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  • California


    Keli’i Akina – Grassroot Institute of Hawaii

    Keli’i Akina is the president of the Grassroot Institute, a non-partisan think tank based in Hawaii. Besides sunshine and palm trees, California and Hawaii have something in common – one-party rule. As Dr, Akina says in the interview, Hawaii is as blue as the ocean that surrounds it. We discuss ...

    Mayor Pete’s Medicare for All Who Want It plan as flawed as Medicare for All

    Mayor Pete Buttigieg is in hot water with progressives. At last week’s Democratic presidential debate in Ohio, he attacked Senator Elizabeth Warren for refusing to say whether her preferred brand of health reform, Medicare for All, would require middle-class tax hikes. Soon after, a year-old tweet from the South Bend, ...

    Blame unaffordable insurance on Obamacare

    The number of uninsured Americans rose in 2018 for the first time since the Affordable Care Act passed in 2010, according to recent research from the Census Bureau. Obamacare’s defenders were quick to blame the change on meddling by the Trump administration. But the real culprit is the law’s faulty ...

    California Needs More Bans Like A Fish Needs A Bicycle

    [vc_row css_animation=”” row_type=”row” use_row_as_full_screen_section=”no” type=”full_width” angled_section=”no” text_align=”left” background_image_as_pattern=”without_pattern”][vc_column][vc_single_image image=”32402″ img_size=”1000px” qode_css_animation=””][qode_content_slider auto_rotate=”0″ direction_nav=”yes” control_nav=”yes” control_nav_justify=”no”][qode_content_slider_item] Plastic Water Bottles – Earlier this year, San Francisco International Airport announced it was prohibiting the sale of plastic water bottles at its airport shops and restaurants. [/qode_content_slider_item][qode_content_slider_item] Cars that run on gas and diesel ...

    Why we should say no to Medicare for All

    This month Sen. Bernie Sanders was released from the hospital after suffering a heart attack. The Vermont senator, a Democratic presidential candidate, used his health scare to renew his call for “Medicare for All,” which he claims will ensure everyone has access to the kind of “great health care” he ...

    Don’t Forget to Pack Your Own Shampoo Next Time You Stay at a California Hotel

    Recently, I had the opportunity to spend two weeks traveling throughout England, Ireland, and Scotland. Though each of the places we visited were very distinct from one another – the hotels that we stayed at had one thing in common – bulk dispensers of personal care products in the bathroom. ...

    What Does the Governor’s Veto of SB 1 Mean?

    California’s state government has embraced a policy of resisting nearly every federal government policy pursued by the Trump Administration. Legislation, executive orders, and lawsuits serve the dual purpose of forwarding the state’s progressive agenda and pushing back against federal policies from Washington D.C. Many have expressed surprise over Governor Newsom’s ...

    Jared Walczak – Taxifornia

    Jared Walczak of the Tax Foundation discusses taxes, taxes, and more taxes in the Golden State.  He offers his analysis of the split roll tax, the state and local income tax deduction and its impact on high-tax states like California, reforming the state’s tax structure, high corporate taxes, and rising ...

    California’s AB 5 will kill the gig economy and force more companies to leave

    Proposition 13 was called the political equivalent of a sonic boom by economist Art Laffer. In limiting how much local governments could drain from Californians through property taxes, fed-up voters changed the political landscape with the 1978 ballot measure in a way that few state policies have, before or since. ...

    Why Are California Gas Prices So High These Days? Thank Sacramento.

    Benjamin Franklin was right that “nothing is certain but death and taxes,” though he could have added a third certainty in California – paying significantly more than the national average for gasoline. California drivers are living a real life version of the movie “Groundhog Day”, more than $4 per gallon ...

    Keli’i Akina – Grassroot Institute of Hawaii

    Keli’i Akina is the president of the Grassroot Institute, a non-partisan think tank based in Hawaii. Besides sunshine and palm trees, California and Hawaii have something in common – one-party rule. As Dr, Akina says in the interview, Hawaii is as blue as the ocean that surrounds it. We discuss ...

    Mayor Pete’s Medicare for All Who Want It plan as flawed as Medicare for All

    Mayor Pete Buttigieg is in hot water with progressives. At last week’s Democratic presidential debate in Ohio, he attacked Senator Elizabeth Warren for refusing to say whether her preferred brand of health reform, Medicare for All, would require middle-class tax hikes. Soon after, a year-old tweet from the South Bend, ...

    Blame unaffordable insurance on Obamacare

    The number of uninsured Americans rose in 2018 for the first time since the Affordable Care Act passed in 2010, according to recent research from the Census Bureau. Obamacare’s defenders were quick to blame the change on meddling by the Trump administration. But the real culprit is the law’s faulty ...

    California Needs More Bans Like A Fish Needs A Bicycle

    [vc_row css_animation=”” row_type=”row” use_row_as_full_screen_section=”no” type=”full_width” angled_section=”no” text_align=”left” background_image_as_pattern=”without_pattern”][vc_column][vc_single_image image=”32402″ img_size=”1000px” qode_css_animation=””][qode_content_slider auto_rotate=”0″ direction_nav=”yes” control_nav=”yes” control_nav_justify=”no”][qode_content_slider_item] Plastic Water Bottles – Earlier this year, San Francisco International Airport announced it was prohibiting the sale of plastic water bottles at its airport shops and restaurants. [/qode_content_slider_item][qode_content_slider_item] Cars that run on gas and diesel ...

    Why we should say no to Medicare for All

    This month Sen. Bernie Sanders was released from the hospital after suffering a heart attack. The Vermont senator, a Democratic presidential candidate, used his health scare to renew his call for “Medicare for All,” which he claims will ensure everyone has access to the kind of “great health care” he ...

    Don’t Forget to Pack Your Own Shampoo Next Time You Stay at a California Hotel

    Recently, I had the opportunity to spend two weeks traveling throughout England, Ireland, and Scotland. Though each of the places we visited were very distinct from one another – the hotels that we stayed at had one thing in common – bulk dispensers of personal care products in the bathroom. ...

    What Does the Governor’s Veto of SB 1 Mean?

    California’s state government has embraced a policy of resisting nearly every federal government policy pursued by the Trump Administration. Legislation, executive orders, and lawsuits serve the dual purpose of forwarding the state’s progressive agenda and pushing back against federal policies from Washington D.C. Many have expressed surprise over Governor Newsom’s ...

    Jared Walczak – Taxifornia

    Jared Walczak of the Tax Foundation discusses taxes, taxes, and more taxes in the Golden State.  He offers his analysis of the split roll tax, the state and local income tax deduction and its impact on high-tax states like California, reforming the state’s tax structure, high corporate taxes, and rising ...

    California’s AB 5 will kill the gig economy and force more companies to leave

    Proposition 13 was called the political equivalent of a sonic boom by economist Art Laffer. In limiting how much local governments could drain from Californians through property taxes, fed-up voters changed the political landscape with the 1978 ballot measure in a way that few state policies have, before or since. ...

    Why Are California Gas Prices So High These Days? Thank Sacramento.

    Benjamin Franklin was right that “nothing is certain but death and taxes,” though he could have added a third certainty in California – paying significantly more than the national average for gasoline. California drivers are living a real life version of the movie “Groundhog Day”, more than $4 per gallon ...
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