

Giving Rural California A Bigger Voice

Republican Assemblyman James Gallagher of Yuba City joins us at his Sacramento office to talk about the Oroville Dam emergency, building California water storage, and his proposal to give the North State a bigger voice in California politics.

Is Cap-and-Trade Really A Free Market Solution To Climate Change?

The mood was reportedly celebratory on the evening of July 17 after legislators approved a decade-long extension of the state’s carbon dioxide cap-and-trade program. But that’s not to say everyone was happy, or should be. Assembly Bill 398 will continue the current cap-and-trade system through 2030. It places a cap ...

CAPITAL IDEAS: Brown Plays on World Stage While Ignoring State’s Many Other Challenges

Gov. Jerry Brown is inviting “the whole world” to a climate summit in San Francisco next year. Evidently Sacramento has solved the state’s housing crisis, defused the public-employee pension bomb, eradicated poverty, overhauled the creaky tax regime and taken care of all of California’s other problems and can now move ...

Why Trump Should Be Happy That the GOP’s ‘Repeal-and-Delay’ Is Dead

Senate Republicans’ bid to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act collapsed on Tuesday, after Sens. Jerry Moran, (R-Kans.), and Mike Lee, (R-Utah), became the third and fourth Republicans to come out against the bill. Their defections deprived Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of the votes he needed to advance ...
Health Care

Americans Aren’t Buying What Obamacare Is Selling

A new Gallup poll provides yet more evidence that Obamacare is collapsing. According to the survey, the share of people without health insurance jumped to 11.7 percent in the second quarter of this year — up from 10.9 percent at the end of 2016. Obamacare is spending billions of taxpayer ...

Unless Legislature Embraces Free Market Energy Future, California Faces Next Solyndra

California’s solar power system generated such a glut of electricity for two weeks in March that some of it had to be sent out of state. Supporters of solar energy might believe this is evidence that it works. But it actually highlights solar energy’s biggest flaw. In late June, the ...
Business & Economics

NEW STUDY: Californians Would Pay $1.9 Billion More For Insurance If Congress Passes Border Adjustment Tax

Californians would face $1.9 billion in higher insurance costs if Congress passes a border adjustment tax as part of federal tax reform, according to a new study released today by the R Street Institute and the Pacific Research Institute. This tax would make it virtually impossible for U.S. insurers to ...
Business & Economics

Despite Budget Action, Much Work Remains to Solve State’s Pension Crisis

Anyone worried about an earthquake plunging California into the sea should be more concerned about what is really sinking the state: the cost of public-employee pensions. In the just-enacted 2017-18 state budget, about $8 billion of the state government’s $183 billion spending package will go to the California Public Employees’ Retirement ...

Declaring Independence From Obamacare

Republican senators are hashing out their health reform bill over the July 4 recess. When they return on July 10, let’s hope they’ve written a bill that looks less like Obamacare Lite and more like a genuine market-based alternative to repeal and replace the failing health law. Anyone who believes ...

Is The Horror Story Of Single-payer Health Care Coming Soon To A Theater Near You?

Hollywood loves a sequel. This summer, studios are releasing a fifth Pirates of the Caribbean, a third edition of the Despicable Me franchise, and yet another Spiderman. But warmed-over ideas are not the sole province of the film industry. Progressive lawmakers are launching a reboot of their own — Single-Payer ...

Giving Rural California A Bigger Voice

Republican Assemblyman James Gallagher of Yuba City joins us at his Sacramento office to talk about the Oroville Dam emergency, building California water storage, and his proposal to give the North State a bigger voice in California politics.

Is Cap-and-Trade Really A Free Market Solution To Climate Change?

The mood was reportedly celebratory on the evening of July 17 after legislators approved a decade-long extension of the state’s carbon dioxide cap-and-trade program. But that’s not to say everyone was happy, or should be. Assembly Bill 398 will continue the current cap-and-trade system through 2030. It places a cap ...

CAPITAL IDEAS: Brown Plays on World Stage While Ignoring State’s Many Other Challenges

Gov. Jerry Brown is inviting “the whole world” to a climate summit in San Francisco next year. Evidently Sacramento has solved the state’s housing crisis, defused the public-employee pension bomb, eradicated poverty, overhauled the creaky tax regime and taken care of all of California’s other problems and can now move ...

Why Trump Should Be Happy That the GOP’s ‘Repeal-and-Delay’ Is Dead

Senate Republicans’ bid to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act collapsed on Tuesday, after Sens. Jerry Moran, (R-Kans.), and Mike Lee, (R-Utah), became the third and fourth Republicans to come out against the bill. Their defections deprived Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of the votes he needed to advance ...
Health Care

Americans Aren’t Buying What Obamacare Is Selling

A new Gallup poll provides yet more evidence that Obamacare is collapsing. According to the survey, the share of people without health insurance jumped to 11.7 percent in the second quarter of this year — up from 10.9 percent at the end of 2016. Obamacare is spending billions of taxpayer ...

Unless Legislature Embraces Free Market Energy Future, California Faces Next Solyndra

California’s solar power system generated such a glut of electricity for two weeks in March that some of it had to be sent out of state. Supporters of solar energy might believe this is evidence that it works. But it actually highlights solar energy’s biggest flaw. In late June, the ...
Business & Economics

NEW STUDY: Californians Would Pay $1.9 Billion More For Insurance If Congress Passes Border Adjustment Tax

Californians would face $1.9 billion in higher insurance costs if Congress passes a border adjustment tax as part of federal tax reform, according to a new study released today by the R Street Institute and the Pacific Research Institute. This tax would make it virtually impossible for U.S. insurers to ...
Business & Economics

Despite Budget Action, Much Work Remains to Solve State’s Pension Crisis

Anyone worried about an earthquake plunging California into the sea should be more concerned about what is really sinking the state: the cost of public-employee pensions. In the just-enacted 2017-18 state budget, about $8 billion of the state government’s $183 billion spending package will go to the California Public Employees’ Retirement ...

Declaring Independence From Obamacare

Republican senators are hashing out their health reform bill over the July 4 recess. When they return on July 10, let’s hope they’ve written a bill that looks less like Obamacare Lite and more like a genuine market-based alternative to repeal and replace the failing health law. Anyone who believes ...

Is The Horror Story Of Single-payer Health Care Coming Soon To A Theater Near You?

Hollywood loves a sequel. This summer, studios are releasing a fifth Pirates of the Caribbean, a third edition of the Despicable Me franchise, and yet another Spiderman. But warmed-over ideas are not the sole province of the film industry. Progressive lawmakers are launching a reboot of their own — Single-Payer ...
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