

Governor Schwarzenegger Creates the California Complete Count Committee

Sacramento, California – Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger today announced the creation of the California Complete Count Committee (Committee) to ensure a complete count for the 2010 Census. “Every Californian counts,” Governor Schwarzenegger said. “The Census determines how the distribution of more than $300 billion in federal funds goes to local, state ...

Health-Care Bill Is the Ball Game

You might suppose that President Obama has his hands full running two wars, administering General Motors, “rescuing” the banking system, attempting to empower unions over management, hushing up whispers about hypocrisy regarding Guantanamo detainees, managing the mortgage crisis, imposing “clean energy” on the nation, handling nuclear North Korea and nearly ...
Business & Economics

Make California an Enterprise Zone

Jack Kemp, who passed away last month at 73, is associated with football, New York state, and Washington DC. He was actually a native Californian and right now the Golden State could use some of his ideas. The former AFL quarterback proved that the Washington establishment makes a poor teammate ...

Popular Ranking Unfairly Misrepresents the U.S. Health Care System

The media and political community have made a big deal out of the fact that the U.S. ranks 37 out of 191 countries on the World Health Organization’s Health Care Ranking System. Is this tool a credible way to compare quality health care delivered in the U.S. vs the rest ...
Business & Economics

The Nuttiness of Negative Interest Rates

In his April 18 New York Times op-ed, Harvard professor (and Bush adviser) Greg Mankiw calls on the Federal Reserve to promise future inflation, in order to fix the economy. Mankiw’s article beautifully illustrates what is wrong with today’s economics profession: it consists of very sharp guys (and gals) who ...
Business & Economics

California’s ‘Spending Limit’ Is A Sham

The outlook for the California economy is dreadful, driven by a deeply perverse tax and regulatory environment, combined with Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger’s highly successful five-year effort to avoid hard choices. And so the state budget, the utter profligacy of which for years has been papered over with accounting tricks and ...
Business & Economics

Obama Misreads His Mandate

Reagan didn’t assume his landslide was a license for whatever he wanted. President Barack Obama’s honeymoon period seems to have ended quickly. That’s because Mr. Obama doesn’t grasp the essentials of presidential leadership. Rather than making a compelling case for his economic policies, he has resorted to curt rebuffs, such ...

Why Anti-Growth Activism Does Not Help the Environment.

Sierra Pacific Industries (SPI) is closing down an El Dorado county sawmill that has been around since 1889. SPI will also close another sawmill and electric power plant in Tuolome county. Two more SPI mills in Plumas and Humbolt counties will also close, leaving hundreds of workers without jobs. One ...

Rush Job

Doctors and students unite against socialized medicine. An NRO Q&A Tonight in New York City, the Benjamin Rush Society will host its inaugural event: a debate on health care before a gathering of medical students and doctors. Under the leadership of Sally C. Pipes, president and CEO of the Pacific ...

The ‘credit crunch’: another Great Depression?

In the first part of his essay on the 1930s and today, Sean Collins puts the case for going beyond Keynesianism and monetarism and the obsession with finance to look at the deeper structural problems of capitalism. Last month Christina Romer, chair of the Obama administration’s Council of Economic Advisers, ...

Governor Schwarzenegger Creates the California Complete Count Committee

Sacramento, California – Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger today announced the creation of the California Complete Count Committee (Committee) to ensure a complete count for the 2010 Census. “Every Californian counts,” Governor Schwarzenegger said. “The Census determines how the distribution of more than $300 billion in federal funds goes to local, state ...

Health-Care Bill Is the Ball Game

You might suppose that President Obama has his hands full running two wars, administering General Motors, “rescuing” the banking system, attempting to empower unions over management, hushing up whispers about hypocrisy regarding Guantanamo detainees, managing the mortgage crisis, imposing “clean energy” on the nation, handling nuclear North Korea and nearly ...
Business & Economics

Make California an Enterprise Zone

Jack Kemp, who passed away last month at 73, is associated with football, New York state, and Washington DC. He was actually a native Californian and right now the Golden State could use some of his ideas. The former AFL quarterback proved that the Washington establishment makes a poor teammate ...

Popular Ranking Unfairly Misrepresents the U.S. Health Care System

The media and political community have made a big deal out of the fact that the U.S. ranks 37 out of 191 countries on the World Health Organization’s Health Care Ranking System. Is this tool a credible way to compare quality health care delivered in the U.S. vs the rest ...
Business & Economics

The Nuttiness of Negative Interest Rates

In his April 18 New York Times op-ed, Harvard professor (and Bush adviser) Greg Mankiw calls on the Federal Reserve to promise future inflation, in order to fix the economy. Mankiw’s article beautifully illustrates what is wrong with today’s economics profession: it consists of very sharp guys (and gals) who ...
Business & Economics

California’s ‘Spending Limit’ Is A Sham

The outlook for the California economy is dreadful, driven by a deeply perverse tax and regulatory environment, combined with Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger’s highly successful five-year effort to avoid hard choices. And so the state budget, the utter profligacy of which for years has been papered over with accounting tricks and ...
Business & Economics

Obama Misreads His Mandate

Reagan didn’t assume his landslide was a license for whatever he wanted. President Barack Obama’s honeymoon period seems to have ended quickly. That’s because Mr. Obama doesn’t grasp the essentials of presidential leadership. Rather than making a compelling case for his economic policies, he has resorted to curt rebuffs, such ...

Why Anti-Growth Activism Does Not Help the Environment.

Sierra Pacific Industries (SPI) is closing down an El Dorado county sawmill that has been around since 1889. SPI will also close another sawmill and electric power plant in Tuolome county. Two more SPI mills in Plumas and Humbolt counties will also close, leaving hundreds of workers without jobs. One ...

Rush Job

Doctors and students unite against socialized medicine. An NRO Q&A Tonight in New York City, the Benjamin Rush Society will host its inaugural event: a debate on health care before a gathering of medical students and doctors. Under the leadership of Sally C. Pipes, president and CEO of the Pacific ...

The ‘credit crunch’: another Great Depression?

In the first part of his essay on the 1930s and today, Sean Collins puts the case for going beyond Keynesianism and monetarism and the obsession with finance to look at the deeper structural problems of capitalism. Last month Christina Romer, chair of the Obama administration’s Council of Economic Advisers, ...
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