Crime is out of control in Oakland
And Now, On The Other Side Of The Bay …
San Francisco has become almost as famous for its serial store closings as its cable cars. Popular retailers, including Nordstrom, Whole Foods, Saks Off 5th, Anthropologie and Office Depot are shutting their doors because, well, they just can’t take it anymore. The thieves won. Across the water, on the east ...
Kerry Jackson
October 2, 2023
Read Wayne Winegarden's latest at Fox News
New study reveals why Americans are fleeing big cities
Apologists for the declining cities will cite COVID-19 as a causal explanation and even optimistically claim that the declines have moderated. Such blind optimism overlooks the obvious – people are leaving big cities like San Francisco, New York and Boston because of bad public policy choices in those cities. They’re ...
Wayne Winegarden
September 28, 2023
Read latest from Free Cities Center
Modern take on ‘flophouses’ could ease homeless problem
Let’s first look at the current situation. This year’s approved budget for the King County Regional Homelessness Authority in Washington is $253.3 million. San Francisco spends at least $1.4 billion a year on the problem. Yet that money doesn’t seem to be making a measurable dent in the problem. We ...
Jeremy Lott
September 28, 2023
Kerry Jackson – Climate Change and Big Oil
Our guest this week is Kerry Jackson, PRI’s senior fellow on California Reform. Kerry has been following Gov. Newsom’s and Attorney General Bonta’s lawsuit on oil companies and its implications. He also discusses SB 253, a corporate climate change disclosure bill; the federal and state push for electric busses including ...
Pacific Research Institute
September 25, 2023
Read about Sacramento's growing homeless problem
Sacramento Tax Increase Push for ‘Affordable Housing’ Would Push City’s Problems on County
According to a HouseFresh ranking of the nation’s dirtiest cities, Sacramento ranked second-worst in the country. California’s state capitol city ranked worse than Los Angeles, Oakland, San Francisco and others that are covered in grime. In the zip code where I live, 95817, there were nearly 49,000 complaints per 100,000 ...
Tim Anaya
September 25, 2023
Clark Judge – Election Preview
Our guest this week is Clark Judge, founder and managing director of the White House Writers Group and Chairman of PRI. A former speechwriter to Pres. Ronald Reagan, Clark is a veteran of Washington politics and presidential elections. We chat with Clark to get his insights on California politics from ...
Pacific Research Institute
September 20, 2023
Read latest on Sacramento's homeless problem
PRI’s Comments Featured in New York Sun Article on Sacramento DA Suing City Over Failure to Enforce the Law
Overflowing garbage, indecent exposure, public defecation: These are the sights residents of California’s capital city describe seeing in front of their homes and businesses. The Sacramento County district attorney, Thien Ho, wants it to stop and is vowing to hold the city accountable for not enforcing its own public ordinances ...
Pacific Research Institute
September 20, 2023
Read about latest soft on crime legislation
SB 2 – A Law in Search of a Crime
The 2022 Crime in California report from the state Attorney General’s office tell us, as the reports have shown for the past three years, that crime continues to rise. Violent crimes are up 6.1 percent and property crimes are up 6.2 percent over the 2021 figures. Yet, progressive lawmakers have continued to ...
Steve Smith
September 19, 2023
Who are winners and losers of 2023 legislative session?
Progressives Dominate Legislative Session, But Will Newsom Spoil the Party?
Late Thursday evening, the Legislature wrapped up its business for the 2023 legislative session. As bleary-eyed lawmakers travel home today for the fall recess, what is the biggest story of this year’s legislative session? This year’s legislative session will go down as perhaps the most successful legislative session ever for ...
Tim Anaya
September 15, 2023
Free Market Reforms Can Alleviate the Housing Crisis
Cities: Let developers turn zombie malls into bustling housing
For commercial property owners and businesses, it can be a smart way to make better and more optimal use of antiquated properties. And for city leaders, it can be a way of revitalizing neighborhoods while bringing much needed housing online with less NIMBY (Not In My Backyard) backlash than normal. ...
Sal Rodriguez
September 13, 2023
Crime is out of control in Oakland
And Now, On The Other Side Of The Bay …
San Francisco has become almost as famous for its serial store closings as its cable cars. Popular retailers, including Nordstrom, Whole Foods, Saks Off 5th, Anthropologie and Office Depot are shutting their doors because, well, they just can’t take it anymore. The thieves won. Across the water, on the east ...
Read Wayne Winegarden's latest at Fox News
New study reveals why Americans are fleeing big cities
Apologists for the declining cities will cite COVID-19 as a causal explanation and even optimistically claim that the declines have moderated. Such blind optimism overlooks the obvious – people are leaving big cities like San Francisco, New York and Boston because of bad public policy choices in those cities. They’re ...
Read latest from Free Cities Center
Modern take on ‘flophouses’ could ease homeless problem
Let’s first look at the current situation. This year’s approved budget for the King County Regional Homelessness Authority in Washington is $253.3 million. San Francisco spends at least $1.4 billion a year on the problem. Yet that money doesn’t seem to be making a measurable dent in the problem. We ...
Kerry Jackson – Climate Change and Big Oil
Our guest this week is Kerry Jackson, PRI’s senior fellow on California Reform. Kerry has been following Gov. Newsom’s and Attorney General Bonta’s lawsuit on oil companies and its implications. He also discusses SB 253, a corporate climate change disclosure bill; the federal and state push for electric busses including ...
Read about Sacramento's growing homeless problem
Sacramento Tax Increase Push for ‘Affordable Housing’ Would Push City’s Problems on County
According to a HouseFresh ranking of the nation’s dirtiest cities, Sacramento ranked second-worst in the country. California’s state capitol city ranked worse than Los Angeles, Oakland, San Francisco and others that are covered in grime. In the zip code where I live, 95817, there were nearly 49,000 complaints per 100,000 ...
Clark Judge – Election Preview
Our guest this week is Clark Judge, founder and managing director of the White House Writers Group and Chairman of PRI. A former speechwriter to Pres. Ronald Reagan, Clark is a veteran of Washington politics and presidential elections. We chat with Clark to get his insights on California politics from ...
Read latest on Sacramento's homeless problem
PRI’s Comments Featured in New York Sun Article on Sacramento DA Suing City Over Failure to Enforce the Law
Overflowing garbage, indecent exposure, public defecation: These are the sights residents of California’s capital city describe seeing in front of their homes and businesses. The Sacramento County district attorney, Thien Ho, wants it to stop and is vowing to hold the city accountable for not enforcing its own public ordinances ...
Read about latest soft on crime legislation
SB 2 – A Law in Search of a Crime
The 2022 Crime in California report from the state Attorney General’s office tell us, as the reports have shown for the past three years, that crime continues to rise. Violent crimes are up 6.1 percent and property crimes are up 6.2 percent over the 2021 figures. Yet, progressive lawmakers have continued to ...
Who are winners and losers of 2023 legislative session?
Progressives Dominate Legislative Session, But Will Newsom Spoil the Party?
Late Thursday evening, the Legislature wrapped up its business for the 2023 legislative session. As bleary-eyed lawmakers travel home today for the fall recess, what is the biggest story of this year’s legislative session? This year’s legislative session will go down as perhaps the most successful legislative session ever for ...
Free Market Reforms Can Alleviate the Housing Crisis
Cities: Let developers turn zombie malls into bustling housing
For commercial property owners and businesses, it can be a smart way to make better and more optimal use of antiquated properties. And for city leaders, it can be a way of revitalizing neighborhoods while bringing much needed housing online with less NIMBY (Not In My Backyard) backlash than normal. ...