
Business & Economics

The Best States For Business

The recession hit everywhere, but Virginia is booming compared with the rest of America. The carnage of the economic downturn is everywhere with bankruptcies, foreclosures and unemployment soaring nationwide. None of the 50 states are immune. Only two, Alaska and North Dakota, are expected to see employment gains this year. ...
Business & Economics

Poizner says he’ll increase state revenue by cutting California’s tax rates

Despite projections that the next governor will inherit multibillion-dollar deficits, Republican gubernatorial candidate Steve Poizner on Tuesday promised to slash taxes on personal income, corporations and sales. Poizner said that as part of his “Jobs Plan,” he would reduce those rates by one-tenth, as well as cut capital gains taxes ...
Business & Economics

Experts weigh in on Obama economic speech

SAN FRANCISCO (KGO) — On the anniversary of a financial meltdown that brought Wall Street to its knees, President Barack Obama unveiled a plan he says will keep it from happening again. President Obama began by praising his economic team and his $787 billion stimulus package. “While full recovery of ...

Cochrane Threatens Austrians More Than Krugman Ever Did

This is a very short-sighted view. Just because someone gets in a fight with someone who we can’t stand–and I’ve criticized Krugman enough to have credibility on that score–doesn’t mean we should endorse any old arguments. There was quite a bit in Cochrane’s response that should alarm an Austrian economist, ...
Business & Economics

Think tank pans Connecticut

An enviable performance during the recession notwithstanding, a new study puts Connecticut among the bottom feeders nationally for its economic performance leading up to this year. The data do not include information from 2009 during the worst of the recession, and that fact is reflected in the top-ranked state being ...

Schumer Demands ‘Public Option’

Health Care News (Heartland Institute), September 1, 2009 Right Side News, August 1, 2009 Senior Senate Finance Committee member Charles Schumer (D-NY) has vowed to “ignore” all health care overhaul legislation that does not include plans to create a government-run health insurance plan, or “public option,” and have it compete ...
Business & Economics

Labor Day in California: Not Much to Celebrate

Californians work hard and Labor Day will provide them with a much needed break. The festivities, however, should not overshadow a disturbing reality. Nowhere are California’s economic problems more serious than in our labor market. The best known and perhaps most watched labor statistic is the unemployment rate. California’s unemployment ...
Business & Economics

Obama’s Stimulus is Proving as Disastrous as FDR’s New Deal

Talking about his first few months in office, President Obama said this at a fundraiser in Los Angeles: We started off in the midst of the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression. And so what we decided to do was pass the largest economic recovery package in the history ...

Medicare: The Problem and the Solution?

What has the most potential to mire the United States in long-term debt? According to White House Office of Management and Budget Director Peter Orszag, the answer is Medicare and Medicaid. Orszag writes that every other federal program’s effect on future deficits and debt is “swamped” by the effects of ...

Robert Reich on Public Option

Robert Reich, Bill Clinton’s Labor Secretary, has the answer in today’s Wall Street Journal. According to Mr. Reich, a “public option” (actually a swamp of new government bureaucracies, ready from “day one” for perpetual taxpayer bailouts), would “squeeze” the profits of private health providers. It is dead easy for government ...
Business & Economics

The Best States For Business

The recession hit everywhere, but Virginia is booming compared with the rest of America. The carnage of the economic downturn is everywhere with bankruptcies, foreclosures and unemployment soaring nationwide. None of the 50 states are immune. Only two, Alaska and North Dakota, are expected to see employment gains this year. ...
Business & Economics

Poizner says he’ll increase state revenue by cutting California’s tax rates

Despite projections that the next governor will inherit multibillion-dollar deficits, Republican gubernatorial candidate Steve Poizner on Tuesday promised to slash taxes on personal income, corporations and sales. Poizner said that as part of his “Jobs Plan,” he would reduce those rates by one-tenth, as well as cut capital gains taxes ...
Business & Economics

Experts weigh in on Obama economic speech

SAN FRANCISCO (KGO) — On the anniversary of a financial meltdown that brought Wall Street to its knees, President Barack Obama unveiled a plan he says will keep it from happening again. President Obama began by praising his economic team and his $787 billion stimulus package. “While full recovery of ...

Cochrane Threatens Austrians More Than Krugman Ever Did

This is a very short-sighted view. Just because someone gets in a fight with someone who we can’t stand–and I’ve criticized Krugman enough to have credibility on that score–doesn’t mean we should endorse any old arguments. There was quite a bit in Cochrane’s response that should alarm an Austrian economist, ...
Business & Economics

Think tank pans Connecticut

An enviable performance during the recession notwithstanding, a new study puts Connecticut among the bottom feeders nationally for its economic performance leading up to this year. The data do not include information from 2009 during the worst of the recession, and that fact is reflected in the top-ranked state being ...

Schumer Demands ‘Public Option’

Health Care News (Heartland Institute), September 1, 2009 Right Side News, August 1, 2009 Senior Senate Finance Committee member Charles Schumer (D-NY) has vowed to “ignore” all health care overhaul legislation that does not include plans to create a government-run health insurance plan, or “public option,” and have it compete ...
Business & Economics

Labor Day in California: Not Much to Celebrate

Californians work hard and Labor Day will provide them with a much needed break. The festivities, however, should not overshadow a disturbing reality. Nowhere are California’s economic problems more serious than in our labor market. The best known and perhaps most watched labor statistic is the unemployment rate. California’s unemployment ...
Business & Economics

Obama’s Stimulus is Proving as Disastrous as FDR’s New Deal

Talking about his first few months in office, President Obama said this at a fundraiser in Los Angeles: We started off in the midst of the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression. And so what we decided to do was pass the largest economic recovery package in the history ...

Medicare: The Problem and the Solution?

What has the most potential to mire the United States in long-term debt? According to White House Office of Management and Budget Director Peter Orszag, the answer is Medicare and Medicaid. Orszag writes that every other federal program’s effect on future deficits and debt is “swamped” by the effects of ...

Robert Reich on Public Option

Robert Reich, Bill Clinton’s Labor Secretary, has the answer in today’s Wall Street Journal. According to Mr. Reich, a “public option” (actually a swamp of new government bureaucracies, ready from “day one” for perpetual taxpayer bailouts), would “squeeze” the profits of private health providers. It is dead easy for government ...
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