Business & Economics


They’re Back – The Legislature Starts Final Month of 2018 Session Today

For me, there was perhaps no scarier movie as a kid growing up in the 1980’s than the classic “Poltergeist”.  The most iconic moment of the film is when the little girl screams out to her parents, “They’re Back!” Today is a good day to play that clip again and ...

Wayne Winegarden Discusses CA Electric Car Subsidies in SD Union-Tribune

Electric vehicle charging stations try to gain a foothold in urban areas By Rob Nikolewski Rodolfo Rodriguez was delighted to discover a brand new Tesla charging location in downtown San Diego. “Anytime you can find charging, anywhere, it’s great,” Rodriguez said after he plugged in his 2018 Model X on the ground ...

What We’re Watching – Happy Birthday, Milton Friedman!

This week, we celebrate what would have been Milton Friedman’s 106th birthday (he was born July 31, 1912).  In celebration of Dr. Friedman’s important legacy defending free markets and free people, and the inspiration he has provided all of us at PRI from the time of our founding in 1979, ...

California’s Public Pension Systems Are Not Immune from Financial Consequences

Step one in any recovery program is to admit that the problem exists. And, make no mistake about it, California’s public pensions are addicted to debt. Solving this debt crisis requires political courage to implement fundamental reforms, which is why studies that provide excuses not to act are so troubling. ...

Canada more free than the U.S.?

Oh Canada, here I come! Well, not really. At least not permanently. This week I’m in Montreal and Quebec City for summer vacation. Before leaving, I decided to check out how the U.S. compares economically to Canada, and there’s no better source than the Heritage Foundation’s Index of Economic Freedom.  ...

CAPITAL IDEAS – Choice Robbers: California Nannies Won’t Give Up

Download the PDF When the Legislature declared a moratorium on cities enacting soda taxes, it felt like a win for freedom and a pushback of interventionism. But the busybodies never give up and they plow a fertile field in California, which has no rival as a nanny state. Lawmakers passed, ...
Business & Economics

Nick Loris – Why Are California Gas Prices So High?

Nick Loris of the Heritage Foundation joins us from Vancouver to discuss why California gas prices are so much higher than the rest of the nation, and what reforms would make a real difference in giving drivers some relief at the pump.

A Real Life “Up by the Bootstraps” Story Every Student Should Read

When Andy Puzder was 10, he went with his father, a Ford salesman, to deliver a new car to a wealthy customer. “Mr. Humphrey” lived in opulence on the east side of Cleveland. Puzder marveled at the treasure before him, the enormous house, the grand horse stables, the stunning view, ...

A post-Janus California — will we look more like Wisconsin or Michigan?

On the heels of the Supreme Court’s decision on Janus, the State Controller’s Office announced that beginning in July, it would stop deducting “fair share fees” from the paychecks of state workers who are not full union members.  The fair share fee, or agency fee, is the fee that’s charged ...
Business & Economics

It’s Generics Not PBMs That Keep Pharmaceuticals Affordable

Expenditures on prescription drugs grew 12.4 percent in 2014 and 8.9 percent in 2015. These eye-popping data are not representative of the long-term expenditure trend, however. Not only did the growth in prescription drugs expenditures slow to 1.3 percent in 2016, longer-term (between 2009 and 2016), the average annual growth ...

They’re Back – The Legislature Starts Final Month of 2018 Session Today

For me, there was perhaps no scarier movie as a kid growing up in the 1980’s than the classic “Poltergeist”.  The most iconic moment of the film is when the little girl screams out to her parents, “They’re Back!” Today is a good day to play that clip again and ...

Wayne Winegarden Discusses CA Electric Car Subsidies in SD Union-Tribune

Electric vehicle charging stations try to gain a foothold in urban areas By Rob Nikolewski Rodolfo Rodriguez was delighted to discover a brand new Tesla charging location in downtown San Diego. “Anytime you can find charging, anywhere, it’s great,” Rodriguez said after he plugged in his 2018 Model X on the ground ...

What We’re Watching – Happy Birthday, Milton Friedman!

This week, we celebrate what would have been Milton Friedman’s 106th birthday (he was born July 31, 1912).  In celebration of Dr. Friedman’s important legacy defending free markets and free people, and the inspiration he has provided all of us at PRI from the time of our founding in 1979, ...

California’s Public Pension Systems Are Not Immune from Financial Consequences

Step one in any recovery program is to admit that the problem exists. And, make no mistake about it, California’s public pensions are addicted to debt. Solving this debt crisis requires political courage to implement fundamental reforms, which is why studies that provide excuses not to act are so troubling. ...

Canada more free than the U.S.?

Oh Canada, here I come! Well, not really. At least not permanently. This week I’m in Montreal and Quebec City for summer vacation. Before leaving, I decided to check out how the U.S. compares economically to Canada, and there’s no better source than the Heritage Foundation’s Index of Economic Freedom.  ...

CAPITAL IDEAS – Choice Robbers: California Nannies Won’t Give Up

Download the PDF When the Legislature declared a moratorium on cities enacting soda taxes, it felt like a win for freedom and a pushback of interventionism. But the busybodies never give up and they plow a fertile field in California, which has no rival as a nanny state. Lawmakers passed, ...
Business & Economics

Nick Loris – Why Are California Gas Prices So High?

Nick Loris of the Heritage Foundation joins us from Vancouver to discuss why California gas prices are so much higher than the rest of the nation, and what reforms would make a real difference in giving drivers some relief at the pump.

A Real Life “Up by the Bootstraps” Story Every Student Should Read

When Andy Puzder was 10, he went with his father, a Ford salesman, to deliver a new car to a wealthy customer. “Mr. Humphrey” lived in opulence on the east side of Cleveland. Puzder marveled at the treasure before him, the enormous house, the grand horse stables, the stunning view, ...

A post-Janus California — will we look more like Wisconsin or Michigan?

On the heels of the Supreme Court’s decision on Janus, the State Controller’s Office announced that beginning in July, it would stop deducting “fair share fees” from the paychecks of state workers who are not full union members.  The fair share fee, or agency fee, is the fee that’s charged ...
Business & Economics

It’s Generics Not PBMs That Keep Pharmaceuticals Affordable

Expenditures on prescription drugs grew 12.4 percent in 2014 and 8.9 percent in 2015. These eye-popping data are not representative of the long-term expenditure trend, however. Not only did the growth in prescription drugs expenditures slow to 1.3 percent in 2016, longer-term (between 2009 and 2016), the average annual growth ...
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