Earth Day Special with Steve Hayward
PRI senior fellow Steve Hayward joins us for a special Earth Day edition of Next Round. We talk all things environment, from how the environmental movement morphed from a call for conservation to a push for socialism, how the Green New Deal would hurt the economy and working class Americans, ...
Pacific Research Institute
April 22, 2019
PRI’s Tim Anaya Discusses CA’s High Gas Prices on Statewide TV
Watch PRI communications director Tim Anaya discuss the reasons behind California’s rising gas prices, which he attributes to poor legislative policies including a massive gas tax increase, the low-carbon fuel standard, and Cap-and-Trade. The interview aired on “Evening Edition” on KPBS (PBS) in San Diego and other stations statewide.
Pacific Research Institute
April 22, 2019
Patricia is Short Because State Government Has Made California Unaffordable
At a recent congressional hearing, freshman Democrat Katie Porter from Orange County took to her soapbox to grill JP Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon about income inequality at the company. Using the example of Patricia, who is employed as a full-time, entry-level bank teller at JP Morgan Chase – admittedly ...
Tim Anaya
April 22, 2019
Business & Economics
To reduce inequality, lawmakers must end government-created burdens to entrepreneurship
Many Sacramento lawmakers have named reducing poverty and economic inequality among their top priorities this session. They have unveiled a variety of proposals to address these issues, most center around new government programs, increased state spending, and new mandates. As history has shown, bigger government usually doesn’t solve the problem. ...
Wayne Winegarden
April 18, 2019
CAPITAL IDEAS: Don’t Confuse Private Prisons with The Bastille
Download the PDF They are not as unpopular in California as President Trump is, but private prisons are becoming a preferred target of politicians. Gov. Gavin Newsom, who has a large blue-plate special of problems to solve, is at the forefront of a campaign to end the state’s relationship with ...
Kerry Jackson
April 18, 2019
Business & Economics
Regulatory Burden Threatens California’s Entrepreneurial Roots
California has been a red-hot destination, and comfortable home, for entrepreneurs at least as far back as the mid-19th Century, when 300,000 fortune hunters swarmed West during the Gold Rush. In 2019, it is still attracting business pioneers. But at the same time, Sacramento operates one of the most obstructionist ...
Kerry Jackson
April 17, 2019
Kerry Jackson Talks California’s “Plastic-Phobia” on Trevor Carey Show
Listen to Kerry Jackson, fellow with PRI’s Center for California Reform, discuss California’s war on plastic – pushing to outlaw everything from plastic bags to hotel shampoo bottles – on the Trevor Carey Show on Power Talk 96.7 FM in Fresno.
Pacific Research Institute
April 17, 2019
Public Lands A Partial Solution To California’s Housing Crisis
When Gov. Gavin Newsom issued an executive order “to address the shortage of housing for Californians,” he got it right, or at least halfway. The order directs “the Department of General Services (DGS) and the Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) to identify and prioritize excess state-owned property and ...
Kerry Jackson
April 17, 2019
Does California Have a Future?
Republican California State Assemblyman Vince Fong recently tweeted about California’s 19 percent poverty rate, which he said “is driven by the extreme high cost of living here.” “Yet,” said Fong, “Sacramento continues to pass policies that make it even more expensive.” In a story illustrated by an artist’s rendering of a family in ...
Kerry Jackson
April 16, 2019
April Showers Bring Higher Gas Prices
The old adage is April showers bring May flowers. Well, after a very wet winter, it looks like spring has finally sprung in California. As soon as the seasons change, Golden State drivers are typically hit with another unwelcome phenomenon brought on by spring – rising gas prices. This year ...
Tim Anaya
April 16, 2019
Earth Day Special with Steve Hayward
PRI senior fellow Steve Hayward joins us for a special Earth Day edition of Next Round. We talk all things environment, from how the environmental movement morphed from a call for conservation to a push for socialism, how the Green New Deal would hurt the economy and working class Americans, ...
PRI’s Tim Anaya Discusses CA’s High Gas Prices on Statewide TV
Watch PRI communications director Tim Anaya discuss the reasons behind California’s rising gas prices, which he attributes to poor legislative policies including a massive gas tax increase, the low-carbon fuel standard, and Cap-and-Trade. The interview aired on “Evening Edition” on KPBS (PBS) in San Diego and other stations statewide.
Patricia is Short Because State Government Has Made California Unaffordable
At a recent congressional hearing, freshman Democrat Katie Porter from Orange County took to her soapbox to grill JP Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon about income inequality at the company. Using the example of Patricia, who is employed as a full-time, entry-level bank teller at JP Morgan Chase – admittedly ...
To reduce inequality, lawmakers must end government-created burdens to entrepreneurship
Many Sacramento lawmakers have named reducing poverty and economic inequality among their top priorities this session. They have unveiled a variety of proposals to address these issues, most center around new government programs, increased state spending, and new mandates. As history has shown, bigger government usually doesn’t solve the problem. ...
CAPITAL IDEAS: Don’t Confuse Private Prisons with The Bastille
Download the PDF They are not as unpopular in California as President Trump is, but private prisons are becoming a preferred target of politicians. Gov. Gavin Newsom, who has a large blue-plate special of problems to solve, is at the forefront of a campaign to end the state’s relationship with ...
Regulatory Burden Threatens California’s Entrepreneurial Roots
California has been a red-hot destination, and comfortable home, for entrepreneurs at least as far back as the mid-19th Century, when 300,000 fortune hunters swarmed West during the Gold Rush. In 2019, it is still attracting business pioneers. But at the same time, Sacramento operates one of the most obstructionist ...
Kerry Jackson Talks California’s “Plastic-Phobia” on Trevor Carey Show
Listen to Kerry Jackson, fellow with PRI’s Center for California Reform, discuss California’s war on plastic – pushing to outlaw everything from plastic bags to hotel shampoo bottles – on the Trevor Carey Show on Power Talk 96.7 FM in Fresno.
Public Lands A Partial Solution To California’s Housing Crisis
When Gov. Gavin Newsom issued an executive order “to address the shortage of housing for Californians,” he got it right, or at least halfway. The order directs “the Department of General Services (DGS) and the Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) to identify and prioritize excess state-owned property and ...
Does California Have a Future?
Republican California State Assemblyman Vince Fong recently tweeted about California’s 19 percent poverty rate, which he said “is driven by the extreme high cost of living here.” “Yet,” said Fong, “Sacramento continues to pass policies that make it even more expensive.” In a story illustrated by an artist’s rendering of a family in ...
April Showers Bring Higher Gas Prices
The old adage is April showers bring May flowers. Well, after a very wet winter, it looks like spring has finally sprung in California. As soon as the seasons change, Golden State drivers are typically hit with another unwelcome phenomenon brought on by spring – rising gas prices. This year ...