Business & Economics

Business & Economics

Listen to Wayne Winegarden Discuss “15 Percent Solution” with Lars Larson

Listen to Dr. Wayne Winegarden, PRI Senior Fellow in Business and Economics, discuss his “The 15 Percent Solution” study – which outlines the optimal government economic and spending policies to maximize economic growth – on The Lars Larson Show. The interview begins at the 55:00 mark.

So-called ‘Medicare for All’ gets its 15 minutes of infamy

Last week, the House Rules Committee held a landmark hearing on “Medicare for all.” The idea’s advocates championed the hearing as a major step towards providing Americans universal, government-run healthcare. A day later, the Congressional Budget Office delivered an analysis that detailed just how destructive single-payer healthcare would be. The ...

What We’re Watching – How Entrepreneurship Can Alleviate Poverty in Africa

Ben Smithwick – How Entrepreneurship Can Alleviate Poverty in Africa Magatte Wade is one of the most prominent female African entrepreneurs. In this TED Talk, Wade discusses the challenges of doing business in her native Senegal and shares her vision for how entrepreneurship can help alleviate poverty in Africa. Tim ...

Helping More Americans Climb the Economic Ladder by Encouraging More Savings

A central theme of my previous columns has been the importance and primacy of the individual. Economic policymakers cling to their blackboard models but forget that even for unambiguously “net-positive” interventions, there are millions of people being actively punished by their supposedly representative government. Government does not legislate prosperity. Achieving ...
Business & Economics

Watch Wayne Winegarden Speak on Proxy Advisory Firms & ESG Investing Watch PRI Senior Fellow in Business and Economics Wayne Winegarden speak at a forum in Washington, DC hosted by the Institute for Pension Fund Integrity on public pensions, proxy advisory firms, and ESG investing. Also speaking at the forum, which was moderated by Christopher Burnham, President, Institute for Pension ...
Business & Economics

Tommy Few – A Front Row Seat in the Fight for Worker Freedom

Tommy Few talks about his legal efforts to fully secure the freedoms won by all public employees following the Janus decision. He shares his first-hand experience with how his local teachers unions is trying to preserve membership, and his legal battle to quit the union and keep more money in ...

It’s Raining IPOs, Hallelujah!

Silicon Valley and Wall Street aren’t the only ones celebrating IPOs this year – Sacramento is doing its share of the partying.  That’s because the state is expected to receive a deluge of tax dollars over the next several years thanks to capital gains generated by the current hot IPO ...
Business & Economics

Educational Choice is Essential to a Skills-Based Economy

The skills and education of every American will form the basis of our nation’s long term success, as well as the solution to many of the most divisive issues in American politics. Issues such as wage stagnation, income inequality, unaffordable housing, and income mobility can be directly addressed through a ...

Newsom Tries to Pass the Gas Price “Hot Potato”

Gov. Newsom is playing hot potato. Starting to get heat from angry Californians about gas prices soaring past $4 per gallon, the Associated Press reports that he asked the California Energy Commission for a report on “why prices are higher than in the rest of the country, blaming potential ‘inappropriate ...
Business & Economics

Control Spending To Grow The Economy

Milton Friedman used to say, “keep your eye on one thing and one thing only: how much government is spending because that’s the true tax”. Judged against this criterion, despite the recent tax reforms, the U.S. economy is still taxed too much. At the federal level, Congress recently passed another ...
Business & Economics

Listen to Wayne Winegarden Discuss “15 Percent Solution” with Lars Larson

Listen to Dr. Wayne Winegarden, PRI Senior Fellow in Business and Economics, discuss his “The 15 Percent Solution” study – which outlines the optimal government economic and spending policies to maximize economic growth – on The Lars Larson Show. The interview begins at the 55:00 mark.

So-called ‘Medicare for All’ gets its 15 minutes of infamy

Last week, the House Rules Committee held a landmark hearing on “Medicare for all.” The idea’s advocates championed the hearing as a major step towards providing Americans universal, government-run healthcare. A day later, the Congressional Budget Office delivered an analysis that detailed just how destructive single-payer healthcare would be. The ...

What We’re Watching – How Entrepreneurship Can Alleviate Poverty in Africa

Ben Smithwick – How Entrepreneurship Can Alleviate Poverty in Africa Magatte Wade is one of the most prominent female African entrepreneurs. In this TED Talk, Wade discusses the challenges of doing business in her native Senegal and shares her vision for how entrepreneurship can help alleviate poverty in Africa. Tim ...

Helping More Americans Climb the Economic Ladder by Encouraging More Savings

A central theme of my previous columns has been the importance and primacy of the individual. Economic policymakers cling to their blackboard models but forget that even for unambiguously “net-positive” interventions, there are millions of people being actively punished by their supposedly representative government. Government does not legislate prosperity. Achieving ...
Business & Economics

Watch Wayne Winegarden Speak on Proxy Advisory Firms & ESG Investing Watch PRI Senior Fellow in Business and Economics Wayne Winegarden speak at a forum in Washington, DC hosted by the Institute for Pension Fund Integrity on public pensions, proxy advisory firms, and ESG investing. Also speaking at the forum, which was moderated by Christopher Burnham, President, Institute for Pension ...
Business & Economics

Tommy Few – A Front Row Seat in the Fight for Worker Freedom

Tommy Few talks about his legal efforts to fully secure the freedoms won by all public employees following the Janus decision. He shares his first-hand experience with how his local teachers unions is trying to preserve membership, and his legal battle to quit the union and keep more money in ...

It’s Raining IPOs, Hallelujah!

Silicon Valley and Wall Street aren’t the only ones celebrating IPOs this year – Sacramento is doing its share of the partying.  That’s because the state is expected to receive a deluge of tax dollars over the next several years thanks to capital gains generated by the current hot IPO ...
Business & Economics

Educational Choice is Essential to a Skills-Based Economy

The skills and education of every American will form the basis of our nation’s long term success, as well as the solution to many of the most divisive issues in American politics. Issues such as wage stagnation, income inequality, unaffordable housing, and income mobility can be directly addressed through a ...

Newsom Tries to Pass the Gas Price “Hot Potato”

Gov. Newsom is playing hot potato. Starting to get heat from angry Californians about gas prices soaring past $4 per gallon, the Associated Press reports that he asked the California Energy Commission for a report on “why prices are higher than in the rest of the country, blaming potential ‘inappropriate ...
Business & Economics

Control Spending To Grow The Economy

Milton Friedman used to say, “keep your eye on one thing and one thing only: how much government is spending because that’s the true tax”. Judged against this criterion, despite the recent tax reforms, the U.S. economy is still taxed too much. At the federal level, Congress recently passed another ...
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