Business & Economics
Business & Economics
NEW ISSUE BRIEF: Biosimilars Study Shows Massive State and Taxpayer Savings Possible by Expanding Biosimilars Market
Biosimilars have the opportunity to bring significant savings to state Medicaid programs and consumers with commercial insurance according to a new study released today by Pacific Research Institute. “Every state would experience significant savings in the state Medicaid programs from expanding the use of biosimilars compared to the more expensive ...
Wayne Winegarden
October 2, 2019
CAPITAL IDEAS: California’s Electric Car Future to Nowhere
DOWNLOAD THE BRIEF California lawmakers won’t give up on their crusade to force everyone in the state into electric cars (before eventually removing us out of our cars altogether). That electric vehicles neither sell nor perform up to reasonable expectations is irrelevant to the anti-car movement in Sacramento. It’s almost ...
Kerry Jackson
October 1, 2019
Small business owners are foolishly supporting ‘Medicare for all’
Small business owners are coming around to “Medicare for all,” according to a new national survey from the Commonwealth Fund. About 34% of the firms polled said they strongly supported “Medicare for all.” An additional 24% are somewhat on board. These firms need to realize that “Medicare for all” would raise costs for them ...
Sally C. Pipes
September 30, 2019
Other Factors, Not Socialism, Triggers Northern Europe’s Success
The history of failure, destruction, and death lying in the wake of nearly every socialist experiment is well-known in our country today. Modern-day proponents of socialism cannot point to a single instance of their failed dogma being successful in any country comparable in size or complexity to the United States. ...
Damon Dunn
September 30, 2019
Business & Economics
Damon Dunn – My Life in Poverty and Why Socialism Doesn’t Work
PRI Fellow in Business and Economics Damon Dunn joins us to discuss his new brief on the rise of socialism. He shares stories from his childhood growing up in poverty in Texas as his inspiration for striving to work his way up the economic ladder rather than become addicted to ...
Pacific Research Institute
September 30, 2019
Bill to Change Ballot Measure Process Could Complicate Uber Ballot Measure Push
One of the most contentious battles of this year’s legislative session was AB 5, with labor and gig economy companies duking out over the definition of who is an employee and who is an independent contractor. In this battle over the “new economy” and the “future of work,” there was ...
Tim Anaya
September 26, 2019
Business & Economics
Damon Dunn Talks About the Dangers of Socialism with David Webb
Listen to Damon Dunn, Fellow of Business and Economics at the Pacific Research Institute, joins the David Webb Show on SiriusXM Patriot 125 to discuss why socialism doesn’t work. Click here to listen
Damon Dunn
September 24, 2019
Business & Economics
Wayne Winegarden – Making it Rain in California
PRI Senior Fellow in Business and Economics Wayne Winegarden joins us to discuss his new study on the State and Local Tax cap in the 2017 federal tax reform legislation. Wayne discusses how the legislation amounted to taxpayers in low-tax states subsidizing Sacramento’s high tax burden and out-of-control spending, and ...
Pacific Research Institute
September 23, 2019
Democratic Socialism Will Take Away Job Opportunities for Many
I have long adhered to the proposition that we should extend grace to our ideological opponents. In fact, when discussing fellow Americans, I reject wholesale the increasingly common language of combat in politics (e.g. political “enemies,” culture war, etc.), and strongly argue that we should presume the good intentions of ...
Damon Dunn
September 17, 2019
Is Universal Basic Income Really a “Freedom Dividend”?
On Thursday night, the Democratic presidential candidates will meet for the next presidential debate in Houston. One surprising candidate who qualified for the Houston debate and has attracted a small but growing following of supporters (known as the Yang Gang) is Andrew Yang. Yang’s platform consists primarily of one issue ...
Tim Anaya
September 12, 2019
NEW ISSUE BRIEF: Biosimilars Study Shows Massive State and Taxpayer Savings Possible by Expanding Biosimilars Market
Biosimilars have the opportunity to bring significant savings to state Medicaid programs and consumers with commercial insurance according to a new study released today by Pacific Research Institute. “Every state would experience significant savings in the state Medicaid programs from expanding the use of biosimilars compared to the more expensive ...
CAPITAL IDEAS: California’s Electric Car Future to Nowhere
DOWNLOAD THE BRIEF California lawmakers won’t give up on their crusade to force everyone in the state into electric cars (before eventually removing us out of our cars altogether). That electric vehicles neither sell nor perform up to reasonable expectations is irrelevant to the anti-car movement in Sacramento. It’s almost ...
Small business owners are foolishly supporting ‘Medicare for all’
Small business owners are coming around to “Medicare for all,” according to a new national survey from the Commonwealth Fund. About 34% of the firms polled said they strongly supported “Medicare for all.” An additional 24% are somewhat on board. These firms need to realize that “Medicare for all” would raise costs for them ...
Other Factors, Not Socialism, Triggers Northern Europe’s Success
The history of failure, destruction, and death lying in the wake of nearly every socialist experiment is well-known in our country today. Modern-day proponents of socialism cannot point to a single instance of their failed dogma being successful in any country comparable in size or complexity to the United States. ...
Damon Dunn – My Life in Poverty and Why Socialism Doesn’t Work
PRI Fellow in Business and Economics Damon Dunn joins us to discuss his new brief on the rise of socialism. He shares stories from his childhood growing up in poverty in Texas as his inspiration for striving to work his way up the economic ladder rather than become addicted to ...
Bill to Change Ballot Measure Process Could Complicate Uber Ballot Measure Push
One of the most contentious battles of this year’s legislative session was AB 5, with labor and gig economy companies duking out over the definition of who is an employee and who is an independent contractor. In this battle over the “new economy” and the “future of work,” there was ...
Damon Dunn Talks About the Dangers of Socialism with David Webb
Listen to Damon Dunn, Fellow of Business and Economics at the Pacific Research Institute, joins the David Webb Show on SiriusXM Patriot 125 to discuss why socialism doesn’t work. Click here to listen
Wayne Winegarden – Making it Rain in California
PRI Senior Fellow in Business and Economics Wayne Winegarden joins us to discuss his new study on the State and Local Tax cap in the 2017 federal tax reform legislation. Wayne discusses how the legislation amounted to taxpayers in low-tax states subsidizing Sacramento’s high tax burden and out-of-control spending, and ...
Democratic Socialism Will Take Away Job Opportunities for Many
I have long adhered to the proposition that we should extend grace to our ideological opponents. In fact, when discussing fellow Americans, I reject wholesale the increasingly common language of combat in politics (e.g. political “enemies,” culture war, etc.), and strongly argue that we should presume the good intentions of ...
Is Universal Basic Income Really a “Freedom Dividend”?
On Thursday night, the Democratic presidential candidates will meet for the next presidential debate in Houston. One surprising candidate who qualified for the Houston debate and has attracted a small but growing following of supporters (known as the Yang Gang) is Andrew Yang. Yang’s platform consists primarily of one issue ...