Business & Economics
Business & Economics
Wayne Winegarden – Breaking Down Barriers
PRI’s Senior Fellow in Business and Economics Wayne Winegarden joins us to discuss his new study on the barriers in state licensing laws that hinder the ability of natural disaster victims to get their claims processed quickly, and hurt consumers. He discusses reforms that could speed up post-disaster response, lower ...
Pacific Research Institute
February 19, 2018
Business & Economics
State Pensions Need Reforms, Not Fewer Options
Across the country, state and local pension systems have not amassed enough assets (stocks, bonds, and other financial investments) to cover the retirement benefits promised to current and retired state and local employees. This gap is referred to as the pension funds’ “unfunded liabilities”. According to the Pew Charitable Trusts, the ...
Wayne Winegarden
February 15, 2018
Does Amazon Already Know Location of its Next Headquarters?
When it comes to choosing vendors and making other business decisions, we’ve all had our secret preferences – the tax attorneys who saved our competitors a lot of money, the website developers from our old firm, the office space next to our favorite wine bar. Oftentimes, we’ve already made a ...
Rowena Itchon
February 14, 2018
Business & Economics
Ian Adams – Grading California’s Wildfire Response
Ian Adams of the R Street Institute joins us to talk about the legislative response to California’s recent devastating wildfires and the role the free market can play in helping people to rebuild their lives and avoid experiencing a future catastrophe.
Pacific Research Institute
February 12, 2018
Business & Economics
Report Slams 340B Drug Discount Program
By Tracey Walker The 340B Drug Discount program, designed to give discounted prescription drugs to poor Americans, has not been effective in serving its targeted population, according to a new report. The report, “Addressing the Problems of Abuse in the 340B Drug Pricing Program,” by the Pacific Research Institute, found that the ...
Pacific Research Institute
February 12, 2018
Business & Economics
Government Electric Car Subsidies Are ‘Costly Subsidies for the Rich’, Finds New Study
Generous, taxpayer-funded subsidies for electric car purchases have become just another costly subsidy benefitting the rich, finds a new study released today by the California-based free-market think tank, the Pacific Research Institute. Click here to download a copy of “Costly Subsidies for the Rich” “When politicians talk about the need ...
Wayne Winegarden
February 12, 2018
Breaking Down Barriers
Watch our new animated video to learn how breaking down barriers in state insurance adjuster licensing could speed up response times for disaster claims and everyday claims, lower costs, and provide job opportunities. It’s based off of Wayne Winegarden’s new study, “Breaking Down Barriers”. Click here to download a copy.
Pacific Research Institute
February 12, 2018
CAPITAL IDEAS: Governor Brown Ignores State’s Poverty Crisis
DOWNLOAD THE PDF In Gov. Jerry Brown’s California, all is nearly well. He led off his State of the State address with an assurance that “California is prospering.” He bragged about jobs created and personal income growth on his watch, and congratulated lawmakers for the public confidence he says has ...
Kerry Jackson
February 7, 2018
Business & Economics
Ned Desmond – Fighting “Fake News” and The Future of Online Media
Tech Crunch COO Ned Desmond joins us to discuss the rapid changes in the news business, the fight over so-called fake news, and the future that new online media sources will play in keeping the public informed.
Pacific Research Institute
February 5, 2018
Basic Income Comes to Stockton
Just six years after declaring bankruptcy due to a 15-year spending binge, Stockton is now exploring creative new ways of spending again. This time, it’s a one-year experiment to give several dozen Stockton families $500 a month, with no strings attached. The idea of “universal basic income” – providing everyone ...
Rowena Itchon
February 5, 2018
Wayne Winegarden – Breaking Down Barriers
PRI’s Senior Fellow in Business and Economics Wayne Winegarden joins us to discuss his new study on the barriers in state licensing laws that hinder the ability of natural disaster victims to get their claims processed quickly, and hurt consumers. He discusses reforms that could speed up post-disaster response, lower ...
State Pensions Need Reforms, Not Fewer Options
Across the country, state and local pension systems have not amassed enough assets (stocks, bonds, and other financial investments) to cover the retirement benefits promised to current and retired state and local employees. This gap is referred to as the pension funds’ “unfunded liabilities”. According to the Pew Charitable Trusts, the ...
Does Amazon Already Know Location of its Next Headquarters?
When it comes to choosing vendors and making other business decisions, we’ve all had our secret preferences – the tax attorneys who saved our competitors a lot of money, the website developers from our old firm, the office space next to our favorite wine bar. Oftentimes, we’ve already made a ...
Ian Adams – Grading California’s Wildfire Response
Ian Adams of the R Street Institute joins us to talk about the legislative response to California’s recent devastating wildfires and the role the free market can play in helping people to rebuild their lives and avoid experiencing a future catastrophe.
Report Slams 340B Drug Discount Program
By Tracey Walker The 340B Drug Discount program, designed to give discounted prescription drugs to poor Americans, has not been effective in serving its targeted population, according to a new report. The report, “Addressing the Problems of Abuse in the 340B Drug Pricing Program,” by the Pacific Research Institute, found that the ...
Government Electric Car Subsidies Are ‘Costly Subsidies for the Rich’, Finds New Study
Generous, taxpayer-funded subsidies for electric car purchases have become just another costly subsidy benefitting the rich, finds a new study released today by the California-based free-market think tank, the Pacific Research Institute. Click here to download a copy of “Costly Subsidies for the Rich” “When politicians talk about the need ...
Breaking Down Barriers
Watch our new animated video to learn how breaking down barriers in state insurance adjuster licensing could speed up response times for disaster claims and everyday claims, lower costs, and provide job opportunities. It’s based off of Wayne Winegarden’s new study, “Breaking Down Barriers”. Click here to download a copy.
CAPITAL IDEAS: Governor Brown Ignores State’s Poverty Crisis
DOWNLOAD THE PDF In Gov. Jerry Brown’s California, all is nearly well. He led off his State of the State address with an assurance that “California is prospering.” He bragged about jobs created and personal income growth on his watch, and congratulated lawmakers for the public confidence he says has ...
Ned Desmond – Fighting “Fake News” and The Future of Online Media
Tech Crunch COO Ned Desmond joins us to discuss the rapid changes in the news business, the fight over so-called fake news, and the future that new online media sources will play in keeping the public informed.
Basic Income Comes to Stockton
Just six years after declaring bankruptcy due to a 15-year spending binge, Stockton is now exploring creative new ways of spending again. This time, it’s a one-year experiment to give several dozen Stockton families $500 a month, with no strings attached. The idea of “universal basic income” – providing everyone ...