
Business & Economics

Marlo Lewis – Embracing a Free-Market Environmental Future

Marlo Lewis of the Competitive Enterprise Institute joins us in Vancouver for a discussion on how the free-market is a more effective way to achieve a global, clean energy future than new clean energy laws or excess regulations.

Choking on the Cost of ‘Medicare for All’

Last month, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, an outspoken socialist, beat 10-term Congressman Joe Crowley, the fourth-highest-ranking House Democrat, in the primary election for New York’s 14th congressional district. Ocasio-Cortez is a member of the Democratic Socialists of America and a former organizer for Sen. Bernie Sanders’s presidential campaign. She’s also a vocal ...

Celebrating the Sound of Freedom

That sound you heard on the Fourth of July was not bands playing “God Bless America” or other patriotic songs. No, it was people complaining on social media about fireworks being set off in their neighborhoods. Where I live in Sacramento, you can buy fireworks for your family 4th of ...

Wayne Winegarden Discusses CA’s Renewable Mandate and SB 100 on Air Talk

Listen to PRI’s Senior Fellow in Business and Economics Wayne Winegarden discuss SB 100, legislation to increase California’s renewable energy mandate, on “Air Talk with Larry Mantle” on Southern California Public Radio.  Winegarden makes the case that such renewable energy mandates raise electricity costs for manufacturers and businesses, and increases ...

What We’re Watching – July 6, 2018

Rowena Itchon – Keynes vs. Hayek, Rounds 1 and 2 For my summer reading list, I like to re-read a classic or two. So for my summer video recommendation, here are a couple of classics: Keynes vs. Hayek, Rounds 1 and 2. Fear the Boom and Bust Fight of the ...

Soda Tax Vote Forces Lawmakers to Eat Carrot or Face Local Tax Spigot Shut Off

Usually around this time of year, you’ll see state lawmakers wielding a big stick. In search of headlines or political points, lawmakers will routinely target some politically incorrect industry with punitive legislation.  Unless that industry agrees to eat a legislative carrot of new regulations, taxes, or fees that aren’t as ...

Riddle: Who is single, has no kids, and getting a tax increase?

Tax Calculator Part 2 In my last blog, I ran some numbers on the Tax Foundation’s new tax calculator to show the average tax cut for California households by congressional district under the new Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.  But I thought what would be even more interesting is to ...

Could Decades of Big Government Be Why Bay Area Residents Want to Leave?

Between 1850 and 1860, California’s population grew by 410 percent – a rapid expansion fueled by the Gold Rush. The rush today, though, is more outbound than inbound. From 2007 to 2016, 6 million people left the state while only 5 million moved in. One could argue that with a ...

Ending War on Coffee Latest Example of Why Government Shouldn’t Play Dietician

A few months back we wrote about California’s “nags and nannies who relish forbidding pleasure, especially those of a gastronomic nature,” and their success in convincing a Los Angeles Superior Court judge to issue a preliminary ruling which requires stores that sell coffee to post cancer warning labels around their ...

Kerry Jackson talks California poverty on Dr. Drew Midday Live

Listen to Kerry Jackson, fellow with PRI’s Center for California Reform, discuss poverty in California on the “Dr. Drew Midday Live” show with Lauren Sivan on KABC AM 790 in Los Angeles and KGO AM 810 in San Francisco.
Business & Economics

Marlo Lewis – Embracing a Free-Market Environmental Future

Marlo Lewis of the Competitive Enterprise Institute joins us in Vancouver for a discussion on how the free-market is a more effective way to achieve a global, clean energy future than new clean energy laws or excess regulations.

Choking on the Cost of ‘Medicare for All’

Last month, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, an outspoken socialist, beat 10-term Congressman Joe Crowley, the fourth-highest-ranking House Democrat, in the primary election for New York’s 14th congressional district. Ocasio-Cortez is a member of the Democratic Socialists of America and a former organizer for Sen. Bernie Sanders’s presidential campaign. She’s also a vocal ...

Celebrating the Sound of Freedom

That sound you heard on the Fourth of July was not bands playing “God Bless America” or other patriotic songs. No, it was people complaining on social media about fireworks being set off in their neighborhoods. Where I live in Sacramento, you can buy fireworks for your family 4th of ...

Wayne Winegarden Discusses CA’s Renewable Mandate and SB 100 on Air Talk

Listen to PRI’s Senior Fellow in Business and Economics Wayne Winegarden discuss SB 100, legislation to increase California’s renewable energy mandate, on “Air Talk with Larry Mantle” on Southern California Public Radio.  Winegarden makes the case that such renewable energy mandates raise electricity costs for manufacturers and businesses, and increases ...

What We’re Watching – July 6, 2018

Rowena Itchon – Keynes vs. Hayek, Rounds 1 and 2 For my summer reading list, I like to re-read a classic or two. So for my summer video recommendation, here are a couple of classics: Keynes vs. Hayek, Rounds 1 and 2. Fear the Boom and Bust Fight of the ...

Soda Tax Vote Forces Lawmakers to Eat Carrot or Face Local Tax Spigot Shut Off

Usually around this time of year, you’ll see state lawmakers wielding a big stick. In search of headlines or political points, lawmakers will routinely target some politically incorrect industry with punitive legislation.  Unless that industry agrees to eat a legislative carrot of new regulations, taxes, or fees that aren’t as ...

Riddle: Who is single, has no kids, and getting a tax increase?

Tax Calculator Part 2 In my last blog, I ran some numbers on the Tax Foundation’s new tax calculator to show the average tax cut for California households by congressional district under the new Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.  But I thought what would be even more interesting is to ...

Could Decades of Big Government Be Why Bay Area Residents Want to Leave?

Between 1850 and 1860, California’s population grew by 410 percent – a rapid expansion fueled by the Gold Rush. The rush today, though, is more outbound than inbound. From 2007 to 2016, 6 million people left the state while only 5 million moved in. One could argue that with a ...

Ending War on Coffee Latest Example of Why Government Shouldn’t Play Dietician

A few months back we wrote about California’s “nags and nannies who relish forbidding pleasure, especially those of a gastronomic nature,” and their success in convincing a Los Angeles Superior Court judge to issue a preliminary ruling which requires stores that sell coffee to post cancer warning labels around their ...

Kerry Jackson talks California poverty on Dr. Drew Midday Live

Listen to Kerry Jackson, fellow with PRI’s Center for California Reform, discuss poverty in California on the “Dr. Drew Midday Live” show with Lauren Sivan on KABC AM 790 in Los Angeles and KGO AM 810 in San Francisco.
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