Business & Economics
Rent Control for Small Businesses Another Bad Idea
It’s “Basic Economics” that residential rent control is harmful housing policy. So it makes perfect sense that we’re beginning to hear about commercial rent control in California. Why not heap more destructive laws on the pile? San Jose Inside reported earlier this month that “a local community leader” wants the ...
Kerry Jackson
October 26, 2017
A Neutral Network is Best for California
Northern California is a hotbed of modern, global technological innovation, particularly internet innovation. Yet, increasingly Washington, D.C. dictates the direction and velocity of innovation, often abetted by the very companies that gained from the permissionless innovation approach of government that so benefitted the industry in the past. For example, in ...
Bartlett Cleland
October 24, 2017
Business & Economics
Bartlett Cleland – Is California’s Innovation Luster Wearing Off?
Bartlett Cleland, PRI’s senior fellow in Tech and Innovation, talks with us about whether California’s innovation luster is wearing off, how poor government policy is impacting the sharing economy, autonomous vehicles, and innovation companies, and the future of artificial intelligence.
Pacific Research Institute
October 23, 2017
American Dream Denied by Berkeley Government Bureaucrats
I recently read about a case in Berkeley where a hot dog vendor just trying to earn a few dollars was manhandled by city government. Rigoberto “Beto” Matias was selling bacon-wrapped hotdogs outside a Cal football game. A police officer approached Beto and started questioning him. A customer quickly pulled ...
Tim Anaya
October 23, 2017
The Price Control Hammer Will Break the Health Care System
From California to Washington D.C. legislators continue to confirm Abraham Kaplan’s famous insight that if you, “give a small boy a hammer, he will find that everything he encounters needs pounding.” In the case of our legislators, that hammer is price controls; and, what needs pounding is the price of ...
Wayne Winegarden
October 17, 2017
Business & Economics
Dorothy Rothrock – Can We Bring Back California Manufacturing Jobs?
California Manufacturing and Technology Association President Dorothy Rothrock joins us to discuss the state of manufacturing in California today and how this year’s legislative session will impact manufacturers, and what can be done to bring back manufacturing jobs.
Pacific Research Institute
October 16, 2017
What Connecticut – and California – Can Learn from Tennessee on Fiscal Reform
We’ve all heard the negative economic and budget stories coming out of Sacramento in recent years. But as a Connecticut native, the headlines coming out of my home state are equally concerning, and offer a lesson for Golden State policymakers. Connecticut is the richest state in the country (by per-capita ...
Ben Smithwick
October 13, 2017
Business & Economics
David Crane Discusses California’s Pension Time Bomb
David Crane of Govern for California discusses California’s public pension time bomb at a PRI Young Leaders Circle meeting in San Francisco.
Pacific Research Institute
October 12, 2017
Business & Economics
Price Controls Will Reduce Innovation and Health Outcomes
Abraham Kaplan famously noted that if you, “give a small boy a hammer, he will find that everything he encounters needs pounding.” Put differently, solving problems requires the right tool, not the convenient tool. Congress should remember this wisdom in its upcoming deliberations regarding the cost of prescription drugs. The ...
Wayne Winegarden
October 12, 2017
Business & Economics
Deroy Murdock – Give Me Liberty or Give Me Debt
Fox News contributor and National Review contributing editor Deroy Murdock joins us to discuss America’s growing debt problem, the upcoming debt ceiling vote, and how Washington’s out-of-control spending priorities hurt our economy and threaten our liberty.
Pacific Research Institute
October 10, 2017
Rent Control for Small Businesses Another Bad Idea
It’s “Basic Economics” that residential rent control is harmful housing policy. So it makes perfect sense that we’re beginning to hear about commercial rent control in California. Why not heap more destructive laws on the pile? San Jose Inside reported earlier this month that “a local community leader” wants the ...
A Neutral Network is Best for California
Northern California is a hotbed of modern, global technological innovation, particularly internet innovation. Yet, increasingly Washington, D.C. dictates the direction and velocity of innovation, often abetted by the very companies that gained from the permissionless innovation approach of government that so benefitted the industry in the past. For example, in ...
Bartlett Cleland – Is California’s Innovation Luster Wearing Off?
Bartlett Cleland, PRI’s senior fellow in Tech and Innovation, talks with us about whether California’s innovation luster is wearing off, how poor government policy is impacting the sharing economy, autonomous vehicles, and innovation companies, and the future of artificial intelligence.
American Dream Denied by Berkeley Government Bureaucrats
I recently read about a case in Berkeley where a hot dog vendor just trying to earn a few dollars was manhandled by city government. Rigoberto “Beto” Matias was selling bacon-wrapped hotdogs outside a Cal football game. A police officer approached Beto and started questioning him. A customer quickly pulled ...
The Price Control Hammer Will Break the Health Care System
From California to Washington D.C. legislators continue to confirm Abraham Kaplan’s famous insight that if you, “give a small boy a hammer, he will find that everything he encounters needs pounding.” In the case of our legislators, that hammer is price controls; and, what needs pounding is the price of ...
Dorothy Rothrock – Can We Bring Back California Manufacturing Jobs?
California Manufacturing and Technology Association President Dorothy Rothrock joins us to discuss the state of manufacturing in California today and how this year’s legislative session will impact manufacturers, and what can be done to bring back manufacturing jobs.
What Connecticut – and California – Can Learn from Tennessee on Fiscal Reform
We’ve all heard the negative economic and budget stories coming out of Sacramento in recent years. But as a Connecticut native, the headlines coming out of my home state are equally concerning, and offer a lesson for Golden State policymakers. Connecticut is the richest state in the country (by per-capita ...
David Crane Discusses California’s Pension Time Bomb
David Crane of Govern for California discusses California’s public pension time bomb at a PRI Young Leaders Circle meeting in San Francisco.
Price Controls Will Reduce Innovation and Health Outcomes
Abraham Kaplan famously noted that if you, “give a small boy a hammer, he will find that everything he encounters needs pounding.” Put differently, solving problems requires the right tool, not the convenient tool. Congress should remember this wisdom in its upcoming deliberations regarding the cost of prescription drugs. The ...
Deroy Murdock – Give Me Liberty or Give Me Debt
Fox News contributor and National Review contributing editor Deroy Murdock joins us to discuss America’s growing debt problem, the upcoming debt ceiling vote, and how Washington’s out-of-control spending priorities hurt our economy and threaten our liberty.