
Business & Economics

Putting Women’s History Month to Good Use

It’s Women’s History Month, so let’s take another look at the greatest woman of our time. We recently considered “There is No Alternative,” a book about Margaret Thatcher by Claire Berlinski, who did not know her. In the interest of gender fairness, we turn to Margaret Thatcher: A Portrait of ...

State-run health care advocates try again

Orange County Register (CA), March 16, 2009 Porterville Recorder (Porterville, CA), March 16, 2009 Desert Dispatch (Barstow, CA), March 16, 2009 Appeal-Democrat (Marysville, CA) March 16, 2009 Arnold rightly vetoed similar plan last year. This year, who knows? Last year, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s veto is all that saved Californians from ...
Business & Economics

Prop 1A: Interview with economist Ben Zycher, who says the measure does not deliver on a promise of real spending reform

Ben Zycher, a senior fellow with the Pacific Research Institute, thoroughly reviewed the text of Proposition 1A before the voters this May, and was underwhelmed by alleged spending reforms, and critical of tax increases in the proposal. FR Publisher Jon Fleischman interviews noted economist Ben Zycher A few weeks ago, ...

Bank Bailout Blues

Undeterred by the failure of the last injection of taxpayer dollars into a bloated banking system, our financial crusaders in DC are scratching their heads over the best way to flush another few hundred billion away. The latest scheme involves the creation of a “bad bank” that would purchase the ...
Business & Economics

Don’t blame China for U.S. woes

Several Chinese readers have contacted me to express astonishment at the chorus of voices blaming China for the U.S. recession. They wonder: Is this the preamble of a protectionist backlash? There is plenty that China deserves to be bashed for – its political system and its backing of Sudan and ...
Business & Economics

“Do You Austrians Have a Better Idea?”

A lot of people get annoyed with Austrian economists because they tend to be so dogmatic (we prefer the term consistent) and because they cloak their strictly economic claims with self-righteousness (we prefer the term morality). After a good Austrian bashing of the latest call to steal taxpayer money and ...

Our View: Despite qualms of some, universal health care becoming a reality

When Juan Figueroa, president of Meriden-based Universal Health Care Foundation, introduced “SustiNet” two weeks ago the response was, for the most part, enthusiastic. And why shouldn’t it be? Foundation officials said that if implemented over a five-year timeline, SustiNet would save households and businesses a combined total of $1.75 billion ...
Business & Economics

Taxpayer stimulus: Failures help sectors recalibrate

The sages at the National Bureau of Economic Research have finally concluded what many Americans have known for months: The United States is in a recession. Several prominent economists have recommended vast government spending as a cure. In the December issue of the New York Review of Books, Nobel Laureate ...
Business & Economics

Does “Depression Economics” Change the Rules?

Wily competitors have known for ages that if you can’t win the game, you can simply change the rules. Now, during normal economic times, if somebody recommended that the government borrow a trillion dollars and spend it on anything that moves, most economists (as well as common sense) would say, ...

Reform Our Schools Mr. President Elect

Honorable President-elect Barack Obama: In nominating Arne Duncan to serve as Secretary of Education, you stressed the need for school reform. In accepting the nomination, Duncan said, “Whether it’s fighting poverty, strengthening our economy, or promoting opportunity, education is the common thread. It is the civil rights issue of our ...
Business & Economics

Putting Women’s History Month to Good Use

It’s Women’s History Month, so let’s take another look at the greatest woman of our time. We recently considered “There is No Alternative,” a book about Margaret Thatcher by Claire Berlinski, who did not know her. In the interest of gender fairness, we turn to Margaret Thatcher: A Portrait of ...

State-run health care advocates try again

Orange County Register (CA), March 16, 2009 Porterville Recorder (Porterville, CA), March 16, 2009 Desert Dispatch (Barstow, CA), March 16, 2009 Appeal-Democrat (Marysville, CA) March 16, 2009 Arnold rightly vetoed similar plan last year. This year, who knows? Last year, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s veto is all that saved Californians from ...
Business & Economics

Prop 1A: Interview with economist Ben Zycher, who says the measure does not deliver on a promise of real spending reform

Ben Zycher, a senior fellow with the Pacific Research Institute, thoroughly reviewed the text of Proposition 1A before the voters this May, and was underwhelmed by alleged spending reforms, and critical of tax increases in the proposal. FR Publisher Jon Fleischman interviews noted economist Ben Zycher A few weeks ago, ...

Bank Bailout Blues

Undeterred by the failure of the last injection of taxpayer dollars into a bloated banking system, our financial crusaders in DC are scratching their heads over the best way to flush another few hundred billion away. The latest scheme involves the creation of a “bad bank” that would purchase the ...
Business & Economics

Don’t blame China for U.S. woes

Several Chinese readers have contacted me to express astonishment at the chorus of voices blaming China for the U.S. recession. They wonder: Is this the preamble of a protectionist backlash? There is plenty that China deserves to be bashed for – its political system and its backing of Sudan and ...
Business & Economics

“Do You Austrians Have a Better Idea?”

A lot of people get annoyed with Austrian economists because they tend to be so dogmatic (we prefer the term consistent) and because they cloak their strictly economic claims with self-righteousness (we prefer the term morality). After a good Austrian bashing of the latest call to steal taxpayer money and ...

Our View: Despite qualms of some, universal health care becoming a reality

When Juan Figueroa, president of Meriden-based Universal Health Care Foundation, introduced “SustiNet” two weeks ago the response was, for the most part, enthusiastic. And why shouldn’t it be? Foundation officials said that if implemented over a five-year timeline, SustiNet would save households and businesses a combined total of $1.75 billion ...
Business & Economics

Taxpayer stimulus: Failures help sectors recalibrate

The sages at the National Bureau of Economic Research have finally concluded what many Americans have known for months: The United States is in a recession. Several prominent economists have recommended vast government spending as a cure. In the December issue of the New York Review of Books, Nobel Laureate ...
Business & Economics

Does “Depression Economics” Change the Rules?

Wily competitors have known for ages that if you can’t win the game, you can simply change the rules. Now, during normal economic times, if somebody recommended that the government borrow a trillion dollars and spend it on anything that moves, most economists (as well as common sense) would say, ...

Reform Our Schools Mr. President Elect

Honorable President-elect Barack Obama: In nominating Arne Duncan to serve as Secretary of Education, you stressed the need for school reform. In accepting the nomination, Duncan said, “Whether it’s fighting poverty, strengthening our economy, or promoting opportunity, education is the common thread. It is the civil rights issue of our ...
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