

Would California Be Better Off With Part-Time Legislators Rather Than Professional Politicians?

California lawmakers have sent legislation to Gov. Jerry Brown that will allow them to live outside the districts they “represent.” To some, Senate Bill 1250 simply frees legislators to live and work in Sacramento while representing the folks back home. Others argue it lets lawmakers deceive their constituents. We see ...
Business & Economics

Wayne Winegarden Discusses California’s Pension Monster on “The DeMaio Report”

Listen to PRI’s Senior Fellow in Business and Economics Wayne Winegarden discuss his new chartbook and study on California’s $1 trillion pension monster with Carl DeMaio on “The DeMaio Report” on KOGO Radio in San Diego.

New PRI Chartbook Shows California’s Public Pension Monster Has Grown to Nearly $1 Trillion

A new chartbook released today from the Pacific Research Institute shows that California’s unfunded public employee pension debt problem is far worse than imagined – nearly $1 trillion. Click here to download a copy of the PRI chartbook. Click here to download a copy of the accompanying study. Click here ...

To Save Medicaid, Put People to Work

President Trump has a message for millions of able-bodied Medicaid recipients: Get a job. Since January, the administration has allowed states to require Medicaid beneficiaries who are not disabled to engage in 80 hours per month of work, volunteering, job training, or school in return for taxpayer-funded health coverage. The ...

Shutting Down California Energy Production Would Be Foolish

Of the 50 states, only Texas and North Dakota have more proved oil reserves than California. The state should be capitalizing on the riches, shouldn’t it? But, no. That’s not the plan. California politicians want to leave crude in the ground where it doesn’t do anyone any good. And it’s ...

Michael Thom – Are Film Subsidies A Good Deal for California Taxpayers?

USC Public Policy Professor Michael Thom joins us to discuss his research exploring whether California’s film and television tax credits are a good deal for taxpayers and whether they make a difference in attracting or retaining jobs and economic activity to the state.

San Diego Stands Alone as Cities Shake Down e-Scooter Startups

When Ronald Reagan told us that if something moves, politicians want to tax it, and if it keeps moving, they want to regulate it, he was issuing a warning, not providing a how-to manual for government. Yet lawmakers and bureaucrats behave as if that’s what it was. No current event ...

CAPITAL IDEAS: Is Blue State California’s Agenda America’s Future?

Download PDF Originally published in PRI’s Impact magazine, Summer 2018 An article that posits California as the model for the country’s future recently picked up some traffic, thanks to an affirming tweet from Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey, who called it a “great read.” We’d say it’s more of a “must ...

Clear Distinctions in Race for State Schools Chief

If the recent PPIC debate is any indication, expect this year’s race for State Superintendent of Public Instruction to be a close race with clear differences between the two candidates. Assemblyman Tony Thurmond, D-Richmond, wins the contest for most compelling personal story.  His father abandoned his family when he was ...

End of Session Bills Could Mean Less Freedom for California

For many generations California was the land of promise, where people could earn fortunes, freely express themselves, and live easily with minimal interference from authorities. It was a well-deserved image. But the dream is now a mirage. California has become the central office of restrictions, obstructions, and coercion. According to ...

Would California Be Better Off With Part-Time Legislators Rather Than Professional Politicians?

California lawmakers have sent legislation to Gov. Jerry Brown that will allow them to live outside the districts they “represent.” To some, Senate Bill 1250 simply frees legislators to live and work in Sacramento while representing the folks back home. Others argue it lets lawmakers deceive their constituents. We see ...
Business & Economics

Wayne Winegarden Discusses California’s Pension Monster on “The DeMaio Report”

Listen to PRI’s Senior Fellow in Business and Economics Wayne Winegarden discuss his new chartbook and study on California’s $1 trillion pension monster with Carl DeMaio on “The DeMaio Report” on KOGO Radio in San Diego.

New PRI Chartbook Shows California’s Public Pension Monster Has Grown to Nearly $1 Trillion

A new chartbook released today from the Pacific Research Institute shows that California’s unfunded public employee pension debt problem is far worse than imagined – nearly $1 trillion. Click here to download a copy of the PRI chartbook. Click here to download a copy of the accompanying study. Click here ...

To Save Medicaid, Put People to Work

President Trump has a message for millions of able-bodied Medicaid recipients: Get a job. Since January, the administration has allowed states to require Medicaid beneficiaries who are not disabled to engage in 80 hours per month of work, volunteering, job training, or school in return for taxpayer-funded health coverage. The ...

Shutting Down California Energy Production Would Be Foolish

Of the 50 states, only Texas and North Dakota have more proved oil reserves than California. The state should be capitalizing on the riches, shouldn’t it? But, no. That’s not the plan. California politicians want to leave crude in the ground where it doesn’t do anyone any good. And it’s ...

Michael Thom – Are Film Subsidies A Good Deal for California Taxpayers?

USC Public Policy Professor Michael Thom joins us to discuss his research exploring whether California’s film and television tax credits are a good deal for taxpayers and whether they make a difference in attracting or retaining jobs and economic activity to the state.

San Diego Stands Alone as Cities Shake Down e-Scooter Startups

When Ronald Reagan told us that if something moves, politicians want to tax it, and if it keeps moving, they want to regulate it, he was issuing a warning, not providing a how-to manual for government. Yet lawmakers and bureaucrats behave as if that’s what it was. No current event ...

CAPITAL IDEAS: Is Blue State California’s Agenda America’s Future?

Download PDF Originally published in PRI’s Impact magazine, Summer 2018 An article that posits California as the model for the country’s future recently picked up some traffic, thanks to an affirming tweet from Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey, who called it a “great read.” We’d say it’s more of a “must ...

Clear Distinctions in Race for State Schools Chief

If the recent PPIC debate is any indication, expect this year’s race for State Superintendent of Public Instruction to be a close race with clear differences between the two candidates. Assemblyman Tony Thurmond, D-Richmond, wins the contest for most compelling personal story.  His father abandoned his family when he was ...

End of Session Bills Could Mean Less Freedom for California

For many generations California was the land of promise, where people could earn fortunes, freely express themselves, and live easily with minimal interference from authorities. It was a well-deserved image. But the dream is now a mirage. California has become the central office of restrictions, obstructions, and coercion. According to ...
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