

Wayne Winegarden – Sapping California’s Energy Future

In September 2020, Gov. Newsom signed an executive order requiring all new passenger cars and light trucks sold in California to be zero-emission vehicles by 2035. Wayne Winegarden, PhD and co-author of PRI’s new study “Sapping California’s Energy Future” discusses why this and other policies from Sacramento are jeopardizing California’s ...

Soaking rich homeowners fails in Los Angeles

Soaking rich homeowners fails in Los Angeles By Randal O’Toole  |  June 9, 2023 To help fund the $1.3 billion that Los Angeles’ City Council believes it needs to house the homeless, the city decided to impose a “mansion tax” of 4 percent on the sales of any homes or ...


State Will Fall 21.1 Percent Short of Power Needed to Meet 2045 EV Mandate

California will fall 21.1 percent short of the electricity required to meet the state’s 100 percent electric vehicle mandates, finds a new report from the nonpartisan California free-market think tank, the Pacific Research Institute.   Download the study here “California’s green energy mandates will require families and businesses to consume ...


Iowa senator looks to throw the emergency brake on far overbudget spending on out-of-control train projects

California is in dire need of federal funds to keep its high-speed rail dream alive. But a Midwestern senator is standing athwart the “gravy train” yelling stop. Iowa Republican Sen. Joni Ernst recently introduced the Put the Brakes on Boondoggles Act, a to-the-point bill to withhold federal aid from transit construction ...

Juvenile Justice – A Crisis in the Making

On July 1,  California will close its three remaining juvenile justice facilities.  Located in Stockton and Ventura, the three facilities house just 300 juvenile offenders – down from a system high of 8000 ten years ago.   Once closed, the 300 inmates will be returned to the county from which they ...

City services will get slammed as public pay goes up

Consider these recent increases: University of California Health. In February, unionized medical residents at UC’s six urban medical centers (in Sacramento, San Francisco, Los Angeles, San Diego, Riverside and Orange) were prescribed 16-percent raises over two years. Los Angeles. In April, teachers in the Los Angeles Unified School district went ...

Lee Ohanian – Why Californians Are Fleeing the State

Our guest this week is Hoover Institution senior fellow and UCLA professor Dr. Lee Ohanian.

Read latest from Free Cities Center

Coercion-free planning can lead to glorious results

Central planning, no matter if the target is an economy or a community, has generally had historically disastrous results. When the government plots and schemes the future, people are ultimately doomed to lower living standards at best, and misery, all too often. Yet central planning can work – but only ...

Read latest from Free Cities Center

San Diego offers pragmatic model to restore downtown life

According to Neighborhood Scout, a data-driven organization that provides detailed insights into local crime rates at a far more granular level than national statistics, San Diego has 4 violent crimes and 19.3 property crimes per 1,000 residents. In contrast, Los Angeles has 8.4 violent crimes and 24.6 property crimes per ...

New PRI Book Release

State Planners Focus Too Much on Social Engineering Rather Than Transportation Engineering

NEW PRI BOOK RELEASE PUTTING CUSTOMERS FIRST Re-Envisioning Our Approach to Transportation Planning Steven Greenhut State Planners Focus Too Much on Social Engineering Rather Than Transportation Engineering Focus Should Be Easing Gridlock, Not Prodding People Out of Cars State and local transportation officials are planning transportation projects around social engineering, ...

Wayne Winegarden – Sapping California’s Energy Future

In September 2020, Gov. Newsom signed an executive order requiring all new passenger cars and light trucks sold in California to be zero-emission vehicles by 2035. Wayne Winegarden, PhD and co-author of PRI’s new study “Sapping California’s Energy Future” discusses why this and other policies from Sacramento are jeopardizing California’s ...

Soaking rich homeowners fails in Los Angeles

Soaking rich homeowners fails in Los Angeles By Randal O’Toole  |  June 9, 2023 To help fund the $1.3 billion that Los Angeles’ City Council believes it needs to house the homeless, the city decided to impose a “mansion tax” of 4 percent on the sales of any homes or ...


State Will Fall 21.1 Percent Short of Power Needed to Meet 2045 EV Mandate

California will fall 21.1 percent short of the electricity required to meet the state’s 100 percent electric vehicle mandates, finds a new report from the nonpartisan California free-market think tank, the Pacific Research Institute.   Download the study here “California’s green energy mandates will require families and businesses to consume ...


Iowa senator looks to throw the emergency brake on far overbudget spending on out-of-control train projects

California is in dire need of federal funds to keep its high-speed rail dream alive. But a Midwestern senator is standing athwart the “gravy train” yelling stop. Iowa Republican Sen. Joni Ernst recently introduced the Put the Brakes on Boondoggles Act, a to-the-point bill to withhold federal aid from transit construction ...

Juvenile Justice – A Crisis in the Making

On July 1,  California will close its three remaining juvenile justice facilities.  Located in Stockton and Ventura, the three facilities house just 300 juvenile offenders – down from a system high of 8000 ten years ago.   Once closed, the 300 inmates will be returned to the county from which they ...

City services will get slammed as public pay goes up

Consider these recent increases: University of California Health. In February, unionized medical residents at UC’s six urban medical centers (in Sacramento, San Francisco, Los Angeles, San Diego, Riverside and Orange) were prescribed 16-percent raises over two years. Los Angeles. In April, teachers in the Los Angeles Unified School district went ...

Lee Ohanian – Why Californians Are Fleeing the State

Our guest this week is Hoover Institution senior fellow and UCLA professor Dr. Lee Ohanian.

Read latest from Free Cities Center

Coercion-free planning can lead to glorious results

Central planning, no matter if the target is an economy or a community, has generally had historically disastrous results. When the government plots and schemes the future, people are ultimately doomed to lower living standards at best, and misery, all too often. Yet central planning can work – but only ...

Read latest from Free Cities Center

San Diego offers pragmatic model to restore downtown life

According to Neighborhood Scout, a data-driven organization that provides detailed insights into local crime rates at a far more granular level than national statistics, San Diego has 4 violent crimes and 19.3 property crimes per 1,000 residents. In contrast, Los Angeles has 8.4 violent crimes and 24.6 property crimes per ...

New PRI Book Release

State Planners Focus Too Much on Social Engineering Rather Than Transportation Engineering

NEW PRI BOOK RELEASE PUTTING CUSTOMERS FIRST Re-Envisioning Our Approach to Transportation Planning Steven Greenhut State Planners Focus Too Much on Social Engineering Rather Than Transportation Engineering Focus Should Be Easing Gridlock, Not Prodding People Out of Cars State and local transportation officials are planning transportation projects around social engineering, ...
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