

The Facts About Prop 21, The Rent Control Initiative

Unlike many California ballot measures, the title of Proposition 21 is clear and upfront. There’s no intent to deceive with misleading language. It’s not “an argument designed to influence the voter,” and isn’t likely to prejudice the electorate. The “Expands Local Governments’ Authority to Enact Rent Control on Residential Property” ...

Price Controls Are Disastrous For Rents And Will Be For Drugs

President Trump and senior advisor Jared Kushner claim that the most favored nation executive order signed by the President over the weekend is necessary for drug pricing because “the U.S. shouldn’t pay more than other European countries for the same treatments.” This policy will make things worse, not better. If the president ...

Put a quarantine on California’s bad policy ideas

Los Angeles Times readers might think the first night of the Republican National Convention was nothing more than a non-stop attack on California. In its coverage of the first evening’s events, the paper posted the headline “RNC speakers paint California as a dangerous dystopia.” Missing from the report were rebuttals to ...

California Entering Pharmaceutical Business Won’t Lower Drug Prices for Patients

The state of California, which can’t keep the lights on thanks to political interference in energy generation, nor build enough homes because government has poisoned the housing market, is going into the pharmaceutical manufacturing business. But there’s nothing to worry about. If it struggles, taxpayers will be there to bail ...

Dem “Stimulus Plan” Victim of Last Night of Session Hijinks

Much has been written about perhaps the wildest last night of the legislative session ever. For those who weren’t paying attention, all but one Republican senator was quarantined when Sen. Brian Jones tested positive for COVID-19 a few days prior, forced to vote remotely.  This prolonged the Senate’s work on ...

Biden’s Tax Plan: Where It Hurts Californians the Most

Right by the Bay has been following Sacramento’s tax raising schemes here, here, and here.  But the state’s tax marauding politicians aren’t the only ones we should be worried about.  Presidential candidate Joe Biden also wants Washington’s share of our wallet.  Below are three proposed tax hikes that would be ...
Business & Economics

The Hon. Dan Kolkey – How 2020’s Key Public Policy Issues Are Being Affected by the Courts

The Hon. Dan Kolkey – former legal advisor to Gov. Wilson, former appeals court justice, and PRI board member – joins us to discuss how this year’s key public policy issues, such as the state’s response to COVID-19, the housing crisis, and efforts to prevent mass power outages during this ...

Steven Greenhut – On the Most Unpredictable California Legislative Session in Recent Memory

R Street Institute’s Steven Greenhut returns for his annual look at the year’s legislative session in Sacramento.  We discuss how the Legislature and Governor have responded to the COVID-19 pandemic and rising social unrest, a $54 billion budget deficit, and worsening homeless and housing crises.  He also looks ahead to ...

California Nightmarin’

It would be neither profound nor unique to note that the California dream, immortalized by John and Michelle Phillips’ famed lyrics, ain’t what it used to be. It would be nothing more than a mere statement of a fact which is well-known but nevertheless denied by those who have taken ...

Biden’s Climate Change Agenda Is Inspired by AOC, California

Presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden last week unveiled his version of the Green New Deal.  The plan, which can be summed up as AOC meets CA, shows just how far Biden is willing to lunge toward the left coast’s environmental agenda. AOC’s Green New Deal, criticized for being light on ...

The Facts About Prop 21, The Rent Control Initiative

Unlike many California ballot measures, the title of Proposition 21 is clear and upfront. There’s no intent to deceive with misleading language. It’s not “an argument designed to influence the voter,” and isn’t likely to prejudice the electorate. The “Expands Local Governments’ Authority to Enact Rent Control on Residential Property” ...

Price Controls Are Disastrous For Rents And Will Be For Drugs

President Trump and senior advisor Jared Kushner claim that the most favored nation executive order signed by the President over the weekend is necessary for drug pricing because “the U.S. shouldn’t pay more than other European countries for the same treatments.” This policy will make things worse, not better. If the president ...

Put a quarantine on California’s bad policy ideas

Los Angeles Times readers might think the first night of the Republican National Convention was nothing more than a non-stop attack on California. In its coverage of the first evening’s events, the paper posted the headline “RNC speakers paint California as a dangerous dystopia.” Missing from the report were rebuttals to ...

California Entering Pharmaceutical Business Won’t Lower Drug Prices for Patients

The state of California, which can’t keep the lights on thanks to political interference in energy generation, nor build enough homes because government has poisoned the housing market, is going into the pharmaceutical manufacturing business. But there’s nothing to worry about. If it struggles, taxpayers will be there to bail ...

Dem “Stimulus Plan” Victim of Last Night of Session Hijinks

Much has been written about perhaps the wildest last night of the legislative session ever. For those who weren’t paying attention, all but one Republican senator was quarantined when Sen. Brian Jones tested positive for COVID-19 a few days prior, forced to vote remotely.  This prolonged the Senate’s work on ...

Biden’s Tax Plan: Where It Hurts Californians the Most

Right by the Bay has been following Sacramento’s tax raising schemes here, here, and here.  But the state’s tax marauding politicians aren’t the only ones we should be worried about.  Presidential candidate Joe Biden also wants Washington’s share of our wallet.  Below are three proposed tax hikes that would be ...
Business & Economics

The Hon. Dan Kolkey – How 2020’s Key Public Policy Issues Are Being Affected by the Courts

The Hon. Dan Kolkey – former legal advisor to Gov. Wilson, former appeals court justice, and PRI board member – joins us to discuss how this year’s key public policy issues, such as the state’s response to COVID-19, the housing crisis, and efforts to prevent mass power outages during this ...

Steven Greenhut – On the Most Unpredictable California Legislative Session in Recent Memory

R Street Institute’s Steven Greenhut returns for his annual look at the year’s legislative session in Sacramento.  We discuss how the Legislature and Governor have responded to the COVID-19 pandemic and rising social unrest, a $54 billion budget deficit, and worsening homeless and housing crises.  He also looks ahead to ...

California Nightmarin’

It would be neither profound nor unique to note that the California dream, immortalized by John and Michelle Phillips’ famed lyrics, ain’t what it used to be. It would be nothing more than a mere statement of a fact which is well-known but nevertheless denied by those who have taken ...

Biden’s Climate Change Agenda Is Inspired by AOC, California

Presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden last week unveiled his version of the Green New Deal.  The plan, which can be summed up as AOC meets CA, shows just how far Biden is willing to lunge toward the left coast’s environmental agenda. AOC’s Green New Deal, criticized for being light on ...
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