

Split-Roll Forces Challenge Prop 13: How Will Californians React?

Supporters behind the split roll ballot measure that would remove Proposition 13’s tax protection for commercial properties had it been approved are apparently junking the initiative in favor of what they believe will be a “new and improved” plan. “They claim they are strengthening the measure to help it pass,” ...

2020’s Big Tax Increases Might Not Be the Sure Bet Some Thought They Were

Earlier this year, I wrote about the #Build2020 plan put forward by Assembly Democrats to make it easier to raise taxes at the local level for special taxes and general obligation bonds to pay for things like libraries, hospitals, parks, and other politically-appealing infrastructure projects. This week, the measure was ...
Business & Economics

Sacramento, not D.C., is responsible for California’s unaffordable tax burden

Last fall, Democratic congressional candidates successfully painted the 2017 federal Tax Cuts and Jobs Act as a tax increase on hard working Californians to pick-up even more congressional seats. Congress, they charged, raised the tax burden of many Californians by, among other things, capping the State and Local Tax, or ...

2020 Presidential Candidates Trying to One-Up Themselves Giving Away Free Money to College Students

In late April, Senator Elizabeth Warren beat out other 2020 presidential contenders to the college-aged voter pulpit by introducing a sweeping student loan forgiveness plan. With the previous debate about the nation’s massive $1.57 trillion student loan debt focused on reducing the cost of attending a college or university and ...
Business & Economics

Making It Rain In California

The “Tax Cuts and Jobs Act” (TCJA) was signed into law on Dec. 22, 2017. The Act reformed the U.S. corporate income tax code cutting the rate to a globally competitive 21%. Reforms on the personal income tax side, which are scheduled to expire in 2025, reduced the marginal income ...

This Is California: Paying the Rich To Buy State-Approved Cars

California leads the country in electric vehicle sales, but it’s apparently not enough to satisfy the Sacramento meddlers. The same legislator who would outlaw gasoline and diesel automobiles now wants to increase the publicly-funded subsidy that is intended to motivate car buyers to choose EVs. As if rich Californians couldn’t ...

Homelessness, But Not Hopelessness: San Francisco Can Fix Its Problem

President Trump set off quite a tempest when he tweeted that Rep. Elijah Cummings’ Baltimore is a disgusting mess. His next target could be Nancy Pelosi, since he seems perpetually at war with the Baltimore-born House speaker whose city is also being spoiled by urban decay. Sheila Burke said she ...
Business & Economics

NEW STUDY: State and Local Tax Deduction “Makes it Rain” in California, Paid for by Taxpayers in Low Tax States

A new study released today by the nonpartisan Pacific Research Institute, a California-based free market think tank, found that capping the State and Local Tax deduction brought broad-based tax relief to millions of Americans, while putting an end to taxpayers in low-tax states like Indiana subsidizing higher taxes and spending ...

Will Californians Go Through Withdrawal If They Can’t Recycle Plastic Bottles?

California, which would like to think of itself as the recycling capital of the universe, has lost its largest bottle and can recycling chain, rePlanet. The company shut down all 284 sites across the state on Aug. 5 and terminated its workforce of as many as 750 employees. It’s been ...

California and a Global Standard for Innovation

Even though the state has slipped in the rankings over the past several years, California is still an innovation hub with an economy that is firmly grounded in innovative industries from videogames to internet, and technology hardware to movies. There are nearly 43 technology jobs per 1000 people in California.  ...

Split-Roll Forces Challenge Prop 13: How Will Californians React?

Supporters behind the split roll ballot measure that would remove Proposition 13’s tax protection for commercial properties had it been approved are apparently junking the initiative in favor of what they believe will be a “new and improved” plan. “They claim they are strengthening the measure to help it pass,” ...

2020’s Big Tax Increases Might Not Be the Sure Bet Some Thought They Were

Earlier this year, I wrote about the #Build2020 plan put forward by Assembly Democrats to make it easier to raise taxes at the local level for special taxes and general obligation bonds to pay for things like libraries, hospitals, parks, and other politically-appealing infrastructure projects. This week, the measure was ...
Business & Economics

Sacramento, not D.C., is responsible for California’s unaffordable tax burden

Last fall, Democratic congressional candidates successfully painted the 2017 federal Tax Cuts and Jobs Act as a tax increase on hard working Californians to pick-up even more congressional seats. Congress, they charged, raised the tax burden of many Californians by, among other things, capping the State and Local Tax, or ...

2020 Presidential Candidates Trying to One-Up Themselves Giving Away Free Money to College Students

In late April, Senator Elizabeth Warren beat out other 2020 presidential contenders to the college-aged voter pulpit by introducing a sweeping student loan forgiveness plan. With the previous debate about the nation’s massive $1.57 trillion student loan debt focused on reducing the cost of attending a college or university and ...
Business & Economics

Making It Rain In California

The “Tax Cuts and Jobs Act” (TCJA) was signed into law on Dec. 22, 2017. The Act reformed the U.S. corporate income tax code cutting the rate to a globally competitive 21%. Reforms on the personal income tax side, which are scheduled to expire in 2025, reduced the marginal income ...

This Is California: Paying the Rich To Buy State-Approved Cars

California leads the country in electric vehicle sales, but it’s apparently not enough to satisfy the Sacramento meddlers. The same legislator who would outlaw gasoline and diesel automobiles now wants to increase the publicly-funded subsidy that is intended to motivate car buyers to choose EVs. As if rich Californians couldn’t ...

Homelessness, But Not Hopelessness: San Francisco Can Fix Its Problem

President Trump set off quite a tempest when he tweeted that Rep. Elijah Cummings’ Baltimore is a disgusting mess. His next target could be Nancy Pelosi, since he seems perpetually at war with the Baltimore-born House speaker whose city is also being spoiled by urban decay. Sheila Burke said she ...
Business & Economics

NEW STUDY: State and Local Tax Deduction “Makes it Rain” in California, Paid for by Taxpayers in Low Tax States

A new study released today by the nonpartisan Pacific Research Institute, a California-based free market think tank, found that capping the State and Local Tax deduction brought broad-based tax relief to millions of Americans, while putting an end to taxpayers in low-tax states like Indiana subsidizing higher taxes and spending ...

Will Californians Go Through Withdrawal If They Can’t Recycle Plastic Bottles?

California, which would like to think of itself as the recycling capital of the universe, has lost its largest bottle and can recycling chain, rePlanet. The company shut down all 284 sites across the state on Aug. 5 and terminated its workforce of as many as 750 employees. It’s been ...

California and a Global Standard for Innovation

Even though the state has slipped in the rankings over the past several years, California is still an innovation hub with an economy that is firmly grounded in innovative industries from videogames to internet, and technology hardware to movies. There are nearly 43 technology jobs per 1000 people in California.  ...
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