Business & Economics
Free-Markets 101: Small Businesses Key to America’s Innovation Future
Our politics are full of paeans to small business. Regardless of one’s policy preferences or party affiliation, everyone appears rhetorically to be on the side of small business. As an entrepreneur and small business owner, I am reminded daily of the struggles and virtues of owning a small business. But ...
Damon Dunn
October 18, 2018
Business & Economics
Wayne Winegarden Talks Drug Pricing Advertising on Newsmax TV
Watch PRI’s Wayne Winegarden discuss the Trump Administration proposal on drug pricing advertising on “America Talks Live” with Dr. Gina Loudon and John Cardillo on Newsmax TV.
Newsmax TV
October 17, 2018
Business & Economics
Pete Constant – How Can We Tame California’s Pension Monster?
Pete Constant, former San Jose City Councilman and president of the Retirement Security Initiative, joins us to share his experiences as a local elected official grappling with runaway public employee pensions, and what can be done to tame California’s pension monster.
Pacific Research Institute
October 15, 2018
Why Are We Voting on Cage-Free Eggs and Dialysis Funding?
The other day I was thumbing through California’s official voter information guide to read up on some of the propositions that we’ll be voting on in November. This year, we’ll decide 12 statewide propositions, plus numerous local and county measures. In general, I believe direct democracy is the only way ...
Tim Anaya
October 15, 2018
Should Voters Really Have to Decide How Eggs are Made?
In less than a month, Californians will head to the polls in what will surely be of the most consequential elections in years. The state is home to several competitive races for U.S. House seats – the results of which will have a significant impact on American politics for many ...
Ben Smithwick
October 11, 2018
Free Markets 101: My Story Shows You Can Get Ahead by Adding New Skills
This essay is meant to be a simple and straight forward look at how adding specific skill sets allowed me to have socioeconomic mobility and earn wages that allow me to send my daughter to private school, own a home, and enjoy a better present and future for my family. ...
Damon Dunn
October 4, 2018
Back to the Future: #MenOnly
When I was in the investment industry in the 1990s, my friend Jeannette and I observed that after meetings and conferences, the top executives – mostly men but a few women — often played a round of golf. We knew a lot of bonding took place on the greens, and ...
Rowena Itchon
October 3, 2018
Government Botches Another Big California Transportation Project
About once a month, I travel by Amtrak to Emeryville, and then by shuttle bus across the bay, for events or meetings at PRI’s San Francisco headquarters. Usually, I take the shuttle bus that stops in front of the Hyatt Regency at the Embarcadero Center, which is about a 10-minute ...
Tim Anaya
October 2, 2018
Business & Economics
Harry Crocker – What Would Have Happened if George Armstrong Custer Had Lived?
Regnery Publishing Vice President and Executive Editor Harry Crocker joins us to talk about his new book Armstrong, which imagines what would have if George Armstrong Custer survived the Battle of Little Big Horn. We discuss his inspiration for writing the book, the challenges faced today by the conservative book ...
Pacific Research Institute
October 1, 2018
Las Vegas High Speed Rail Project Shows Private Sector Can Get Job Done on High Speed Rail
As California’s bullet train continues to get hung up by cost projections gone wild, construction delays, postponed opening dates, and legal troubles, a high-speed rail line between Los Angeles and Las Vegas could be carrying passengers just four years from now. The difference? One is a government project, the other ...
Kerry Jackson
October 1, 2018
Free-Markets 101: Small Businesses Key to America’s Innovation Future
Our politics are full of paeans to small business. Regardless of one’s policy preferences or party affiliation, everyone appears rhetorically to be on the side of small business. As an entrepreneur and small business owner, I am reminded daily of the struggles and virtues of owning a small business. But ...
Wayne Winegarden Talks Drug Pricing Advertising on Newsmax TV
Watch PRI’s Wayne Winegarden discuss the Trump Administration proposal on drug pricing advertising on “America Talks Live” with Dr. Gina Loudon and John Cardillo on Newsmax TV.
Pete Constant – How Can We Tame California’s Pension Monster?
Pete Constant, former San Jose City Councilman and president of the Retirement Security Initiative, joins us to share his experiences as a local elected official grappling with runaway public employee pensions, and what can be done to tame California’s pension monster.
Why Are We Voting on Cage-Free Eggs and Dialysis Funding?
The other day I was thumbing through California’s official voter information guide to read up on some of the propositions that we’ll be voting on in November. This year, we’ll decide 12 statewide propositions, plus numerous local and county measures. In general, I believe direct democracy is the only way ...
Should Voters Really Have to Decide How Eggs are Made?
In less than a month, Californians will head to the polls in what will surely be of the most consequential elections in years. The state is home to several competitive races for U.S. House seats – the results of which will have a significant impact on American politics for many ...
Free Markets 101: My Story Shows You Can Get Ahead by Adding New Skills
This essay is meant to be a simple and straight forward look at how adding specific skill sets allowed me to have socioeconomic mobility and earn wages that allow me to send my daughter to private school, own a home, and enjoy a better present and future for my family. ...
Back to the Future: #MenOnly
When I was in the investment industry in the 1990s, my friend Jeannette and I observed that after meetings and conferences, the top executives – mostly men but a few women — often played a round of golf. We knew a lot of bonding took place on the greens, and ...
Government Botches Another Big California Transportation Project
About once a month, I travel by Amtrak to Emeryville, and then by shuttle bus across the bay, for events or meetings at PRI’s San Francisco headquarters. Usually, I take the shuttle bus that stops in front of the Hyatt Regency at the Embarcadero Center, which is about a 10-minute ...
Harry Crocker – What Would Have Happened if George Armstrong Custer Had Lived?
Regnery Publishing Vice President and Executive Editor Harry Crocker joins us to talk about his new book Armstrong, which imagines what would have if George Armstrong Custer survived the Battle of Little Big Horn. We discuss his inspiration for writing the book, the challenges faced today by the conservative book ...
Las Vegas High Speed Rail Project Shows Private Sector Can Get Job Done on High Speed Rail
As California’s bullet train continues to get hung up by cost projections gone wild, construction delays, postponed opening dates, and legal troubles, a high-speed rail line between Los Angeles and Las Vegas could be carrying passengers just four years from now. The difference? One is a government project, the other ...