Business & Economics

Business & Economics

Protect Patients By Repealing the Medical Device Tax

You don’t make health care more affordable by increasing its cost. Yet that is precisely what the currently suspended medical device tax threatens unless Congress permanently repeals it. Although permanent repeal failed in the last Congress, Senators Pat Toomey (R-PA) and Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) have introduced the Protect Medical Innovation Act, ...

Can Free Market Ideas Bring More Political Balance to California?

Last week, PRI held its inaugural “California Ideas in Action” policy conference in Sacramento. A capacity crowd came together near the State Capitol for a half-day conference exploring how free-market ideas can address California’s most pressing challenges. Legendary Sacramento political reporter and current CALmatters columnist Dan Walters was the event’s ...

Well-Meaning Government Anti-Poverty Programs Actually Hurt the Poor

I recently explained in these pages how government welfare programs keep people at a sustainable level of poverty instead of helping people escape poverty. Little of the actual results of welfare policies resemble the promises made by their proponents at their outset. But the insidious effects of persistent government intervention ...

Techno Theatre of the Absurd

Washington, DC is currently in the grips of techno dystopian group think. Lobbyists and activists with something to gain, and politicians looking to reap rewards, have dreamt up an absurd imagined society where there is great injustice caused by technology. The assertions are that technology is evil, that it biases ...
Business & Economics

Gutting patents will stall medicine progress

Congress could soon vote on legislation that would gut America’s intellectual property laws. The bill isn’t just bad news for big pharmaceutical companies that hold lucrative patents. It’s terrible news for patients — medical research spending would dry up without strong patent protections. Americans could lose out on cures for ...

Welfare Programs Promote Bureaucracy Rather Than Self-Sufficiency

Welfare programs treat the symptoms of poverty, not the cause. As a result, they will never be the solution to ending poverty, nor are they designed to be a lasting solution. We have created a massive, cumbersome bureaucracy to administer an ineffective welfare state that, at best, locks millions of ...
Business & Economics

Three Blind Men And The Health Care Industry

Today’s hearing in front of the Senate Finance Committee will, unfortunately, be another wasted opportunity. Surely, Senators will make grandiose speeches and be shocked at the cost of drugs. They will also continue to support the very policies that are causing the problems the hearing is supposed to address. A February 25th editorial ...
Business & Economics

Wayne Winegarden Discusses 15% Solution on Lars Larson Show

Listen to Dr. Wayne Winegarden, PRI Senior Fellow in Business and Economics as he joins Lars Larson to discuss his latest report detailing how we reach the “15 Percent Solution”, or the optimal level of federal spending to maximize economic growth and cut the national debt. The interview begins at ...

Round 1: Old Left vs. Far Left

They say that age and cunning always beats youth and exuberance.  But when it comes to the latest dust-up between the Left’s old guard and the new Far Left, how it all plays out in the end isn’t so clear. The Left’s old guard has reacted with smug disdain to ...
Business & Economics

Facing $22 Trillion National Debt, New PRI Report Shows How “15 Percent Solution” Can Cut Debt, Grow Economy

On the heels of the news that the national debt has surpassed $22 trillion, the Pacific Research Institute today recommended reforms to bring spending under control, reduce the national debt and maximize economic growth in the latest report in its Beyond the New Normal series. “Just last week, as we learned ...
Business & Economics

Protect Patients By Repealing the Medical Device Tax

You don’t make health care more affordable by increasing its cost. Yet that is precisely what the currently suspended medical device tax threatens unless Congress permanently repeals it. Although permanent repeal failed in the last Congress, Senators Pat Toomey (R-PA) and Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) have introduced the Protect Medical Innovation Act, ...

Can Free Market Ideas Bring More Political Balance to California?

Last week, PRI held its inaugural “California Ideas in Action” policy conference in Sacramento. A capacity crowd came together near the State Capitol for a half-day conference exploring how free-market ideas can address California’s most pressing challenges. Legendary Sacramento political reporter and current CALmatters columnist Dan Walters was the event’s ...

Well-Meaning Government Anti-Poverty Programs Actually Hurt the Poor

I recently explained in these pages how government welfare programs keep people at a sustainable level of poverty instead of helping people escape poverty. Little of the actual results of welfare policies resemble the promises made by their proponents at their outset. But the insidious effects of persistent government intervention ...

Techno Theatre of the Absurd

Washington, DC is currently in the grips of techno dystopian group think. Lobbyists and activists with something to gain, and politicians looking to reap rewards, have dreamt up an absurd imagined society where there is great injustice caused by technology. The assertions are that technology is evil, that it biases ...
Business & Economics

Gutting patents will stall medicine progress

Congress could soon vote on legislation that would gut America’s intellectual property laws. The bill isn’t just bad news for big pharmaceutical companies that hold lucrative patents. It’s terrible news for patients — medical research spending would dry up without strong patent protections. Americans could lose out on cures for ...

Welfare Programs Promote Bureaucracy Rather Than Self-Sufficiency

Welfare programs treat the symptoms of poverty, not the cause. As a result, they will never be the solution to ending poverty, nor are they designed to be a lasting solution. We have created a massive, cumbersome bureaucracy to administer an ineffective welfare state that, at best, locks millions of ...
Business & Economics

Three Blind Men And The Health Care Industry

Today’s hearing in front of the Senate Finance Committee will, unfortunately, be another wasted opportunity. Surely, Senators will make grandiose speeches and be shocked at the cost of drugs. They will also continue to support the very policies that are causing the problems the hearing is supposed to address. A February 25th editorial ...
Business & Economics

Wayne Winegarden Discusses 15% Solution on Lars Larson Show

Listen to Dr. Wayne Winegarden, PRI Senior Fellow in Business and Economics as he joins Lars Larson to discuss his latest report detailing how we reach the “15 Percent Solution”, or the optimal level of federal spending to maximize economic growth and cut the national debt. The interview begins at ...

Round 1: Old Left vs. Far Left

They say that age and cunning always beats youth and exuberance.  But when it comes to the latest dust-up between the Left’s old guard and the new Far Left, how it all plays out in the end isn’t so clear. The Left’s old guard has reacted with smug disdain to ...
Business & Economics

Facing $22 Trillion National Debt, New PRI Report Shows How “15 Percent Solution” Can Cut Debt, Grow Economy

On the heels of the news that the national debt has surpassed $22 trillion, the Pacific Research Institute today recommended reforms to bring spending under control, reduce the national debt and maximize economic growth in the latest report in its Beyond the New Normal series. “Just last week, as we learned ...
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