Business & Economics
Housing Bill Amendment Requires Reporting of Consumer Purchases to the Federal Government
Housing Bill Amendment Requires Reporting of Consumer Purchases to the Federal Government San Francisco, June 27, 2008 – In an open letter to Senators Diane Feinstein and Barbara Boxer, Pacific Research Institute technology policy fellow Daniel R. Ballon, Ph.D., called to their attention an amendment to the housing bill that ...
Pacific Research Institute
June 27, 2008
Business & Economics
Letter to Senators Feinstein and Boxer regarding (S. Amdt. 4983) amendment to H.R. 3221
The Honorable Diane Feinstein United States Senate 331 Hart Senate Office Building Washington, D.C. 20510 The Honorable Barbara Boxer United States Senate 112 Hart Senate Office Building Washington, D.C. 20510 Dear Senators Feinstein and Boxer: As the Senate prepares to vote on the current housing legislation, I would like to ...
Daniel R. Ballon
June 27, 2008
Business & Economics
Why Rent Control Is Bad for California
Proposition 98, the eminent domain measure that also would have phased out rent control, failed to pass on the June 3 ballot. That means rent control will continue to hurt both landlords and tenants in California because rent control laws restrict what owners can do with their property. Suppose the ...
Robert P. Murphy
June 12, 2008
Business & Economics
Proposition 13 turns 30
Thirty years last ago Friday, on June 6, 1978, Californians passed Proposition 13, the “People’s Initiative to Limit Property Taxation.” It helped California homeowners, but is now blamed for many of the state’s woes. Owning a home has always been part of the American dream. During the latter part of ...
K. Lloyd Billingsley
June 10, 2008
Proposition 13 Turns 30: Why it’s still necessary, and why the pillage people still hate it
SACRAMENTO – Thirty years ago Friday, on June 6, 1978, Californians passed Proposition 13, the “People’s Initiative to Limit Property Taxation” that helped California homeowners but is now blamed for many state woes. Owning a home has always been part of the American dream. During the latter part of the ...
K. Lloyd Billingsley
June 4, 2008
Business & Economics
The Government’s Scapegoats
With food and energy prices soaring, housing prices collapsing, and the economy sinking into what could be a deep recession, the government has been searching around for villains. The latest scapegoats are speculators, OPEC, and of course, the big bad oil companies. As usual, our government ignores its own role ...
Robert P. Murphy
May 31, 2008
Independent explores new perspective
A whole new world of political thought opened to Vancouver’s Ceci Ryan Smith last month at a well-known ranch in California. She was guest at a conservative women’s conference at the Reagan Ranch Center. Ceci (wife of Vancouver’s Dave Smith, mother of two, board member of the Vancouver Housing Authority ...
Tom Koenninger
May 21, 2008
Business & Economics
Issue of taxation worthwhile topic for the candidates
Instead of all the mudslinging between Senators Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, wouldn’t it be refreshing to have them engage in some serious political discussion? Many American citizens might appreciate some in-depth exploration of the nature of taxation. The federal income tax, in particular, would deserve thoughtful examination. Senator John ...
Tibor Machan
May 2, 2008
Californication – It’s a Sin
People frequently argue that California should be the model for the nation’s energy use, because it has managed to keep per capita energy consumption flat over the past couple of decades. Not so fast, says Tom Tanton of the Pacific Research Institute and the Institute for Energy Research. In a ...
Pacific Research Institute
April 4, 2008
Business & Economics
The Beginning of the Longevity Revolution
At last week’s Aging in America conference in Washington, attendees were greeted with multiple displays of technology aiming to help older people live better. A technological divide exists between the “oldest old” and the “recently old” baby boomers, but technologies developed for both groups may also be able to help ...
Sonia Arrison
April 4, 2008
Housing Bill Amendment Requires Reporting of Consumer Purchases to the Federal Government
Housing Bill Amendment Requires Reporting of Consumer Purchases to the Federal Government San Francisco, June 27, 2008 – In an open letter to Senators Diane Feinstein and Barbara Boxer, Pacific Research Institute technology policy fellow Daniel R. Ballon, Ph.D., called to their attention an amendment to the housing bill that ...
Letter to Senators Feinstein and Boxer regarding (S. Amdt. 4983) amendment to H.R. 3221
The Honorable Diane Feinstein United States Senate 331 Hart Senate Office Building Washington, D.C. 20510 The Honorable Barbara Boxer United States Senate 112 Hart Senate Office Building Washington, D.C. 20510 Dear Senators Feinstein and Boxer: As the Senate prepares to vote on the current housing legislation, I would like to ...
Why Rent Control Is Bad for California
Proposition 98, the eminent domain measure that also would have phased out rent control, failed to pass on the June 3 ballot. That means rent control will continue to hurt both landlords and tenants in California because rent control laws restrict what owners can do with their property. Suppose the ...
Proposition 13 turns 30
Thirty years last ago Friday, on June 6, 1978, Californians passed Proposition 13, the “People’s Initiative to Limit Property Taxation.” It helped California homeowners, but is now blamed for many of the state’s woes. Owning a home has always been part of the American dream. During the latter part of ...
Proposition 13 Turns 30: Why it’s still necessary, and why the pillage people still hate it
SACRAMENTO – Thirty years ago Friday, on June 6, 1978, Californians passed Proposition 13, the “People’s Initiative to Limit Property Taxation” that helped California homeowners but is now blamed for many state woes. Owning a home has always been part of the American dream. During the latter part of the ...
The Government’s Scapegoats
With food and energy prices soaring, housing prices collapsing, and the economy sinking into what could be a deep recession, the government has been searching around for villains. The latest scapegoats are speculators, OPEC, and of course, the big bad oil companies. As usual, our government ignores its own role ...
Independent explores new perspective
A whole new world of political thought opened to Vancouver’s Ceci Ryan Smith last month at a well-known ranch in California. She was guest at a conservative women’s conference at the Reagan Ranch Center. Ceci (wife of Vancouver’s Dave Smith, mother of two, board member of the Vancouver Housing Authority ...
Issue of taxation worthwhile topic for the candidates
Instead of all the mudslinging between Senators Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, wouldn’t it be refreshing to have them engage in some serious political discussion? Many American citizens might appreciate some in-depth exploration of the nature of taxation. The federal income tax, in particular, would deserve thoughtful examination. Senator John ...
Californication – It’s a Sin
People frequently argue that California should be the model for the nation’s energy use, because it has managed to keep per capita energy consumption flat over the past couple of decades. Not so fast, says Tom Tanton of the Pacific Research Institute and the Institute for Energy Research. In a ...
The Beginning of the Longevity Revolution
At last week’s Aging in America conference in Washington, attendees were greeted with multiple displays of technology aiming to help older people live better. A technological divide exists between the “oldest old” and the “recently old” baby boomers, but technologies developed for both groups may also be able to help ...