Business & Economics
Business & Economics
Wayne Winegarden Quoted in Heartland News Story on New EpiPens
Generic EpiPen to Become Available Soon By Ashley Bateman Drug maker Sandoz announced it will debut a generic EpiPen model that provides a more affordable option for the rising number of allergy patients in the United States. The epinephrine auto-injector, also known as the EpiPen, has dominated the market for ...
Pacific Research Institute
January 29, 2019
Oregon’s Scheme to Save Union Slush Funds
It’s not often that another state can top California when it comes to protecting public employee unions. But Oregon’s House Bill 2643 takes the prize so far for the most audacious attempt to thwart the U.S. Supreme Court’s Janus decision. Janus v. AFCFME allowed government workers to opt-out of paying ...
Rowena Itchon
January 29, 2019
Business & Economics
Trumponomics with Steve Moore
Steve Moore is the co-author along with Arthur Laffer of the new book Trumponomics. He discusses Trumponomics, its key principles, how it differs from Reaganomics, and even some aspects of Trumponomics that he doesn’t agree with (no spoiler alert needed). He also has some great advice for California’s new governor.
Pacific Research Institute
January 28, 2019
Medical Economic Studies Should Come with a Warning Label
The old joke about the drunk and the policeman is apropos for far too many pharmaceutical studies. Typically, the joke goes something like the following: A policeman sees a drunk man searching for something under a streetlight and asks what the drunk has lost. He says he lost his keys ...
Wayne Winegarden
January 28, 2019
San Francisco’s Proposition C Almost Claims Its First ‘Victims’
Making it more expensive to drink in San Francisco is not one of Proposition C’s objectives. But it was nearly one of its initial effects. Young’s Market Co., a wine and spirits distributor based in Tustin that does business across the western U.S., recently advised local bars it would be ...
Kerry Jackson
January 17, 2019
Democratic Socialists Are Painting the Roses Red
We’re painting the roses red, Painting the roses red, And many a tear we shed, Because we know, They’ll cease to grow, In fact, they’ll soon be dead. And yet we go ahead, Painting the roses red Just like the characters in Alice in Wonderland, Representative Ocasio-Cortez apparently knows that ...
Wayne Winegarden
January 15, 2019
Business & Economics
How Free Markets Can Address Income Inequality
We support free markets not because some 18th- or 19th-century European philosopher said they’re great. Rather, we support a free market system because experience has shown it delivers more opportunity and prosperity to Americans than any other economic system. That’s not to say that we are blind to the current ...
Damon Dunn
January 14, 2019
Firing the Deep State
Irate over plummeting stock prices in recent weeks, the media reported that President Trump wanted to fire his appointed Fed Chairman Jerome Powell. But can he really fire him? It turns out that the law is murky in this area. Trump can fire Powell, but only “for cause.” And that ...
Rowena Itchon
January 8, 2019
Business & Economics
Drug Prices That Matter
Too often, drug pricing analyses do not shed light on how much drug expenditures are actually increasing because these studies examine the wrong price. The latest iteration is an analysis by Rx Savings Solutions. According to the Wall Street Journal, Rx Savings Solutions documented that dozens of drug makers raised the ...
Wayne Winegarden
January 3, 2019
Who Are 2018’s Big Winners and Losers?
As is customary on New Year’s Eve, many are looking back today, compiling their lists of winners and losers and memorable moments from 2018. The PRI “All Stars” (Rowena Itchon, Kerry Jackson, Lance Izumi, Ben Smithwick, and myself) have also gotten in on the act. This week’s episode of PRI’s ...
Tim Anaya
December 31, 2018
Wayne Winegarden Quoted in Heartland News Story on New EpiPens
Generic EpiPen to Become Available Soon By Ashley Bateman Drug maker Sandoz announced it will debut a generic EpiPen model that provides a more affordable option for the rising number of allergy patients in the United States. The epinephrine auto-injector, also known as the EpiPen, has dominated the market for ...
Oregon’s Scheme to Save Union Slush Funds
It’s not often that another state can top California when it comes to protecting public employee unions. But Oregon’s House Bill 2643 takes the prize so far for the most audacious attempt to thwart the U.S. Supreme Court’s Janus decision. Janus v. AFCFME allowed government workers to opt-out of paying ...
Trumponomics with Steve Moore
Steve Moore is the co-author along with Arthur Laffer of the new book Trumponomics. He discusses Trumponomics, its key principles, how it differs from Reaganomics, and even some aspects of Trumponomics that he doesn’t agree with (no spoiler alert needed). He also has some great advice for California’s new governor.
Medical Economic Studies Should Come with a Warning Label
The old joke about the drunk and the policeman is apropos for far too many pharmaceutical studies. Typically, the joke goes something like the following: A policeman sees a drunk man searching for something under a streetlight and asks what the drunk has lost. He says he lost his keys ...
San Francisco’s Proposition C Almost Claims Its First ‘Victims’
Making it more expensive to drink in San Francisco is not one of Proposition C’s objectives. But it was nearly one of its initial effects. Young’s Market Co., a wine and spirits distributor based in Tustin that does business across the western U.S., recently advised local bars it would be ...
Democratic Socialists Are Painting the Roses Red
We’re painting the roses red, Painting the roses red, And many a tear we shed, Because we know, They’ll cease to grow, In fact, they’ll soon be dead. And yet we go ahead, Painting the roses red Just like the characters in Alice in Wonderland, Representative Ocasio-Cortez apparently knows that ...
How Free Markets Can Address Income Inequality
We support free markets not because some 18th- or 19th-century European philosopher said they’re great. Rather, we support a free market system because experience has shown it delivers more opportunity and prosperity to Americans than any other economic system. That’s not to say that we are blind to the current ...
Firing the Deep State
Irate over plummeting stock prices in recent weeks, the media reported that President Trump wanted to fire his appointed Fed Chairman Jerome Powell. But can he really fire him? It turns out that the law is murky in this area. Trump can fire Powell, but only “for cause.” And that ...
Drug Prices That Matter
Too often, drug pricing analyses do not shed light on how much drug expenditures are actually increasing because these studies examine the wrong price. The latest iteration is an analysis by Rx Savings Solutions. According to the Wall Street Journal, Rx Savings Solutions documented that dozens of drug makers raised the ...
Who Are 2018’s Big Winners and Losers?
As is customary on New Year’s Eve, many are looking back today, compiling their lists of winners and losers and memorable moments from 2018. The PRI “All Stars” (Rowena Itchon, Kerry Jackson, Lance Izumi, Ben Smithwick, and myself) have also gotten in on the act. This week’s episode of PRI’s ...