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  • Business & Economics

    Business & Economics

    Michael Ramirez – The Art of Political Cartooning

    Two-time Pulitzer Prize-winning political cartoonist Michael Ramirez joins us to discuss his approach to cartooning, some of his favorite and noteworthy cartoons from over the years, and the important role that political cartoons play in shaping public opinion and inspiring grassroots activism.
    Business & Economics

    House And Senate Tax Plans Have Major Differences That Need to Be Reconciled

    On Saturday, the Senate joined the House in passing its version of tax reform known as the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. While the two versions are very similar, there are 18 major differences that still need to be discussed between the two chambers in conference committee before the measure ...

    Cedar Point Nursery Case Could End Trespassing on Private Land

    Unions have long had government-protected privileges that no other institution or organization has. They hold monopolies as exclusive collective bargaining units; can collect dues before paychecks are even issued (government is the only other institution that can withhold earnings); and have forced unionization on, and collected dues from, workers who ...

    California’s Anger on Tax Deal Directed at Wrong Capitol

    On Friday, the Senate achieved the nearly-impossible and passed long-overdue tax reform legislation. While the legislation will surely be changed in the conference committee, whatever final legislation emerges will provide tax relief for many Americans and provide some incentives to job creators to invest in the economy. Many Californians have ...
    Business & Economics

    Wayne Winegarden Discusses Senate Tax Vote on Southern California Public Radio

    Wayne Winegarden discusses the Senate vote on tax reform legislation and its impact on California with Larry Mantle on “Air Talk” on Southern California Public Radio/KPCC. Click here to listen to the interview.

    Brown Right Once Again on Public Employee Pension Reform

    We are often critical of the way Gov. Jerry Brown governs and the ideas that he proposes. He too often leans on the progressive playbook. But we’ve not been afraid to say that he’s right when he’s right, and today he’s right. The governor is publicly advocating cuts in public ...
    Business & Economics

    Skimming Hurts California’s Most Vulnerable

    Skimming is not a union practice that went out when the closing credits for “On The Waterfront” first rolled in 1954. It’s still alive today. And it’s hurting some of California’s most vulnerable residents, while at the same time stuffing the treasury of politically powerful unions and financially exploiting those ...
    Business & Economics

    Fiscal Conservatives Should Support Tax Reform

    This week, the U.S. Senate is slated to vote on comprehensive tax reform. But some fiscal hawks are worried about the bill’s impact on the deficit. In the short term, these lawmakers are right to worry. Contrary to the analyses of some optimistic supporters, the tax cuts probably won’t pay ...
    Business & Economics

    Flushing the Constitution

    Washington D.C.’s city government is nationally known for its anti-business bias. A law enacted late last year and scheduled to take effect on New Year’s Day 2018 shows why. The ordinance regulates the labeling of — hold onto your seat — moist flushable toilet wipes, said to be found in ...

    Janus Case Could Deliver Win for Workers and Boost Economy

    Click here to download the brief Nerves are apparently raw in union halls across California. Labor leaders are waiting in dread over a coming Supreme Court ruling. The decision could cost them members, and more importantly to the union bosses, money. The case they fear is Janus vs. AFSCME. Its ...
    Business & Economics

    Michael Ramirez – The Art of Political Cartooning

    Two-time Pulitzer Prize-winning political cartoonist Michael Ramirez joins us to discuss his approach to cartooning, some of his favorite and noteworthy cartoons from over the years, and the important role that political cartoons play in shaping public opinion and inspiring grassroots activism.
    Business & Economics

    House And Senate Tax Plans Have Major Differences That Need to Be Reconciled

    On Saturday, the Senate joined the House in passing its version of tax reform known as the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. While the two versions are very similar, there are 18 major differences that still need to be discussed between the two chambers in conference committee before the measure ...

    Cedar Point Nursery Case Could End Trespassing on Private Land

    Unions have long had government-protected privileges that no other institution or organization has. They hold monopolies as exclusive collective bargaining units; can collect dues before paychecks are even issued (government is the only other institution that can withhold earnings); and have forced unionization on, and collected dues from, workers who ...

    California’s Anger on Tax Deal Directed at Wrong Capitol

    On Friday, the Senate achieved the nearly-impossible and passed long-overdue tax reform legislation. While the legislation will surely be changed in the conference committee, whatever final legislation emerges will provide tax relief for many Americans and provide some incentives to job creators to invest in the economy. Many Californians have ...
    Business & Economics

    Wayne Winegarden Discusses Senate Tax Vote on Southern California Public Radio

    Wayne Winegarden discusses the Senate vote on tax reform legislation and its impact on California with Larry Mantle on “Air Talk” on Southern California Public Radio/KPCC. Click here to listen to the interview.

    Brown Right Once Again on Public Employee Pension Reform

    We are often critical of the way Gov. Jerry Brown governs and the ideas that he proposes. He too often leans on the progressive playbook. But we’ve not been afraid to say that he’s right when he’s right, and today he’s right. The governor is publicly advocating cuts in public ...
    Business & Economics

    Skimming Hurts California’s Most Vulnerable

    Skimming is not a union practice that went out when the closing credits for “On The Waterfront” first rolled in 1954. It’s still alive today. And it’s hurting some of California’s most vulnerable residents, while at the same time stuffing the treasury of politically powerful unions and financially exploiting those ...
    Business & Economics

    Fiscal Conservatives Should Support Tax Reform

    This week, the U.S. Senate is slated to vote on comprehensive tax reform. But some fiscal hawks are worried about the bill’s impact on the deficit. In the short term, these lawmakers are right to worry. Contrary to the analyses of some optimistic supporters, the tax cuts probably won’t pay ...
    Business & Economics

    Flushing the Constitution

    Washington D.C.’s city government is nationally known for its anti-business bias. A law enacted late last year and scheduled to take effect on New Year’s Day 2018 shows why. The ordinance regulates the labeling of — hold onto your seat — moist flushable toilet wipes, said to be found in ...

    Janus Case Could Deliver Win for Workers and Boost Economy

    Click here to download the brief Nerves are apparently raw in union halls across California. Labor leaders are waiting in dread over a coming Supreme Court ruling. The decision could cost them members, and more importantly to the union bosses, money. The case they fear is Janus vs. AFSCME. Its ...
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