Celebrating the Return of the Primitive
Private automobiles are no longer allowed on Market Street in San Francisco, California. The result has been an increase in bike ridership. This is, of course, being hailed as progress. So why does it look like the city is resetting the clock to a previous century? When novelist Ayn Rand ...
Kerry Jackson
March 4, 2020
Enjoy the Silence for Now – Mega Ballot Battles Are Just Around the Corner
That sound you hear this morning is millions of California voters feeling relieved that the primary election is finally over in the Golden State. Many are rejoicing the fact that they won’t have to see any more campaign advertising the next time they turn on their TV or log on ...
Tim Anaya
March 4, 2020
Forced to Ride Those Dirty BART Trains
It’s not uncommon to find people who think San Francisco is one of the most beautiful cities, if not the most beautiful city, in the world. Neither would it be shocking to learn that people are finding it to be one of the most unlivable cities in the world. The ...
Kerry Jackson
March 3, 2020
What Gives California The Right to Force Businesses to Accept Cash?
Does government have any limits on the restrictions it can place on a private company? Or are those limits confined only by the outcome of legislators’ votes? These are questions some California lawmakers might find themselves wrestling with this year. A bill introduced in the Senate in early February might ...
Kerry Jackson
March 2, 2020
How Many Billionaires Would It Take to Fund Bernie’s Agenda?
Our colleague Wayne Winegarden wrote a marvelous piece for his Forbes column on “Bernie’s Math Problem.” To fund free health care, free housing, free college and so on, the Democrat frontrunner plans to make “billionaires pay their fair share of taxes.” Why not cut to the chase, thought Winegarden, “Instead ...
Rowena Itchon
March 2, 2020
Worker Freedom No More
Love it or hate it, for a variety of reasons when California enacts public policy the impact is felt across the country. And so, it has been again with the January 1st implementation of California’s Assembly Bill 5 (AB5), the so called “gig employment” law that changes the worker status ...
Bartlett Cleland
February 26, 2020
A Prescription for Homelessness That Would Actually Clean Up our Streets
Last week, Gov. Gavin Newsom delivered his annual State of the State address at the State Capitol. And in an unusual twist, he devoted the entire address to one topic – homelessness. Typically, the State of the State outlines a governor’s policy wish list in a variety of areas. Newsom ...
Tim Anaya
February 25, 2020
PRI 2nd Annual Policy Conference: The Homeless Crisis
California’s growing homeless crisis is impacting nearly everyone, especially those living in big cities like Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Sacramento. In Governor Newsom’s recent State of the State address, he reportedly spent 35 of his 42 minute speech on the homeless crisis. On the same day, PRI held an ...
Pacific Research Institute
February 24, 2020
Bernie’s Math Problem
Anyone in earshot of a television set, or a smart phone, is undoubtedly aware that the undisputed front-runner in the Democratic Primary wants to spend more money – a lot of it. And, while these policies are economically flawed, Senator Sanders also has a fundamental math problem. Reviewing his website, there ...
Wayne Winegarden
February 24, 2020
CCPA, California Get It Wrong on Data Privacy
Data privacy is one of the defining public policy debates of the new decade. As other countries push data privacy regulation heralded as global standards, California is headed in the other direction with the rollout of the state’s Consumer Privacy Act, or the CCPA. Unfortunately, the CCPA was not a ...
Evan Harris
February 24, 2020
Celebrating the Return of the Primitive
Private automobiles are no longer allowed on Market Street in San Francisco, California. The result has been an increase in bike ridership. This is, of course, being hailed as progress. So why does it look like the city is resetting the clock to a previous century? When novelist Ayn Rand ...
Enjoy the Silence for Now – Mega Ballot Battles Are Just Around the Corner
That sound you hear this morning is millions of California voters feeling relieved that the primary election is finally over in the Golden State. Many are rejoicing the fact that they won’t have to see any more campaign advertising the next time they turn on their TV or log on ...
Forced to Ride Those Dirty BART Trains
It’s not uncommon to find people who think San Francisco is one of the most beautiful cities, if not the most beautiful city, in the world. Neither would it be shocking to learn that people are finding it to be one of the most unlivable cities in the world. The ...
What Gives California The Right to Force Businesses to Accept Cash?
Does government have any limits on the restrictions it can place on a private company? Or are those limits confined only by the outcome of legislators’ votes? These are questions some California lawmakers might find themselves wrestling with this year. A bill introduced in the Senate in early February might ...
How Many Billionaires Would It Take to Fund Bernie’s Agenda?
Our colleague Wayne Winegarden wrote a marvelous piece for his Forbes column on “Bernie’s Math Problem.” To fund free health care, free housing, free college and so on, the Democrat frontrunner plans to make “billionaires pay their fair share of taxes.” Why not cut to the chase, thought Winegarden, “Instead ...
Worker Freedom No More
Love it or hate it, for a variety of reasons when California enacts public policy the impact is felt across the country. And so, it has been again with the January 1st implementation of California’s Assembly Bill 5 (AB5), the so called “gig employment” law that changes the worker status ...
A Prescription for Homelessness That Would Actually Clean Up our Streets
Last week, Gov. Gavin Newsom delivered his annual State of the State address at the State Capitol. And in an unusual twist, he devoted the entire address to one topic – homelessness. Typically, the State of the State outlines a governor’s policy wish list in a variety of areas. Newsom ...
PRI 2nd Annual Policy Conference: The Homeless Crisis
California’s growing homeless crisis is impacting nearly everyone, especially those living in big cities like Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Sacramento. In Governor Newsom’s recent State of the State address, he reportedly spent 35 of his 42 minute speech on the homeless crisis. On the same day, PRI held an ...
Bernie’s Math Problem
Anyone in earshot of a television set, or a smart phone, is undoubtedly aware that the undisputed front-runner in the Democratic Primary wants to spend more money – a lot of it. And, while these policies are economically flawed, Senator Sanders also has a fundamental math problem. Reviewing his website, there ...
CCPA, California Get It Wrong on Data Privacy
Data privacy is one of the defining public policy debates of the new decade. As other countries push data privacy regulation heralded as global standards, California is headed in the other direction with the rollout of the state’s Consumer Privacy Act, or the CCPA. Unfortunately, the CCPA was not a ...