

On Wildfires and Wine

Small business owners and entrepreneurs have always been the backbone of California’s economy.  No one can deny the courage of those individuals who risk all for an idea and a dream.  For the vintners, growers, restauranteurs, and small business owners who live and work in California’s wine country, that courage ...

Unmistakable Signs That California Lawmakers Have (Yet Again) Gone Too Far

A Mercury News headline earlier this year declared that “Amid ‘Resistance,’ activists try to push California Democratic Party to the left.” But looking back now that the bill signing period is complete, it’s clear that Sacramento Democrats don’t need to be pushed left. They’re headed that way just fine on ...

Let’s Cut California’s Tax Burden to Help the Giants Win the Pennant in 2018

To say that I am a fan of the San Francisco Giants is an understatement. 24 Willie Mays Plaza is perhaps my favorite place on Earth.  I make the trek down to AT&T Park at least half a dozen times each year.  Visit my den at home and you’ll see ...

Wayne Winegarden Talks California’s Proposed Gas Car Ban on Air Talk

Wayne Winegarden, PRI’s senior fellow in business and economics, recently joined “Air Talk with Larry Mantle” on Southern California Public Radio/KPCC to discuss California’s proposed ban on gas-powered cars.  Winegarden is the author of an upcoming PRI study exploring state electric car subsidies. Click here to listen to the interview ...
Business & Economics

Dorothy Rothrock – Can We Bring Back California Manufacturing Jobs?

California Manufacturing and Technology Association President Dorothy Rothrock joins us to discuss the state of manufacturing in California today and how this year’s legislative session will impact manufacturers, and what can be done to bring back manufacturing jobs.

Prop. 54 Tames Wild Late Nights at the State Capitol

For political nerds like me, there’s no rush quite like the last night of the legislative session. Every year, legislators and staff literally work around-the-clock to pass final bills before the clock runs out.  To keep going, they drink too much coffee and eat lukewarm pizza and take-out Chinese food.  ...

What Connecticut – and California – Can Learn from Tennessee on Fiscal Reform

We’ve all heard the negative economic and budget stories coming out of Sacramento in recent years.  But as a Connecticut native, the headlines coming out of my home state are equally concerning, and offer a lesson for Golden State policymakers. Connecticut is the richest state in the country (by per-capita ...
Business & Economics

David Crane Discusses California’s Pension Time Bomb

David Crane of Govern for California discusses California’s public pension time bomb at a PRI Young Leaders Circle meeting in San Francisco.

Gov. Brown’s Rolling Stone Interview is a Must-Read

As much as we have criticized Gov. Jerry Brown, we have to acknowledge that on occasion he will act as the senior statesman of his party, beating back its most mindless impulses. The most recent example: his judicious counsel on single-payer health care. Of course Brown has been a supporter ...

An entitlement for… moi?

If you think this is going to be one of those hard-hitting policy pieces that you get from the likes of Anaya and Jackson, or one of those brainy blogs from Winegarden.  It’s not.  It’s all about me, and my yearning for that fabulous, subsidized Tesla. I’m in the market ...

On Wildfires and Wine

Small business owners and entrepreneurs have always been the backbone of California’s economy.  No one can deny the courage of those individuals who risk all for an idea and a dream.  For the vintners, growers, restauranteurs, and small business owners who live and work in California’s wine country, that courage ...

Unmistakable Signs That California Lawmakers Have (Yet Again) Gone Too Far

A Mercury News headline earlier this year declared that “Amid ‘Resistance,’ activists try to push California Democratic Party to the left.” But looking back now that the bill signing period is complete, it’s clear that Sacramento Democrats don’t need to be pushed left. They’re headed that way just fine on ...

Let’s Cut California’s Tax Burden to Help the Giants Win the Pennant in 2018

To say that I am a fan of the San Francisco Giants is an understatement. 24 Willie Mays Plaza is perhaps my favorite place on Earth.  I make the trek down to AT&T Park at least half a dozen times each year.  Visit my den at home and you’ll see ...

Wayne Winegarden Talks California’s Proposed Gas Car Ban on Air Talk

Wayne Winegarden, PRI’s senior fellow in business and economics, recently joined “Air Talk with Larry Mantle” on Southern California Public Radio/KPCC to discuss California’s proposed ban on gas-powered cars.  Winegarden is the author of an upcoming PRI study exploring state electric car subsidies. Click here to listen to the interview ...
Business & Economics

Dorothy Rothrock – Can We Bring Back California Manufacturing Jobs?

California Manufacturing and Technology Association President Dorothy Rothrock joins us to discuss the state of manufacturing in California today and how this year’s legislative session will impact manufacturers, and what can be done to bring back manufacturing jobs.

Prop. 54 Tames Wild Late Nights at the State Capitol

For political nerds like me, there’s no rush quite like the last night of the legislative session. Every year, legislators and staff literally work around-the-clock to pass final bills before the clock runs out.  To keep going, they drink too much coffee and eat lukewarm pizza and take-out Chinese food.  ...

What Connecticut – and California – Can Learn from Tennessee on Fiscal Reform

We’ve all heard the negative economic and budget stories coming out of Sacramento in recent years.  But as a Connecticut native, the headlines coming out of my home state are equally concerning, and offer a lesson for Golden State policymakers. Connecticut is the richest state in the country (by per-capita ...
Business & Economics

David Crane Discusses California’s Pension Time Bomb

David Crane of Govern for California discusses California’s public pension time bomb at a PRI Young Leaders Circle meeting in San Francisco.

Gov. Brown’s Rolling Stone Interview is a Must-Read

As much as we have criticized Gov. Jerry Brown, we have to acknowledge that on occasion he will act as the senior statesman of his party, beating back its most mindless impulses. The most recent example: his judicious counsel on single-payer health care. Of course Brown has been a supporter ...

An entitlement for… moi?

If you think this is going to be one of those hard-hitting policy pieces that you get from the likes of Anaya and Jackson, or one of those brainy blogs from Winegarden.  It’s not.  It’s all about me, and my yearning for that fabulous, subsidized Tesla. I’m in the market ...
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