Terry Anderson – Increasing Prosperity and Quality of Life for Native Americans
Terry Anderson, Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution, discusses the history, culture, and the economic challenges of Native Americans. Native American life has been romanticized by Hollywood films and popular myths. Terry breaks down those myths and discusses policy reforms that would reduce poverty and improve the quality of life ...
Pacific Research Institute
March 4, 2019
Governors Are Laying the Groundwork for Single-Payer
Democrats can’t stop talking about single-payer health care. Most of those vying for the party’s presidential nomination in 2020 have declared their support for the idea, which first rose to national prominence during the 2016 Democratic primary that pitted Hillary Clinton against longtime single-payer champion Bernie Sanders. In February, Sanders — the pied piper of single-payer ...
Sally C. Pipes
March 4, 2019
What We’re Watching – A California for Everyone
Tim Anaya – A California for Everyone At this week’s PRI “California Ideas in Action” conference in Sacramento, we were pleased to be joined by John Gamboa of The Two Hundred and California Community Builders. He spoke of the organization’s efforts challenging abuses of the California Environmental Quality Act that ...
Pacific Research Institute
March 1, 2019
Welfare Programs Promote Bureaucracy Rather Than Self-Sufficiency
Welfare programs treat the symptoms of poverty, not the cause. As a result, they will never be the solution to ending poverty, nor are they designed to be a lasting solution. We have created a massive, cumbersome bureaucracy to administer an ineffective welfare state that, at best, locks millions of ...
Damon Dunn
February 27, 2019
Cleaning Dirty California Tap Water Doesn’t Require A New Tax
Last June, then-Gov. Jerry Brown and Sacramento’s political leaders dropped a proposed tax on drinking water. But Gov. Gavin Newsom, following the California Way, apparently aims to bring it back. Newsom, the Los Angeles Times reported “has embraced an idea that has previously failed to gain traction in Sacramento: new ...
Kerry Jackson
February 26, 2019
Latest Attack on “Big Gulps” Would Hurt Poor, Infringe Upon our Freedom
With great fanfare, a group of Democratic lawmakers announced last week their latest effort targeting people who commit the worst social faux pas imaginable – drinking a Big Gulp! Led by Bay Area Democrat Assemblyman Rob Bonta, lawmakers introduced legislation attacking the scourge of so-called “big soda”, including bills limiting ...
Tim Anaya
February 25, 2019
Work-Hating California Seeks to Stop Freelance Workers
California has a well-deserved reputation for being unfriendly to business. Depending on what happens in Sacramento this year, the environment for workers could become unpleasant, as well. An attack on workers’ freedom began nearly a year ago, when the California Supreme Court established a new legal standard for worker classification ...
Kerry Jackson
February 21, 2019
Governor’s health care proposal puts politics before patients
In California, politics is taking precedence over patients. That’s the only conclusion to draw from Gov. Gavin Newsom’s recently released health care plan. He’s looking to impose price controls on prescription drugs. He’d like to expand Medicaid to undocumented immigrants up to the age of 26. He’s called for re-imposing ...
Sally C. Pipes
February 20, 2019
CAPITAL IDEAS – CEQA: How To Mend It Since You Can’t End It
It is no coincidence that California’s housing prices began to diverge from the rest of the country in 1970 – the very year that the California Environmental Quality Act (“CEQA”) was enacted. According to California’s nonpartisan Legislative Analyst, “Between 1970 and 1980, California home prices went from 30 percent above ...
Daniel Kolkey
February 20, 2019
Latest Sign Housing Crisis is Hurting State’s Economy
Keeping up with the Great California Exodus can become a tedious task. Stories about businesses or people, or both, fleeing the state are so common that its sometimes seems they are blended all into one. Now comes another. “More Californians are considering fleeing the state as they blame sky-high costs, ...
Kerry Jackson
February 19, 2019
Terry Anderson – Increasing Prosperity and Quality of Life for Native Americans
Terry Anderson, Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution, discusses the history, culture, and the economic challenges of Native Americans. Native American life has been romanticized by Hollywood films and popular myths. Terry breaks down those myths and discusses policy reforms that would reduce poverty and improve the quality of life ...
Governors Are Laying the Groundwork for Single-Payer
Democrats can’t stop talking about single-payer health care. Most of those vying for the party’s presidential nomination in 2020 have declared their support for the idea, which first rose to national prominence during the 2016 Democratic primary that pitted Hillary Clinton against longtime single-payer champion Bernie Sanders. In February, Sanders — the pied piper of single-payer ...
What We’re Watching – A California for Everyone
Tim Anaya – A California for Everyone At this week’s PRI “California Ideas in Action” conference in Sacramento, we were pleased to be joined by John Gamboa of The Two Hundred and California Community Builders. He spoke of the organization’s efforts challenging abuses of the California Environmental Quality Act that ...
Welfare Programs Promote Bureaucracy Rather Than Self-Sufficiency
Welfare programs treat the symptoms of poverty, not the cause. As a result, they will never be the solution to ending poverty, nor are they designed to be a lasting solution. We have created a massive, cumbersome bureaucracy to administer an ineffective welfare state that, at best, locks millions of ...
Cleaning Dirty California Tap Water Doesn’t Require A New Tax
Last June, then-Gov. Jerry Brown and Sacramento’s political leaders dropped a proposed tax on drinking water. But Gov. Gavin Newsom, following the California Way, apparently aims to bring it back. Newsom, the Los Angeles Times reported “has embraced an idea that has previously failed to gain traction in Sacramento: new ...
Latest Attack on “Big Gulps” Would Hurt Poor, Infringe Upon our Freedom
With great fanfare, a group of Democratic lawmakers announced last week their latest effort targeting people who commit the worst social faux pas imaginable – drinking a Big Gulp! Led by Bay Area Democrat Assemblyman Rob Bonta, lawmakers introduced legislation attacking the scourge of so-called “big soda”, including bills limiting ...
Work-Hating California Seeks to Stop Freelance Workers
California has a well-deserved reputation for being unfriendly to business. Depending on what happens in Sacramento this year, the environment for workers could become unpleasant, as well. An attack on workers’ freedom began nearly a year ago, when the California Supreme Court established a new legal standard for worker classification ...
Governor’s health care proposal puts politics before patients
In California, politics is taking precedence over patients. That’s the only conclusion to draw from Gov. Gavin Newsom’s recently released health care plan. He’s looking to impose price controls on prescription drugs. He’d like to expand Medicaid to undocumented immigrants up to the age of 26. He’s called for re-imposing ...
CAPITAL IDEAS – CEQA: How To Mend It Since You Can’t End It
It is no coincidence that California’s housing prices began to diverge from the rest of the country in 1970 – the very year that the California Environmental Quality Act (“CEQA”) was enacted. According to California’s nonpartisan Legislative Analyst, “Between 1970 and 1980, California home prices went from 30 percent above ...
Latest Sign Housing Crisis is Hurting State’s Economy
Keeping up with the Great California Exodus can become a tedious task. Stories about businesses or people, or both, fleeing the state are so common that its sometimes seems they are blended all into one. Now comes another. “More Californians are considering fleeing the state as they blame sky-high costs, ...