Business & Economics

Business & Economics

Sally C. Pipes in the Las Vegas Review-Journal on gender pay gap at the White House

Sally C. Pipes offered her critique about a reported gender pay gap in the White House. “Sally Pipes of the conservative Pacific Research Institute in San Francisco argued, “You can’t just generally add up all the women and all the men. What are the titles and what does each job ...

CalPERS & CalSTRS Report Lower Than Expected Returns – Is ESG One Reason Why?

CalPERS and CalSTRS – the two largest public employee pension funds in both California and the nation –just announced their annual investment returns for the 2018-19 fiscal year.  Once again, it’s not good news for California taxpayers. Both funds reported that their respective net return of investments came in under ...

What Will Brexit Mean for the US?

Every other year, I always take a big trip somewhere around the world.  This fall, I’m excited to be traveling to England, Ireland, and Scotland for the first time. As I prepare for my trip, the UK is in the midst of great political turmoil – perhaps more than the ...

Californians’ Transportation Choices Should Be Left to Them—Not Bureaucrats

Last month, the Los Angeles Times reported that the Metro system “is hemorrhaging bus riders.” The news was presented as, if not a crisis, at least an urgent matter that needs to be promptly addressed. Yet that’s hardly the case. It’s troubling, we’re supposed to infer, that “passengers have fled” ...

Is the Debate over Future of Work in CA ‘(Expletive) Feudalism All Over Again’?

Perhaps the most controversial bill of this year’s legislative session is legislation responding to last year’s state Supreme Court ruling that has the potential to disrupt how millions of people work in California. In the Dynamex ruling, the Court established a new three-prong test to determine who is an employee ...

Policymakers Are Between a Rock and A Hard Spot on Blockchain, Cryptocurrency

You may have heard about Libra, Facebook’s newest venture aimed at the cryptocurrency and blockchain industries. Facebook released a whitepaper on Libra in June, detailing how the company plans to use Libra as a decentralized blockchain, low-volatility cryptocurrency and smart contract platform to create innovation in financial services. While cryptocurrency ...

Newsom’s Homeless Task Force Shuts Out Private Charities, Non-Profits

California’s homeless crisis continues to wage out of control on the streets of San Francisco, Los Angeles, Sacramento, and communities across the state. State and local politicians have given lots of lip service about “taking action” to solve the problem.  Not surprisingly, their vision for addressing the problem only involves ...

Colorado Low Emission Vehicle Standard Would Increase Energy Poverty Without Major Emission Reductions

State Analysis Paints Rosy Picture of Impact of CLEAR on Economy, Environment New analysis from the non-partisan Pacific Research Institute, a California-based free-market think tank, finds that Colorado’s proposed low emission vehicle standards would impose higher economic costs on poor and working-class communities without generating significant environmental benefits. Click here ...

California’s Business Climate Continues to Receive Poor Scores

California has lived on the trope of being the hub of technology startups and innovation for decades. California’s economic success has long been touted and celebrated, none more so than the technology gold rush in the Bay Area. But despite California’s seemingly never-ending economic growth, the Golden State is now ...

Building Wealth 101 – It All Starts with Home Ownership

Home ownership provides basic financial literacy, drives wealth creation, and increases free cash flow for individuals and families.  However, it can be difficult to differentiate between having surplus cash and wealth.   Having surplus cash is having the ability to spend lots of money now; being wealthy is accumulating assets that allow to ...
Business & Economics

Sally C. Pipes in the Las Vegas Review-Journal on gender pay gap at the White House

Sally C. Pipes offered her critique about a reported gender pay gap in the White House. “Sally Pipes of the conservative Pacific Research Institute in San Francisco argued, “You can’t just generally add up all the women and all the men. What are the titles and what does each job ...

CalPERS & CalSTRS Report Lower Than Expected Returns – Is ESG One Reason Why?

CalPERS and CalSTRS – the two largest public employee pension funds in both California and the nation –just announced their annual investment returns for the 2018-19 fiscal year.  Once again, it’s not good news for California taxpayers. Both funds reported that their respective net return of investments came in under ...

What Will Brexit Mean for the US?

Every other year, I always take a big trip somewhere around the world.  This fall, I’m excited to be traveling to England, Ireland, and Scotland for the first time. As I prepare for my trip, the UK is in the midst of great political turmoil – perhaps more than the ...

Californians’ Transportation Choices Should Be Left to Them—Not Bureaucrats

Last month, the Los Angeles Times reported that the Metro system “is hemorrhaging bus riders.” The news was presented as, if not a crisis, at least an urgent matter that needs to be promptly addressed. Yet that’s hardly the case. It’s troubling, we’re supposed to infer, that “passengers have fled” ...

Is the Debate over Future of Work in CA ‘(Expletive) Feudalism All Over Again’?

Perhaps the most controversial bill of this year’s legislative session is legislation responding to last year’s state Supreme Court ruling that has the potential to disrupt how millions of people work in California. In the Dynamex ruling, the Court established a new three-prong test to determine who is an employee ...

Policymakers Are Between a Rock and A Hard Spot on Blockchain, Cryptocurrency

You may have heard about Libra, Facebook’s newest venture aimed at the cryptocurrency and blockchain industries. Facebook released a whitepaper on Libra in June, detailing how the company plans to use Libra as a decentralized blockchain, low-volatility cryptocurrency and smart contract platform to create innovation in financial services. While cryptocurrency ...

Newsom’s Homeless Task Force Shuts Out Private Charities, Non-Profits

California’s homeless crisis continues to wage out of control on the streets of San Francisco, Los Angeles, Sacramento, and communities across the state. State and local politicians have given lots of lip service about “taking action” to solve the problem.  Not surprisingly, their vision for addressing the problem only involves ...

Colorado Low Emission Vehicle Standard Would Increase Energy Poverty Without Major Emission Reductions

State Analysis Paints Rosy Picture of Impact of CLEAR on Economy, Environment New analysis from the non-partisan Pacific Research Institute, a California-based free-market think tank, finds that Colorado’s proposed low emission vehicle standards would impose higher economic costs on poor and working-class communities without generating significant environmental benefits. Click here ...

California’s Business Climate Continues to Receive Poor Scores

California has lived on the trope of being the hub of technology startups and innovation for decades. California’s economic success has long been touted and celebrated, none more so than the technology gold rush in the Bay Area. But despite California’s seemingly never-ending economic growth, the Golden State is now ...

Building Wealth 101 – It All Starts with Home Ownership

Home ownership provides basic financial literacy, drives wealth creation, and increases free cash flow for individuals and families.  However, it can be difficult to differentiate between having surplus cash and wealth.   Having surplus cash is having the ability to spend lots of money now; being wealthy is accumulating assets that allow to ...
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