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  • Business & Economics

    Business & Economics

    Reducing the Burden from Occupational Licensing Regulations Will Help Consumers

    As President Reagan famously noted, “The most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government and I’m here to help.” The expanding reach of occupational licensing regulations exemplify this maxim. People in a growing number of occupations now require the permission of the government to work in ...

    A Defense of Supply Side Economics

    Supply Side Economics works. This isn’t a political statement, nor should it be a particularly controversial one either, unless you believe I am referring to the mythical “trickle down” straw man conjured up by some in the political establishment. By supply side economics, I am referring to the broad basket ...
    Business & Economics

    New PRI Study: Breaking Down Barriers in Insurance Markets Would Benefit Consumers, Expand Job Opportunities

    According to a new study released today, victims of the recent natural disasters in the United States could face long rebuilding delays unless reforms removing insurance marketplace regulatory barriers are adopted to fix a broken system. Click here to download a copy of “Breaking Down Barriers” “The victims of the ...
    Business & Economics

    Tom Rogan – Issue 1 – What’s Going On in DC and the Return of “McLaughlin Group”

    Political journalist and Washington Examiner columnist Tom Rogan gives his take on America’s foreign policy challenges, what’s going on in Trump’s Washington, and his new role as moderator in the return of the iconic TV debate program, “The McLaughlin Group”.
    Business & Economics

    Watch Wayne Winegarden Discuss Trump Tax Cuts on Reuters

    PRI’s Senior Fellow in Business and Economics Wayne Winegarden discusses the raises that Starbucks employees will be receiving thanks to the Trump Tax Cuts with Aleksandra Michalska of Reuters.

    They’re Baaack! Higher Corporate Tax Rates on California Companies?

    Just when hundreds of thousands of Californians have begun to enjoy their bonuses and raises thanks to the new tax law, the progressives in Sacramento are working on ways to crush workers’ newfound prosperity.  Just last week, Democratic Assemblymen Kevin McCarty of Sacramento and Phil Ting of San Francisco introduced ...

    Infrastructure Should Be Budget Priority – Here’s 2 Smart Ways to Make It So

    Repairing California’s crumbling roads and highways, and investing in our other infrastructure needs should be at the top of the agenda in Sacramento.  Often, it falls victim to other budget priorities. There’s no question that setting aside a secure and stable annual funding stream to fix our roads, bridges, and ...
    Business & Economics

    Kerry Jackson – Good Intentions – How We Can Alleviate Poverty in CA

    Kerry Jackson, senior fellow with PRI’s Center for California Reform, joins us to discuss how California’s government anti-poverty programs aren’t delivering, how the private sector can do more to lift people out of poverty, and other findings from his new issue brief, “Good Intentions.”
    Business & Economics

    Fiscal Policy Needs Spending Reform, Not Budgetary Gimmicks: The case of the CREATES Act

    Once again, budget negotiators in Washington D.C. are scrambling to put together a cogent spending plan for the federal government. And, once again, as part of this last-minute scramble, Congress is considering ad-hoc budget gimmicks to pay for spending instead of budgeting within the government’s affordability constraint. Or, as President ...

    Let the Games Begin…More Tax Stunts from the States

    My fellow blogger Tim Anaya wrote a blog earlier this week on the latest scheme from Sacramento to game the new tax law.  Senate Bill 227 would allow taxpayers to make charitable donations to the state and receive a tax credit for the full amount of their contribution. It works ...
    Business & Economics

    Reducing the Burden from Occupational Licensing Regulations Will Help Consumers

    As President Reagan famously noted, “The most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government and I’m here to help.” The expanding reach of occupational licensing regulations exemplify this maxim. People in a growing number of occupations now require the permission of the government to work in ...

    A Defense of Supply Side Economics

    Supply Side Economics works. This isn’t a political statement, nor should it be a particularly controversial one either, unless you believe I am referring to the mythical “trickle down” straw man conjured up by some in the political establishment. By supply side economics, I am referring to the broad basket ...
    Business & Economics

    New PRI Study: Breaking Down Barriers in Insurance Markets Would Benefit Consumers, Expand Job Opportunities

    According to a new study released today, victims of the recent natural disasters in the United States could face long rebuilding delays unless reforms removing insurance marketplace regulatory barriers are adopted to fix a broken system. Click here to download a copy of “Breaking Down Barriers” “The victims of the ...
    Business & Economics

    Tom Rogan – Issue 1 – What’s Going On in DC and the Return of “McLaughlin Group”

    Political journalist and Washington Examiner columnist Tom Rogan gives his take on America’s foreign policy challenges, what’s going on in Trump’s Washington, and his new role as moderator in the return of the iconic TV debate program, “The McLaughlin Group”.
    Business & Economics

    Watch Wayne Winegarden Discuss Trump Tax Cuts on Reuters

    PRI’s Senior Fellow in Business and Economics Wayne Winegarden discusses the raises that Starbucks employees will be receiving thanks to the Trump Tax Cuts with Aleksandra Michalska of Reuters.

    They’re Baaack! Higher Corporate Tax Rates on California Companies?

    Just when hundreds of thousands of Californians have begun to enjoy their bonuses and raises thanks to the new tax law, the progressives in Sacramento are working on ways to crush workers’ newfound prosperity.  Just last week, Democratic Assemblymen Kevin McCarty of Sacramento and Phil Ting of San Francisco introduced ...

    Infrastructure Should Be Budget Priority – Here’s 2 Smart Ways to Make It So

    Repairing California’s crumbling roads and highways, and investing in our other infrastructure needs should be at the top of the agenda in Sacramento.  Often, it falls victim to other budget priorities. There’s no question that setting aside a secure and stable annual funding stream to fix our roads, bridges, and ...
    Business & Economics

    Kerry Jackson – Good Intentions – How We Can Alleviate Poverty in CA

    Kerry Jackson, senior fellow with PRI’s Center for California Reform, joins us to discuss how California’s government anti-poverty programs aren’t delivering, how the private sector can do more to lift people out of poverty, and other findings from his new issue brief, “Good Intentions.”
    Business & Economics

    Fiscal Policy Needs Spending Reform, Not Budgetary Gimmicks: The case of the CREATES Act

    Once again, budget negotiators in Washington D.C. are scrambling to put together a cogent spending plan for the federal government. And, once again, as part of this last-minute scramble, Congress is considering ad-hoc budget gimmicks to pay for spending instead of budgeting within the government’s affordability constraint. Or, as President ...

    Let the Games Begin…More Tax Stunts from the States

    My fellow blogger Tim Anaya wrote a blog earlier this week on the latest scheme from Sacramento to game the new tax law.  Senate Bill 227 would allow taxpayers to make charitable donations to the state and receive a tax credit for the full amount of their contribution. It works ...
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