CEQA Foils Yet Another Important Project for California’s Future
We’ve recently said that Elon Musk’s tunnel-boring project could be the potential foundation of a hyperloop transportation system. But as is too often the case in California, a reasonable objective has been sidelined by outrage. Musk has abandoned the project that began near his SpaceX Hawthorne Municipal Airport headquarters because ...
Kerry Jackson
December 10, 2018
Climate Change
Read Daily Caller Story on Legislating Energy Poverty
Study: Climate Change Laws in New York and California Are Hurting Poor People the Most By Jason Hopkins A new report finds that climate change-related regulation in Democratic-controlled states is negatively impacting minority communities, while not effectively lowering green house gas emissions. The Pacific Research Institute (PRI) — a free-market ...
Pacific Research Institute
December 7, 2018
Tim Anaya Discusses New Solar Home Mandate on KPBS Evening Edition
Watch PRI Communications Director Tim Anaya discuss the new state solar home mandate on KPBS “Evening Edition”. Anaya makes the case that the mandate is another example of state government legislating energy poverty and increasing energy burdens on poor, rural and minority communities.
Pacific Research Institute
December 6, 2018
Business & Economics
New Study Shows California/New York Approach to Fighting Global Warming Hurts Working Class and Minority Communities
Legislating Energy Poverty Shows Market-Based Policies More Effective in Cutting Emissions The big government approach to fighting ‘global warming’ taken by California and New York hits working class and minority communities the hardest, a new report released today by the California-based free-market think tank, the Pacific Research Institute, concludes. “Overzealous ...
Wayne Winegarden
December 5, 2018
Proposition C Makes San Francisco A ‘Sanctuary City’ For The Homeless
When San Franciscans went to the polls on Nov. 6, they knew in advance what the consequences are likely to be if an initiative to tax corporations to fund services for the homeless was approved. Yet they passed it anyway. Nearly 61 percent voted for Proposition C, which imposes a ...
Kerry Jackson
December 3, 2018
California’s New Privacy Law is No Model for the Nation
The fundamental problem of defining privacy is the same as defining obscenity. What is an outrage to one person is no big deal to another. Justice Potter Stewart said it best in his concurrence in the landmark case on obscenity (Jacobellis v. Ohio): “I shall not today attempt further to ...
Bartlett Cleland
November 29, 2018
Latest Audit Should Be Nail in High-Speed Rail Coffin, But It Won’t Be
An audit of the California bullet train released the Friday before Thanksgiving should make reasonable people wonder why the project wasn’t killed long ago. For instance, the office of State Auditor Elaine Howle says the high-speed rail has enough funding to complete its initial segments, but not enough “to connect ...
Kerry Jackson
November 29, 2018
Could Trump-Dem Infrastructure Deal Mean More Money for High-Speed Rail?
Ever since Democrats won control of the U.S. House of Representatives, many have speculated whether President Trump and Democrats be able to make a deal on something big. With Democrats saying that they aren’t afraid to use their newfound-subpoena powers against the Trump Administration, the prospects for a bipartisan deal ...
Tim Anaya
November 28, 2018
Support PRI and Other Worthy Organizations on #GivingTuesday
If you are reading this blog, there’s a good chance that you have generously donated to PRI, attended one of our recent events, or shared our research with your friends and colleagues. Our work would not be possible without the support of individuals who share our vision of a free ...
Ben Smithwick
November 27, 2018
Voters Swallowed The Medicaid Snake Oil
Voters in Idaho, Nebraska, and Utah just approved ballot referendums to expand Medicaid. The three solidly red states will soon add 300,000 beneficiaries to the joint state-federal insurance program for low-income Americans. These voters doubtless had good intentions. They wanted to help vulnerable residents in their states gain access to health ...
Sally C. Pipes
November 23, 2018
CEQA Foils Yet Another Important Project for California’s Future
We’ve recently said that Elon Musk’s tunnel-boring project could be the potential foundation of a hyperloop transportation system. But as is too often the case in California, a reasonable objective has been sidelined by outrage. Musk has abandoned the project that began near his SpaceX Hawthorne Municipal Airport headquarters because ...
Read Daily Caller Story on Legislating Energy Poverty
Study: Climate Change Laws in New York and California Are Hurting Poor People the Most By Jason Hopkins A new report finds that climate change-related regulation in Democratic-controlled states is negatively impacting minority communities, while not effectively lowering green house gas emissions. The Pacific Research Institute (PRI) — a free-market ...
Tim Anaya Discusses New Solar Home Mandate on KPBS Evening Edition
Watch PRI Communications Director Tim Anaya discuss the new state solar home mandate on KPBS “Evening Edition”. Anaya makes the case that the mandate is another example of state government legislating energy poverty and increasing energy burdens on poor, rural and minority communities.
New Study Shows California/New York Approach to Fighting Global Warming Hurts Working Class and Minority Communities
Legislating Energy Poverty Shows Market-Based Policies More Effective in Cutting Emissions The big government approach to fighting ‘global warming’ taken by California and New York hits working class and minority communities the hardest, a new report released today by the California-based free-market think tank, the Pacific Research Institute, concludes. “Overzealous ...
Proposition C Makes San Francisco A ‘Sanctuary City’ For The Homeless
When San Franciscans went to the polls on Nov. 6, they knew in advance what the consequences are likely to be if an initiative to tax corporations to fund services for the homeless was approved. Yet they passed it anyway. Nearly 61 percent voted for Proposition C, which imposes a ...
California’s New Privacy Law is No Model for the Nation
The fundamental problem of defining privacy is the same as defining obscenity. What is an outrage to one person is no big deal to another. Justice Potter Stewart said it best in his concurrence in the landmark case on obscenity (Jacobellis v. Ohio): “I shall not today attempt further to ...
Latest Audit Should Be Nail in High-Speed Rail Coffin, But It Won’t Be
An audit of the California bullet train released the Friday before Thanksgiving should make reasonable people wonder why the project wasn’t killed long ago. For instance, the office of State Auditor Elaine Howle says the high-speed rail has enough funding to complete its initial segments, but not enough “to connect ...
Could Trump-Dem Infrastructure Deal Mean More Money for High-Speed Rail?
Ever since Democrats won control of the U.S. House of Representatives, many have speculated whether President Trump and Democrats be able to make a deal on something big. With Democrats saying that they aren’t afraid to use their newfound-subpoena powers against the Trump Administration, the prospects for a bipartisan deal ...
Support PRI and Other Worthy Organizations on #GivingTuesday
If you are reading this blog, there’s a good chance that you have generously donated to PRI, attended one of our recent events, or shared our research with your friends and colleagues. Our work would not be possible without the support of individuals who share our vision of a free ...
Voters Swallowed The Medicaid Snake Oil
Voters in Idaho, Nebraska, and Utah just approved ballot referendums to expand Medicaid. The three solidly red states will soon add 300,000 beneficiaries to the joint state-federal insurance program for low-income Americans. These voters doubtless had good intentions. They wanted to help vulnerable residents in their states gain access to health ...