on June 1 by a vote of 23 to 14.) Democrats in California’s state Senate spent Thursday hemming and hawing over Senate Bill 562, the Healthy California Act. When this column went to print, the Democratic caucus ...

Sally Pipes on Single Payer Vote

SAN FRANCISCO – Pacific Research Institute President, CEO, and Thomas W. Smith Fellow in Health Care Policy Sally C. Pipes today issued the following statement in response to the State Senate’s passage of single-payer health care legislation (Senate Bill 562): “Lawmakers today voted to move forward a $400 billion-a-year single-payer ...

LAUSD Election, New Data Provide Momentum For Charter Schools

Los Angeles Unified recently experienced a huge earthquake – a political seismic shift – when school board candidates supportive of charter schools defeated incumbents backed by the powerful local teachers union. And in a one-two punch, new research shows that charter schools are improving the achievement of the predominantly minority ...
Business & Economics

Step One: Recognize The Public Pension Crisis

As Milton Friedman famously noted, there are four ways to spend money; the fourth being spending somebody else’s money on somebody else. And, when people spend money this way, they tend to disregard both the costs and the outcomes. Simply put, people spend such money unwisely. Not only, as Milton ...
Business & Economics

Policymakers Ignore Long-Term Consequences Of California Minimum Wage Hike

They were warned and they knew better but they did it nonetheless. It’s become the California Way. Continually legislate, never bother to contemplate. In 1992, economists David Card and Alan B. Krueger published a National Bureau of Economic Research paper that claimed, “Relative to stores in Pennsylvania, fast food restaurants ...
Business & Economics

New PRI Issue Brief Finds Government Policies Have Strangled State’s Housing Market, Made Housing Unaffordable

Big government policies and political constraints are the primary causes for rising California home prices and lack of supply, according to the findings of a new “California Ideas in Action” issue brief released today by the non-partisan Pacific Research Institute. Reforms to open California’s housing market are recommended as the ...
Business & Economics

The Best Way To Help Patients Afford Health Care Is To Make Health Care More Affordable

Cultures from biblical times to the ancient Chinese have all expressed some form of the wisdom that the best form of charity is to prevent poverty in the first place. This wisdom is lacking today, particularly with respect to the U.S. health care sector. A recent analysis by investment research ...

School Curriculum Whitewashes Communism’s History

When the state Assembly passed Assemblyman Rob Bonta’s bill that would have repealed state provisions that make membership in the Communist Party a fireable offense for state employment, a firestorm of criticism ensued. The backlash forced Bonta to withdraw the bill, but any rejoicing should be tempered by the knowledge ...

State-Level Single-Payer Healthcare Faces Death By Sticker-Shock

Californians and New Yorkers could soon discover just how expensive “free” healthcare really is. On June 1, California’s Senate passed the Healthy California Act by a vote of 23-14. If it passes the State Assembly, the bill will create a single-payer healthcare system that charges no premiums, co-pays, or deductibles. ...

Would Single Payer Violate The Gann Limit?

The California Senate voted late on June 1 to create a single-payer health-care system that will cover every resident in the state with no money out of their pockets. But this “free” health care would be anything but. Its costs are going to be steep, painful, probably deadly – and ...

California’s ‘Free’ Health Care Won’t Come Cheap

(Note: After the column went to print, SB 562 passed the State Senate on June 1 by a vote of 23 to 14.) Democrats in California’s state Senate spent Thursday hemming and hawing over Senate Bill 562, the Healthy California Act. When this column went to print, the Democratic caucus ...

Sally Pipes on Single Payer Vote

SAN FRANCISCO – Pacific Research Institute President, CEO, and Thomas W. Smith Fellow in Health Care Policy Sally C. Pipes today issued the following statement in response to the State Senate’s passage of single-payer health care legislation (Senate Bill 562): “Lawmakers today voted to move forward a $400 billion-a-year single-payer ...

LAUSD Election, New Data Provide Momentum For Charter Schools

Los Angeles Unified recently experienced a huge earthquake – a political seismic shift – when school board candidates supportive of charter schools defeated incumbents backed by the powerful local teachers union. And in a one-two punch, new research shows that charter schools are improving the achievement of the predominantly minority ...
Business & Economics

Step One: Recognize The Public Pension Crisis

As Milton Friedman famously noted, there are four ways to spend money; the fourth being spending somebody else’s money on somebody else. And, when people spend money this way, they tend to disregard both the costs and the outcomes. Simply put, people spend such money unwisely. Not only, as Milton ...
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