

California Can’t Afford Single-Payer Health Care Fantasy

A civil war is brewing within California’s Democratic party. Progressives — led by Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom, the frontrunner for governor, and the politically powerful California Nurses Association — plan to fight for a single-payer healthcare system this year. Their more moderate rivals — among them Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon ...

Would An All-Electric Car Future Really Benefit Californians?

Sacramento is threatening to outlaw a freedom Californians have enjoyed for more than a century through a bill introduced by Democratic Assemblyman Phil Ting, of San Francisco. If it’s passed and signed, new gasoline-powered cars will become the state’s new undocumented immigrants. Government will refuse to register them. Should it ...

Governor Jerry Brown Has It All Wrong About California’s Education Funding

The recent press conference on California Governor Jerry Brown’s proposed 2018-19 budget revealed that the governor wants to increase funding to the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF), his signature education finance program. However, there are very significant problems with LCFF. Prior to the enactment of the LCFF, funding California’s public ...

The State of the State’s Pensions Is Not So Strong

The governor covered quite a few topics in Thursday’s State of the State address, some of them in more detail than others. But one he skimmed over that should have received more attention is the state’s public-employee pension crisis. It was mentioned only twice, both times references to a reform ...

“The Thrill is Gone” for the State of the State

Today is one of the biggest events of the year at the State Capitol – the Governor’s State of the State Address. When Arnold Schwarzenegger was Governor, it was literally a circus.  the entire lawn of the Capitol was literally filled with dozens of satellite trucks.  There were so many ...

They’re Baaack! Higher Corporate Tax Rates on California Companies?

Just when hundreds of thousands of Californians have begun to enjoy their bonuses and raises thanks to the new tax law, the progressives in Sacramento are working on ways to crush workers’ newfound prosperity.  Just last week, Democratic Assemblymen Kevin McCarty of Sacramento and Phil Ting of San Francisco introduced ...

Kerry Jackson Talks California Poverty on Lars Larson Show

Listen to Kerry Jackson, fellow with PRI’s Center for California Reform, discuss the findings of his new study on poverty in California, Good Intentions on “The Lars Larson Show”. The interview begins around the 54:00 mark. Click here to download a copy of Good Intentions.

Water from the Sands

There’s no thirstier state than California. Its history of water wars, droughts—both natural and manmade—and, according to some, outright theft of water from the Owens Valley about four hours north of Los Angeles, has inspired legend, myth, and movies. But even after roughly a century of water flowing into an otherwise ...

Latest Evidence Shows Rent Control Increases Costs, Reduces Housing Supply

As we have noted so many times before, rent control laws are one of the many flawed public policies that are driving California’s steep housing costs. Look here, here and here. Of course, we’re not alone in making this assertion. There is an extensive library of scholarly literature that has ...

Kerry Jackson in Jonah Goldberg Column: Does the California Model Really Work?

The alleged success of the California model is one of the more intense controversies in the nerdier corners of public-policy debate. For many progressives, California’s metastasizing liberalism proves you can have Scandinavian-style social policies and tax rates and still have robust economic growth. For conservatives, California is like a bumblebee. ...

California Can’t Afford Single-Payer Health Care Fantasy

A civil war is brewing within California’s Democratic party. Progressives — led by Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom, the frontrunner for governor, and the politically powerful California Nurses Association — plan to fight for a single-payer healthcare system this year. Their more moderate rivals — among them Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon ...

Would An All-Electric Car Future Really Benefit Californians?

Sacramento is threatening to outlaw a freedom Californians have enjoyed for more than a century through a bill introduced by Democratic Assemblyman Phil Ting, of San Francisco. If it’s passed and signed, new gasoline-powered cars will become the state’s new undocumented immigrants. Government will refuse to register them. Should it ...

Governor Jerry Brown Has It All Wrong About California’s Education Funding

The recent press conference on California Governor Jerry Brown’s proposed 2018-19 budget revealed that the governor wants to increase funding to the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF), his signature education finance program. However, there are very significant problems with LCFF. Prior to the enactment of the LCFF, funding California’s public ...

The State of the State’s Pensions Is Not So Strong

The governor covered quite a few topics in Thursday’s State of the State address, some of them in more detail than others. But one he skimmed over that should have received more attention is the state’s public-employee pension crisis. It was mentioned only twice, both times references to a reform ...

“The Thrill is Gone” for the State of the State

Today is one of the biggest events of the year at the State Capitol – the Governor’s State of the State Address. When Arnold Schwarzenegger was Governor, it was literally a circus.  the entire lawn of the Capitol was literally filled with dozens of satellite trucks.  There were so many ...

They’re Baaack! Higher Corporate Tax Rates on California Companies?

Just when hundreds of thousands of Californians have begun to enjoy their bonuses and raises thanks to the new tax law, the progressives in Sacramento are working on ways to crush workers’ newfound prosperity.  Just last week, Democratic Assemblymen Kevin McCarty of Sacramento and Phil Ting of San Francisco introduced ...

Kerry Jackson Talks California Poverty on Lars Larson Show

Listen to Kerry Jackson, fellow with PRI’s Center for California Reform, discuss the findings of his new study on poverty in California, Good Intentions on “The Lars Larson Show”. The interview begins around the 54:00 mark. Click here to download a copy of Good Intentions.

Water from the Sands

There’s no thirstier state than California. Its history of water wars, droughts—both natural and manmade—and, according to some, outright theft of water from the Owens Valley about four hours north of Los Angeles, has inspired legend, myth, and movies. But even after roughly a century of water flowing into an otherwise ...

Latest Evidence Shows Rent Control Increases Costs, Reduces Housing Supply

As we have noted so many times before, rent control laws are one of the many flawed public policies that are driving California’s steep housing costs. Look here, here and here. Of course, we’re not alone in making this assertion. There is an extensive library of scholarly literature that has ...

Kerry Jackson in Jonah Goldberg Column: Does the California Model Really Work?

The alleged success of the California model is one of the more intense controversies in the nerdier corners of public-policy debate. For many progressives, California’s metastasizing liberalism proves you can have Scandinavian-style social policies and tax rates and still have robust economic growth. For conservatives, California is like a bumblebee. ...
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